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"Then you haven't thought about cooperating with"

Shen Xiaoduo said slowly, her eyes a little blurred, and she asked lightly when she looked at the crowd dancing on the dance floor.


Zhang Yushu shook his head and smiled. After taking a sip from the wine glass, he gently put down the wine glass, looked at Shen Xiaoduo, and slowly asked:

"Xiaoduo, how do you cooperate with Just simply opening a business account does not feel that the company's trade is very large. There seems to be a promotion of homepage items on it. It feels that it is useful if it is placed on it."

"Think of a way to put it on top." Shen Xiaoduo said lightly.

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhang Yushu chuckled, and when he reached out to touch Shen Xiaoduo's black hair, he didn't expect that Nizi turned his head and avoided.

During this period of time, Shen Xiaoduo's mood has been very bad, even for Zhang Yushu.

After holding his hand in the air for a while, Zhang Yushu still took it back, and gave his cousin a distressed look.

The Wu family is so gloomy, it's no wonder Xiaoduo doesn't like it.Moreover, Wu Baiye's reputation is very ugly, and it is rumored to be a very incompetent person.

"On the homepage of That's too difficult. is too mysterious. I can't contact the founders there. I have already made a fight with Old Man Zhang. I'm waiting to see me. What a joke, how can you help me."

Zhang Yushu told the truth about the situation he was facing, not only that, but even the old man Zhang still used it as a hindrance to destroy his business.

"Then you won't contact Gu Qingyuan?"

Shen Xiaoduo looked at Zhang Yushu and raised Gu Qingyuan's name again. In the past three months, Shen Xiaoduo would mention it every time.

"Isn't advertised on Ling520? You let him match up. Maybe you can meet the founder of When you really meet, you can talk about everything."

"Gu Qingyuan, grandson."

He Chaoran interrupted with a wry smile.

“I’m afraid it’s harder to meet him than the founder of Calling him, it takes only three seconds to speak, and I feel even busier than the president of the United States.

Zhang Yushu patted He Chaoran on the shoulder and smiled. He felt this way more deeply than He Chaoran.

Wanting to invite him to a meal feels more difficult than going to the sky.

Not only about Shen Xiaoduo, but also the old man of the Shen family wanted to thank him face to face. Ken's family didn't show up at all and it hurt the Shen family's face.

As time passed, there was no contact, and Mr. Shen also left the matter behind, thinking that Gu Qingyuan was a young man who didn't know how to promote him.

After talking about this, Shen Xiaoduo calmed down. There was no topic she wanted to talk about. After listening to Zhang Yushu and He Chaoran talking about some imported cars, her thoughts came to the annoying thing again.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, when the wave of nightclubs ushered in the most people, the world's best music rang, and the young men and women writhed wildly.

Shen Xiaoduo also stood up, trying to dance on the dance floor to vent his unhappiness.

Just turning around and leaving the deck, they saw a familiar figure, Lu Pingping and Qin Yong holding two strange beauties and walked to the corridor.

Seeing Lu Pingping holding the coquettish woman, Shen Xiaoduo showed a scornful smile.

In her circle, let alone Lu Pingping, even her cousins ​​Zhang Yushu and Zhang Yuqiang are hugs from left to right. Looking for a single, serious man, there is absolutely no existence.

Shen Xiaoduo will not report this hope.

Originally didn't want to say hello, but Lu Pingping saw Shen Xiaoduo, let go of the coquettish woman, and walked towards her quickly.

Shen Xiaoduo is about to be engaged to the Wu family, and his identity has naturally risen to another level. People like Lu Pingping naturally want to flatter even more.

Qin Yong also followed.

"Xiao Duo, why are you here? I thought you would travel abroad after school was off."

Lu Pingping said with a smile.

"Sister Xiaoduo."

Qin Yong yelled with a smile and nodded politely. He couldn't speak these words intimately with Shen Xiaoduo like Lu Pingping.


Shen Xiaoduo just nodded lightly, and didn't want to talk more.

Lu Pingping smiled and said some greetings, nothing more than congratulations on Shen Xiaoduo's upcoming marriage contract, which made her face more and more gloomy.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the crowd. It was from a woman. Looking along the voice, she found a girl lying on the ground.

In front of her, a person looked at her condescendingly.

The man stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped her face in the face.

"Ah, don't fight."

With a scream, Lu Pingping could see her face clearly when the woman crawled back.

How could it be Yang Hui?Shen Xiaoduo squeezed every day, looking at Yang Hui with bloodshot lips, looking quite embarrassed.

"Yang Hui!"

Qin Yong yelled, stepped forward, trying to support her, and after seeing the man who beat her, he backed away.

Guo Changfeng!

People in the circle too!

Is it necessary to offend him for a down-and-out Yang Hui?Obviously it was not necessary, so Qin Yong returned again. Even if the relationship between the two was good, he must weigh the pros and cons at this moment.

"Pretend Laozi thought you were the old Yang Hui?"

Guo Changfeng yelled and kicked directly on Yang Hui's back with a bang, causing her to lie on the ground.

Shen Xiaoduo wanted to take care of it, but she rarely saw such a scene. She was frightened and watched it with wide-eyed eyes.

Obviously Guo Changfeng didn't mean to stop, jumped and wanted to continue to step on it!

"Stop it to Lao Tzu!"

There was a roar, and the music was turned off at this time, so everyone looked in this direction.

It was Zhang Yushu. Gu Qingyuan had explained to him to help look at Yang Hui. She didn't expect that she was beaten suddenly because she didn't do a good job.

After seeing Zhang Yushu clearly, Guo Changfeng stopped, squeezing out a smile on his original hostile face.

He Chaoran also stood aside with a dark face, looking at Guo Changfeng with bad eyes.

Zhang Yushu walked towards Guo Changfeng and took a wine bottle. Everyone noticed this movement.

Guo Changfeng was a little panicked. This Zhang Yushu was obviously aimed at himself, but how could he dare to oppose Zhang's family?

"Brother Zhang... there is no need for such a woman..."


Zhang Yushu slapped Guo Changfeng's head directly, knocking him to the ground, and his voice stopped abruptly.

"What are you doing in Laozi's shop!" He Chaoran hurried over with a chair, slamming Guo Changfeng!

"Ah! Don't fight!"

"I was wrong! I dare not!"


"Kill me!"

He Chaoran didn't stop until the chair interrupted.

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