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At night, Shen Xiaoduo bid farewell to Mu Jiajia, and drove to the villa at home.

Since meeting Gu Qingyuan in the morning, Shen Xiaoduo's heart has become better inexplicably, and even those things about Wu Baiye have been forgotten.

Humming his favorite song, he returned to his villa.

His original favorite parking space was occupied by a vehicle with a Beijing North license plate. Shen Xiaoduo didn't take it seriously, and walked back home hopping.

Still remembering, in the afternoon, Sun Miaomiao's speech, "We will change the whole world after all!"

This sentence is too shocking, let alone other classmates who have never seen the world, even if it is himself, Shen Xiaoduo blindly admires Sun Miaomiao, and he worships companies like OO more and more.

Mu Jiajia was even more tearful. She was really proud that she was a member of Xia Wei's company, although she was just an intern without guarantee.

Of course, Sun Miaomiao’s speech at the time was at the cost of paying more meals, and Sun Yue reluctantly agreed to write it. The above content runs through Sun Yue’s heroic character, so the phrase "We will change the whole world after all" is also said Own words.


Seeing a few familiar figures in the living room, Shen Xiaoduo stopped, and the humming songs also stopped, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

It was Wu Baiye, and not only him, but also Wu Zhihong and even Wu Qianhua.

Wu Qianhua, the man Shen Xiaoduo, has naturally seen him, and it is said that he is very busy and has always been in charge of foreign business. At this moment, he suddenly came back. There must be very important things.

Is it?

Shen Xiaoduo has guessed it, it must be related to his marriage?

why?Why?I don't like this Wu Baiye?Marry him, it is better to marry the rascal Gu Qingyuan!

Shen Xiaoduo was scolding in her heart, and at this moment she thought of Gu Qingyuan, the ruffian looked at herself with an unhappy face while smoking a cigarette.

A complete gangster, such a man is too bad.

But why did I think of him just now?Shen Xiaoduo locked himself tightly, raised his fist, and smashed himself hard.

"Little Duo!"

Wu Baiye first spotted Shen Xiaoduo, stood up excitedly, and yelled at her, smiling brighter than flowers.

"You fart!"

Shen Xiaoduo cursed secretly and glared at Wu Baiye.

"Xiao Duo is back, come in."

Father Shen waved to Shen Xiaoduo, and when Shen Xiaoduo stepped into the living room, he smiled and patted the sofa next to him.

"Xiao Duo, sit down with Grandpa."


Shen Xiaoduo nodded, walked over with her head down, and sat down gently.

"Xiao Duo has grown up so big, I remember when I saw her last time, she was a little girl."

Wu Qianhua put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Shen Xiaoduo and asked with a smile.

"Well, Brother Wu is good."

Shen Xiaoduo responded with a polite smile and nodded.

"Okay. Well, she's a good girl."

Wu Qianhua nodded, then picked up the teacup again, held the lid and swiped it gently, and took a sip of the teacup by his mouth.

Shen Xiaoduo lowered her head and glanced at the people in the living room. Her parents were also there. She had an ominous premonition that immediately, the Wu family would talk about the marriage contract.

"Um, Uncle Shen, come today, there is another thing about Xiaoduo and Wuzi Wu Baiye."

Sure enough, after seeing Shen Xiaoduo sitting there, Wu Zhihong couldn't wait to ask.

And Master Shen touched his beard with a slight smile, obviously not disgusted with this incident.

Although his Wu family's reputation is not very good, but the strength is strong, especially in the foreign business, it has achieved the terrorist power of monopoly.

The strength of the family is also higher than that of the Shen family, even slightly better than the Ji family.

Although Wu Baiye was the second son of the Wu family and didn't take charge of some of the Wu family's properties, it was a matter of time.

Therefore, his Wu family spoke about such a relationship, and Father Shen would naturally not refuse.

There was also a smile on Shen Tiande's face, which was very different from the reaction on the cruise ship at that time. It was obviously that Shen Laozi's lobbying approved the marriage.

Shen Xiaoduo glared at Shen Tiande, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"Oh?" Mr. Shen showed a puzzled expression and glanced at Wu Baiye, who immediately nodded and smiled in response.

Then he asked slowly: "Why, these two children? Is there something?"

"Haha, yes, there are circumstances."

Wu Zhihong laughed loudly, patted Mr. Shen's arm, and said with a smile on his face.

"My boy, I just like your Xiaoduo, but this is also normal. Who doesn't like Xiaoduo's cute and beautiful girl, every day he yells about Xiaoduo.

Today, I also came mainly for the two children. I also talked to Lao Shen before, but you still have to decide about everything."

After listening, Mr. Shen laughed, and then said unhurriedly: "But our Xiao Duo is still young, you guys still want to take away this girl."

"Hahaha..." Then Wu Zhihong laughed again.

Shen Xiaoduo sat quietly, her hands clasped tightly together. She knew in her heart that the reluctance of grandpa was not really reluctance, but wanted to ask for more "beauties" from Wu's family.

For example, some business concessions and cooperation, and the Shen family's business has always been in China, and also want to develop abroad, now is the best time to mention these things.

Listening to this, Shen Xiaoduo gradually felt aggrieved. Grandpa didn't even ask himself whether he liked Wu Baiye or not.

Mom and Dad, too, just know what grandpa said.

"I really don't like Wu Baiye. I hate that person. He has low EQ and is not responsible. He thinks about small things about men and women every day. I really don't like such a man."

Shen Xiaoduo whispered complaints in her heart. At this time, the bargaining conversation between Mr. Shen and Wu Zhihong was even more torture and shame for her.

Suddenly, Shen Xiaoduo stood up, and his abrupt behavior caused Father Shen and Wu Zhihong to stop, and everyone in the living room looked at her.

"Um, Grandpa, Uncle Wu, I'm sorry, I feel a little sick, and I want to go back to rest."

Shen Xiaoduo still squeezed a smile.

"Oh, Xiaoduo just had that accident, and his body must still be a little weak. Go back and rest."

Wu Qianhua said lightly, with a slight smile on his lips.

After Shen Xiaoduo bends down to salute everyone, he turns and walks upstairs.

As soon as I walked to the stairs, teardrops remained as if uncontrollable.

"Gu Qingyuan, you bastard, why don't you pay attention to me when I finish eating at noon and walk around."

Inexplicably, Shen Xiaoduo blamed Gu Qingyuan.

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