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Su Rong has died, looks at the gurought, showing a smile.

Gu Puffan also laughed with her, relaxing, if there is a reddenon in the cheek, it is like Gao Pingping without playing his slap.

"Su Rong, do you want to take your father and mother to take a break, take a day of the car, there are some tired."

Gao Pingping revealed a touch of tiredness.

"Well, good, let us send us, I have given you a hotel."

Su Rong stood up and said with a smile.

"Ah, Su Rong, or we have to pass it by himself, just take a call, there is something to leave here."

Gao Ping looked at the temples and said.


Su Rong looked at the guilloyment, beep.

"Well, Yes, Su Rong, you have a woman with uncle, I will let Shen Shi to send you in the past."

Take a smile and talk.

"That's okay." Su Rong has some disappointment to nod.

"Hey, don't have trouble, we will rent it yourself."

Gao Pingping rushed to refused.

"Hey, it's okay." Su Rong said.

Gu Pop Yuan Looking forward to the lakes of the lakes, the latter immediately understood what it means and hurriedly walked.

"Really nothing, I am very familiar with Su Rong, and I will go to get off work, just go to the hotel, the way."

Yao Xiao smiled and said that it was already put on the luggage on the ground.

Gao Pingping did not refuse, and after seeing Su Zhengguo, it was difficult to nod.

"Tell, are you going now?"

Su Rongola took the arm of the pour, and asked softly.

"I have to sit here for a while, wait for some things to talk about some things, you will take uncle aunt, I will find you tomorrow."

The guilty is said softly.

"Well, we will see tomorrow."

Su Rong put his hand, and he left the chapter with Shen Shi Yao.

When I left, Su Zhengguo took the shoulders of the lower pooping, and Gao Ping was hit him at the time, and Su Zhengguo's heart is still a bit.

After everyone left, he sat quietly, and took out a smoke, it was forbidden to smoke, but no one dare to stop.

After saving the smoke quietly, he left.

Shen Xiaoyu looks at the back of the Yuanyuan, suddenly feeling that he is very lonely, listening to Zhang Yushu said, he seems to be an orphan.

Suddenly, Shen Xiao actually hurts the man.

Suddenly, it seems that I don't know him.

Suddenly, I really want to know what kind of person he is.

"Shi Na, you said how people are in the end."

Small and low asking.


Liu Shina looked at Shen Duo, did not expect that she will suddenly ask this question. Moreover, her look is somewhat strange.

Don't she like to be guilty?

Liu Shina has such a guess. Before this, Shen Xiao has always looked at the festival, and that kind of eyes can't say it.

"I actually take care of the dumplings, I gave me the impression, very mature, very mysterious, and very cold, it is like this."

"Yes, very mysterious."

Shen Xiao smiled, picking up a glass of red wine, and kneeling all the head.

"Shinai, do you know? At the time, I fell into the sea. The cold sea is like being swallowedant, and I also know that when the second wave is coming, they have already I plan to give up me, including my brother, Zhang Yushu. "

Said, Shen Xiao Duo poured a glass of wine, drinking a breath.

"Do you know? Shi Na ..."

The light of the small Duo became blurred and continued.

"I didn't think of it, I jumped with a guillo element, and he hugged me in the nail, I feel the security of never had.

It turned out that the words of security were still confused until the moment, I really understood the meaning of security.

And you know? I have contradictory before and guilty, but he still came to save me, and finally found a super bad excuse, even said that he is, this person? It is really cute.

Can just have just, I see him ... I feel that he is so pitiful, alone, he must be very lonely, so it will be so meaningful to friends, so I will not be able to open the Su Rong, Those who endure Su Rong parents.

I really hurt him. "

A teardrop pulled down from the sink of the cheeks, and then she turned out to cry on the table.

Liu Shina This person will not comfort others, and after a while, he gently patted the back of the next snow, so even comforted her.

After a long time, Xiaodu took the table to sit up, the cheeks were red, and it was obviously more drunk.

"Shina, do you know? Guoyan Yuan is really very powerful, the old three board stocks, in just a few months, earned hundreds of millions, but also let me watch my brother. So much, how, is amazing. "

Sadden is a little proud, it is like showing off her own husband.

Liu Shina is shocked, and the pupil is magnified, it is incredible.

Is it so powerful? It can earn more than 10 billion months a few months. I know that my father is working hard, but tens of millions of worth.

It is no wonder that Zhang Yushu is so respectful to the guidelines, and finally knows the reason.

Liu Shina brow is hitting, thinking about these things.

"LING520, OO, Du Niang, Baoyao network, do you know? All is created by him, how, is amazing."

Shen Xiao has already squatted on the table and said a word.


Liu Shina can no longer restrain his excitement, stand directly from the chair, look at Shen Duo, and asked loudly.

"Moreover, he said, he said, immediately create a very famous game, called the Westward Journey, I am really super expectation, super super expectation ..."

Said, Shen Xiao is actually squatting on the table, leaving Liu Shina alone surprised there.

how come? How can it be? What is the most red Internet software in Huaxia? It is also a guilty?

In other words, he created the miracle of the entire Internet?

How can this be? I do not believe?

"Small, you just said, can you say a detailed point?"

Liu Shina was in anxiously pushed the small Duo, and found that she was already asleep.


Liu Shina was soft, and his heart became anxious. If you really say it, you can really miss the biggest chance of life.

Obviously, before, it is still very close to the distance from his own, maybe you will actively, it is not now.

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