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After Shen Shiyao left, Gu Qingyuan and the four of them sat quietly on a small table, silent to each other.

Soon, the waiter came over with Western food, and carefully placed all kinds of Western food on the dining table. A small dining table was full.

"I can't eat so much."

Gao Pingping looked at Su Rong and reminded her.

"Aunt Gao, you have been on the train for a day, and you must be hungry too. There are too many plates and plates, but there are not many. Besides, you can pack them if they are not enough."

Gu Qingyuan said with a smile, but Gao Pingping and Su Zhengguo were still stern.

"Yes, I'm afraid you will not be enough for a while?"

Su Rong pouted and said, picking up her fork and ate the steak on her own.

"We are not eating yet, we are full on the train!"

Gao Pingping slapped the table and shouted, attracting all the guests at other tables to look over.

Shen Xiaoduo's table is also looking here.

There was a smile at the corner of Feng Wei's mouth. He didn't know Gu Qingyuan, but from the two people who had a relatively large annual check, it could be seen that it should have been an explosion of wealth.

When he heard Gu Qingyuan say packing, he smiled even more disdainfully.

Liu Shina didn't know that Gu Qingyuan was the president of Xia Wei Technology. After all, it was just last night, and it was not spread so quickly.

"Okay, let's just say a few words, there are other people, hurry up and eat."

Su Zhengguo frowned and said, picked up the chopsticks placed on the spaghetti, and ate the steak.


Seeing this scene of Su Zhengguo, Feng Wei laughed directly, shook his head and said: "Talents, eat steak with chopsticks."

Shen Xiaoduo frowned slightly and glared at Feng Wei, but he didn't notice it.

Gu Qingyuan smiled slightly and didn't say much. When he saw Su Zhengguo and Gao Pingping both lowered their heads to eat, they took out the red wine and poured them into their glasses.

"Uncles and aunts, you guys have some wine bars, some steaks, and some red wine. The taste is pretty good."

Su Zhengguo and Gao Pingping still ate with their heads down, and ignored Gu Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan pour it on me, I want to drink."

Su Rong picked up the cup and said to Gu Qingyuan with a smile.

"Well, but you can only drink a little less, your drink is too bad."

Gu Qingyuan whispered and poured Su Rong a half glass of wine.

The next few people ate quietly again, and from time to time, Su Rong would raise her head and smirk at Gu Qingyuan.

"By the way, Su Rong, where are you sleeping at night? School?"

Suddenly, Gao Pingping lowered her head to ask, which seemed to be a very casual sentence.


Su Rong exclaimed and raised her head to look at Gu Qingyuan, her cheeks already red.

Gu Qingyuan shook his head gently. In this situation, he knew that he was living with his girlfriend, so why not ate himself on the spot.

"I live in the dormitory."

Su Rong said softly.

"Oh, dorm, by the way, is Lingling's girl also being promoted? Her parents seem to have come to be promoted."

Gao Pingping asked again, still sullen.


Su Rong ordered a bit, and never stopped to eat.

"That Lingling also lives in the dormitory?"

"She is not here, she is with the uncle."

"Oh so, I also said that if she was in the dormitory, I would go to see her later, I haven't seen her for a long time.


Su Rong replied, pulling her voice very long.

"By the way, where did you buy that phone?"

While riding in the car, Gao Pingping noticed that Su Rong’s pocket contained a very popular flip phone.

It's such a small thing, almost enough for half a year's salary.

"Qingyuan bought it for me."

Su Rong did not hesitate at all, and directly replied, even showing a proud smile.

Gao Pingping stopped eating while holding the chopsticks tightly and took a breath, as if suppressing the anger in her heart.

"Su Rong, how did I educate you since you were young? You can't take people's things casually. You should return your phone to them."

Gao Pingping looked at Su Rong and said with a serious expression.

"It's not someone else, why can't I take it."

Su Rong choked directly, her eyes widened.

"you you you!"

Gao Pingping's voice trembled, pointing at Su Rong, her face flushed.

How could the originally obedient child become like this!

"I tell you, Su Rong, it's impossible for you and this Gu Qingyuan, your dad and I definitely disagree!"

Gao Pingping patted the table directly and cried.

This loud shout attracted the other guests at the table to look over.

The other guests are very quiet, the conversations are very quiet, and they look very elegant and educated.

On Gu Qingyuan's side, it was like a bitch arguing in a market.

Gao Pingping and Su Rong's mother and daughter looked at each other unwillingly.

"I'll tell you too, do you disagree with my dad, I just agree, I just tell you."

Su Rong said loudly, ignoring her image at all. She is such a very stupid woman who can abandon everything for Gu Qingyuan, and her small heart is occupied by Gu Qingyuan.

"I really raised you in vain." After Gao Pingping roared, her eyes became ruddy, and she paused for a moment, still not restrained, tears welled up like spring water.


Gao Pingping lay on the table and started crying.

"You're so angry, I'll forget it! What a white-eyed wolf!"

"You worked so hard to raise you so big, just talking to me like this is really worth raising you."

"My life is hard, just a daughter who still treats me like this"

"Ah oh oh..."

Gao Pingping's crying became louder and louder, without any intention of stopping.

The sound caused the guests on the first floor to look over. Gu Qingyuan's place has become the focus of the western restaurant.

If other people were crying like this in the western restaurant, the security had already stopped him, but that person was Gu Qingyuan, and Shen Shiyao would naturally not let the security bother him.

"Security! Is there anyone! Come here!"

Suddenly, Feng Weiwei who was sitting next to Gu Qingyuan yelled.

"What are you doing?" Shen Xiaoduo whispered, frowning, his expression obviously unhappy.

"I'm so fed up with this person, completely ignoring the feelings of other people. I'm so fed up with it. The country folks are here, Xiaoduo, don't worry, I will deal with it."

Having said this, Feng Wei stood up and shouted again: "Security guard, come here! Gu Qingyuan heard Feng Wei's acrimonious words just now, and looked over here coldly.

Noting Gu Qingyuan's cold gaze, Shen Xiaoduo lowered his head and hurriedly avoided his sight.

Twisted his fists tightly with both hands, staring at Feng Wei.

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