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"Mr. Feng, what's the matter?"

Shen Shiyao came over and came to Feng Wei's side.

"Manager Shen, can you let the people at that table leave. Can others be able to bear such a loud noise? This will not have a good impact on your chapters."

Feng Wei frowned and looked at Gu Qingyuan, and said displeasedly.

"You can't stand it, you can leave!"

Suddenly, Shen Shiyao's brows frowned, his eyes were cold, and he looked straight at Feng Wei, with that look like he was about to drive him away.


Feng Wei exclaimed and looked at Shen Shiyao suspiciously.

"Manager Shen, what do you mean, I don't quite understand."

Shen Xiaoduo is Zhang Yushu's younger sister, sitting with her by herself, this Shen Shiyao has to drive herself away, is he crazy?

Feng Wei waited for Shen Shiyao, his expression became unhappy.

"I mean, you can't stand it, you can leave, do you understand?"

Shen Shiyao increased his voice and looked straight at Feng Wei, without the slightest evasive expression in his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Feng Wei sneered and got up from his seat.

"Shen Shiyao, what are you, dare to talk to me like this?"

"What kind of thing are you, dare to say that to the store manager Shen."

With a "pop", Shen Xiaoduo patted the table hard and shouted at Feng Wei.

This is also the first time this quiet and elegant girl gets angry in front of the public.

"Little...Little Duo?"

Feng Wei looked at Shen Xiaoduo suspiciously. He didn't understand why Shen Xiaoduo had to oppose him.

"Don't call it so close. I don't know you well. You heard the words of Manager Shen just now. Let's go. You are not welcome here."

Shen Xiaoduo said coldly.

"Me? Why? Why? No, Xiaoduo, why is this?"

Feng Wei frowned, and still didn't know the situation at this time, what did the two people mean by suddenly making such a big fire.

"Don't let me do anything embarrassing, get out of here right away! Right away!"

Shen Xiaoduo also stood up and looked at Feng Wei, obviously really angry.

"Well, I'm going."

Feng Wei nodded, he naturally did not dare to offend the Shen family, and now she is still the future wife of the Wu family, let alone.My family's business is dependent on the Wu family.

Feng Wei picked up the suit draped on the stool, put it on again, lowered his head and walked forward two steps, then turned and looked at Liu Shina who was still sitting.

"What? Are you not leaving?"

Feng Wei asked, his voice low, and he clearly seemed unhappy.

"No, I want to sit with Xiaoduo for a while."

Liu Shina said indifferently, she is a very smart woman. Now that she is leaving with Feng Wei, she is on his side. Although it is possible that she thinks too much, Shen Xiaoduo will not think so, but she will not risk it. risk.

But it was a fast-food love with Feng Wei, and Liu Shina herself didn't take it seriously. She was not as naive as Xia Chenling, and would believe in men in this circle, not to mention Su Rong, who had such a good life.

"Good, good!"

Feng Wei nodded vigorously, then turned and strode away.

After that, Shen Shiyao didn't go to Gu Qingyuan's side either, like this kind of unclear family affairs, they can only solve it by themselves, no one can intervene if they go.

There was a lot of movement on Shen Xiaoduo's side, which made Gao Pingping stop and no longer cry.

Gao Pingping wiped her eyes and understood in her heart that there was no way to communicate with Su Rong about Gu Qingyuan and Su Rong, so we had to start with Gu Qingyuan.

"Su Rong, please help me with that thing in Gu Qingyuan's car. A wallet has fallen in the car."

Gao Pingping changed her tone and said softly.


Su Rong nodded. Gu Qingyuan had already handed her the car key. After taking the key, he walked downstairs.

"Auntie, is there something to talk to me."

After Su Rong left the western restaurant, Gu Qingyuan asked.

"Gu Qingyuan, can you leave my daughter, if you love her, don't hurt him."

Gao Pingping roared, still feeling a little out of control.

"Me, Auntie, I am actually not as bad as you think. There are some things that I didn't tell you..."

"How do you make this money?"

Su Zhengguo directly interrupted Gu Qingyuan's words. He and Gao Pingping were worried that Gu Qingyuan's money was not coming from the right path. If it was obtained from a crime, he might drag his daughter down the quagmire.

"A large part of it is earned from stocks."

"Forget it, Gu Qingyuan, if you haven't told the truth yet, is it impossible to tell."

Gao Pingping gritted his teeth and spoke.

"You can cheat my daughter. You are too naive if you want to cheat us. You can make a profit by buying that car? That car has hundreds of thousands, right? Who can you cheat?"

"Things are not as bad as you think..."

"You shut up, Gu Qingyuan, I don't want to listen to your explanation, I just ask for a little bit, I beg you, will you leave my daughter?"

Gao Pingping interrupted Gu Qingyuan again, got up from the chair, and became extremely emotional.

Shen Xiaoduo kept looking down at Gu Qingyuan's side. He didn't expect that this man would be so docile at this time. Does he really like the girl who just left?

Gu Qingyuan sat there. After a long silence, he gently shook his head and said, "I won't leave Su Rong, I won't!"


A crisp slap sounded in the western restaurant. Not far away, Shen Shiyao's eyes widened, the red wine glass in his hand also fell to the ground, and glass slag fell on the ground.

Shen Xiaoduo's body also trembled. She didn't expect that the elderly woman would actually do it.

Liu Shina pressed her mouth tightly and looked straight at Gu Qingyuan's side.

Gao Pingping slapped Gu Qingyuan's face directly, and stared at him with anger.

Su Zhengguo on the side was also frightened. He didn't expect Gao Pingping to hit Gu Qingyuan directly, and when he looked at Gu Qingyuan, he carried a trace of apology.

"Leave my daughter!"

Gao Pingping continued hissing.

Gu Qingyuan slowly raised his head and said softly, "Aunt Gao, I understand your current mood. After you really understand me, let's talk about it. Su Rong has come in. You should sit down first."

With soft words, Gu Qingyuan was not angry at all. Shen Xiaoduo on the side was even more unbelievable. She realized that she didn't seem to understand the man Gu Qingyuan at all.

Is such a gentle man the man who beat his father in the mouth of Xia Chenling?

Glancing downstairs, Su Rong was indeed downstairs, and Gao Pingping sat down again.

The three of them sat like this, waiting for Su Rong to come up.

"Mom, don't have a wallet? You are looking at your body, did you bring it with you?"

Su Rong asked.

"Oh, mom found it. It was with your dad. I didn't land in the car. I just frightened me."

Gao Pingping squeezed a smile and calmed down a bit.

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