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Shen Xiaoduo was puzzled, turned her head and glanced at Queen Gu Qingyuan, then quickly turned around, after all, she didn't say much.

Gu Qingyuan is the founder of ling520. Shen Xiaoduo knows this. Maybe it is OO where Mu Jiajia is intern. She often has business contacts, so she feels familiar.

Still saying that he is not familiar with OO?Gu Qingyuan, a liar, Shen Xiaoduo curled his lips in disgust.

Just now that Shen Xiaoduo greeted Gu Qingyuan with Gu Qingyuan, the man just nodded lightly, and this attitude made Shen Xiaoduo even more unhappy.

Somehow he just helped him out, this cold face, it seems that he didn't know him, why?Shouldn't it be a glorious thing to meet Shen Xiaoduo?

Shen Xiaoduo's head kept making up for these, pouting her small mouth, her expression unhappy.

Seeing Mu Jiajia order a good meal, it took a while before Shen Xiaoduo calmed down and didn't think about the dog man Gu Qingyuan.

However, the anger in his heart at this time was very different from Wu Baiye's anger at the time, and Shen Xiaoduo did not notice it either.

"By the way, Jiajia, who is the person you OO came to teach at our school?"

Shen Xiaoduo leaned forward, opened his eyes wide, and asked excitedly.


Mu Jiajia smiled, shook her body, and said proudly, "It's Sun Miaomiao..."


Gu Qingyuan was drinking water. Hearing Sun Miaomiao's name, he couldn't control it and spit out the whole mouthful of water on the ground. Some water stains splashed on Shen Xiaoduo's white calf.

Shen Xiaoduo immediately turned his head and glared at Gu Qingyuan.

Although this man is his own savior, but this is really true for everyone, and he can't respect him anyhow, he looks like a gangster.

The manner is too rude.

Mu Jiajia and Su Rong also stared at Gu Qing with wide eyes.

"Then what, you continue."

Gu Qingyuan smiled awkwardly, put a large piece of meat on Su Rong's rice, and continued to lower his head to eat.

"It's really annoying, what are you doing?"

Mu Jiajia frowned and said, pulling out a tissue and handing it to Shen Xiaoduo.

Shen Xiaoduo didn't say much to Gu Qingyuan either. He took the tissue and wiped her calf a few times before continuing the topic just now.

"Sun Miaomiao, who is he?"

"You can be regarded as one of the technical leaders. He has been there since the beginning of the company's establishment, and ah, it is said that there are shares in our company."

"What? It's amazing to have shares." Shen Xiaoduo agreed with a smile, her eyes narrowed into a line, this girl seemed to have unlimited interest in this type of topic.

At this time, Shen Xiaoduo brought the food on their table, and the two broke off the disposable chopsticks and chatted as they ate.

"Yes, with the development of OO, even if you own a small amount of shares, it will be astronomical in the future. I really envy it."

Mu Jiajia pouted, and after picking up a piece of seafood and chewing in his mouth, she couldn't wait to say:

"I must work hard, and then through the internship, successfully stay in the company, Xiaoduo, you don't know, OO's treatment is really super good.

Moreover, it is said that our company is about to buy a building, and a whole building will be provided with a restaurant at that time, which will be provided for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it is said that when we go back late at night, the company will also reimburse the taxi rental fee."

Mu Jiajia was extremely proud, the poor girl didn't know that 996 was waving to her.

Shen Xiaoduo listened very carefully, and when Mu Jiajia finished speaking, the longing for OO in his heart became more obvious.

"Eh, Jiajia, guess who I saw the other day?" Shen Xiaoduo's expression was filled with excitement.

"Who?" Mu Jiajia hurriedly asked, in a family situation like Shen Xiaoduo, he must also meet the top of OO. Could it be the mysterious chairman?

Mu Jiajia looked forward to it.

"It's Sun Yue!"

Mu Jiajia said every word, her expression quite proud.


Although not the chairman, the name Sun Yue was enough to shock Mu Jiajia.

Turning his eyes, and lowering his eyes, Mu Jiajia paused obviously, as if thinking about something.

Then she patted Shen Xiaoduo's shoulder and lowered her body.

"That Xiaoduo, since you know Sun Yue, can you help me intercede, let me pass the assessment and stay in OO smoothly, please."

Mu Jiajia put her hands together, begging Shen Xiaoduo, her voice is not very low, Gu Qingyuan on the side can hear clearly.

Say this in front of the chairman...

In fact, Gu Qingyuan doesn't care about these little things.

The power he gave to Sun Yue so much was the trust in her ability. Everyone is not a saint. It is inevitable to talk about some human nature. It is not a good thing to go online too much.

Therefore, even if Mu Jiajia's performance was really mediocre, Sun Yue arranged her in, and Gu Qingyuan would not say anything.

A president of the Ministry of Commerce does not even have this ability, so how can he negotiate business?


Shen Xiaoduo pouted, hesitated a little, nodded gently, and agreed.

"Thank you, Xiaoduo!"

Mu Jiajia thanked him immediately and her expression became excited.

"Xiao Duo, don’t you know, in the same batch, my education is the lowest. The other interns are from prestigious schools in North Beijing. Of course, they will be passed. Only me, I am still very imaginary. I can clearly feel that there are some things that are far from them."

"Well, then... then I will help you to talk about it then."

Shen Xiaoduo whispered, squeezing a smile.

"Well, I'm relieved with your words."

Mu Jiajia stretched out her hand and held Shen Xiaoduo's hand, looking like a sister.

Gu Qingyuan listened quietly to Shen Xiaoduo and Mu Jiajia, without any waves in his heart.

Suddenly, I thought of Sun Miaomiao. Isn't that fat guy busy with blind dates every day? Why is he still elegant to come to school to give lectures? It seems that he has the heart of old cows to eat tender grass.

Gu Qingyuan smiled faintly, it was time to let the guy invite everyone to dinner.

After eating, Gu Qingyuan originally planned to leave and go directly to the company.But seeing Su Rong's unwilling gaze, he stayed and continued to accompany her.

Su Rong has no class in the afternoon. The two plan to go to the library together, just like ordinary couples.

Su Rong also likes to do these seemingly ordinary things.

Not long after Gu Qingyuan left, Shen Xiaoduo and Mu Jiajia also left the small restaurant and walked to the school.

Just when Gu Qingyuan walked, he didn't say hello to himself, and left directly, Shen Xiaoduo remembered it again.

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