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"Remember from now on, don't make trouble in Laozi's shop."

He Chaoran threw his chair aside and yelled at Guo Changfeng.

The boss of the Inspur Nightclub became angry, and a large group of people instantly gathered around, glaring at Guo Changfeng and several others.

The few people who followed Guo Changfeng shrank into a ball. Seeing this kind of battle, they didn't even have the courage to step forward to help Guo Changfeng.


Guo Changfeng said tremblingly, slowly getting up from the ground, putting his hands together, and begging He Chaoran for forgiveness.

"He... Brother Ho, I... I dare not get into trouble here in the future."

"Not only here, but also Yang Hui, you'd better stay away from her in the future, and dare to trouble her in the future, it's not as simple as today."

Zhang Yushu spoke suddenly and said coldly.

Hearing this, Guo Changfeng nodded again and again.


Shen Xiaoduo exclaimed and turned to look at Zhang Yushu. Why does his cousin protect Yang Hui like this?He should have nothing to do with Yang Hui, right?

"Go away."

After He Chaoran yelled, Guo Changfeng crawled and left here. As the waiter cleaned up the broken bottles, the nightclub slowly recovered.

"Yang Hui, is there anything wrong with you?"

Zhang Yushu pulled Yang Hui aside, frowned and asked earnestly.

Shen Xiaoduo, He Chaoran, Qin Yong and Lu Pingping also followed. Hearing Zhang Yushu's questions and expressions, they were all very surprised.

Of course, except for He Chaoran.

Lu Pingping couldn't help but admire this Yang Hui a little. Could it be that Zhang Yushu's thigh has been climbed?This woman is not simple.

Qin Yong, like Lu Pingping, had the same thoughts in his heart.

Shen Xiaoduo is not inside or outside. In this circle, such a thing is too normal.

"It's okay."

Yang Hui just shook her head faintly and smiled at Zhang Yushu, but did not show the charming side as Lu Pingping thought in her heart to talk to Zhang Yushu.

Instead, there is some sense of distance.

"Really? Why don't you go to the hospital?"

Zhang Yushu asked again, his words were gentle and he was too diligent.

"I don't really need it, I'm fine."

Yang Hui glanced at Zhang Yushu, she didn't even smile before, and she had a sense of distance.

"Then do you want to come and sit for a while?"


"Have you eaten? Would you like to go out for a meal together?"

"I have eaten, thank you."

"All right, then why are you here? Is there anything I need to do?"

"No, I found a part-time job and came to send flowers. I just met the enemy before, and I can only blame myself for suffering."

Yang Hui said this very freely, showing an indifferent smile.

Shen Xiaoduo and Lu Pingping glanced at each other, both showing incredible smiles.

what happened?Looks like Yang Hui and Zhang Yushu are okay?Could it be that Zhang Yushu had an idea for Yang Hui.

Moreover, has Yang Hui now started to work like sending flowers?


"What about it now? Will it be given away?" Zhang Yushu continued to ask, ignoring Shen Xiaoduo and the others.

"No, I'm ready to go back."

"Why don't I give it to you?"

"Really don't need it, Brother Zhang, you know me, I'll answer it alone."

Yang Hui said seriously and waved to Zhang Yushu at the same time.

"Ok... alright."

Zhang Yushu smiled and nodded. After raising his hand and waving his hand, Yang Hui turned and looked outside the nightclub.

He didn't say hello to Shen Xiaoduo and the others, just like strangers. When he passed by, he didn't even look at them.

Looking at Yang Hui's figure, Shen Xiaoduo had a lot of doubts in his heart, and after a pause, he went out.

"I'm tired, I'm home too."

After saying a word, Shen Xiaoduo walked out.

"Brother Zhang, Brother He, I'm leaving too, kind of."

Lu Pingping smiled and nodded, then walked outside.

Qin Yong bent over and nodded, then turned and walked out.

At the entrance of the nightclub, Yang Hui strode forward, leaving these noisy places and quiet streets, which made her feel more comfortable.

I used to like to go to nightclubs, but when Yang Hui sent flowers in, she suddenly hated that place.

Seeing those young people acting unrestrainedly, she hated that appearance.

Although my daily life is simple and single, it is indeed very fulfilling.After making up for the lessons that had been lost, Yang Hui felt very contented by watching Xiaobao playing innocently.

"Yang Hui, wait for me!"

Shen Xiaoduo hurriedly chased from behind and shouted at Yang Hui, but she still didn't slow down, or even looked back, as if she hadn't heard Shen Xiaoduo's call.

"Yang Hui!"

Shen Xiaoduo yelled again and ran away. After reaching Yang Hui, she grabbed her arm.

"Yang Hui, why are you walking so fast, didn't you hear me calling you just now?"

Shen Xiaoduo took Yang Hui's arm and stopped her, panting, looking at her reproachfully.

Yang Hui glanced at Shen Xiaoduo, didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, the smile was the same as Zhang Yushu's back then, giving people a sense of distance.

"Yang Hui, what are you pretending to be B? Didn't you hear Xiaoduo calling you just now? You went forward and caught your dad. Are you stupid too."

Lu Pingping also followed, frowning and cursing loudly.

Qin Yong didn't speak to one side, but what Lu Pingping had just cursed made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But that was Lu Pingping, and Qin Yong naturally wouldn't say anything.

Yang Hui lowered her head and didn't care about what Lu Pingping was scolding. She just wanted to leave here quickly and keep some distance with these people.

Now she is living a simple and beautiful life, she doesn't want any interference.

"Pingping, why are you talking so bad?"

Shen Xiaoduo frowned and said, glaring at Lu Pingping.

"Oh, Xiaoduo, didn't I get angry for you? You called her so high, I heard it all. This Yang Hui didn't even turn her head back, and she walked faster than before. It's not that you didn't look at you. Well."

Lu Pingping said this seriously, panting heavily, looking very angry.

"This little thing, you don't want to scold people like this."

Shen Xiaoduo said angrily. She glanced at Yang Hui and found that she kept her head down and didn't look at Lu Pingping and the others. There were some dodges in her eyes.

"Um, Ping Ping, I want to talk to Yang Hui about something alone, can you leave here?"

"Huh? Okay... Okay."

Lu Pingping gave a dry smile, nodded to Shen Xiaoduo, then turned and left.

Qin Yong also turned and left. When he left, he gave Yang Hui a deep look.

Under the street lamp, Yang Hui and Shen Xiaoduo were left.

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