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The morning sun sprinkled on the cheeks of the small blossom, and then opened his eyes slowly, and the mild sun was sunned with the eyes.

"Small, you wake up."

Liu Shina is sitting on the computer desk and finding the moving movement of Shen Duo, standing from the chair, poured a glass of water to her.

"Well? Where is this?"

Shen Xiao shook his head, or a wine is still a wine, after picking up the water cup, and put it on the bedside.

"My family, yesterday, you drink too much, here is very close to my family, so I will receive you here."

Liu Shina said with a smile, sitting on the computer desk and taking a headset.

"I play games, I still have a notebook, do you want to play?"


Shen Xiao stretched stretched away, from the bed, went to Liu Shina's direction, opened the notebook.


Xiaoyu is thinking about it, no choice to open Wan Wang directly, but open the mother, then on its obvious search engine, enter "Journey to the West".

About the introduction of the game is displayed on the screen, and Xiao Duo can't wait to open, seeing its public beta time, it is after a month.

"Well? Xiaoshi, what are you doing? How can I still have a good?"

Liu Shina looked at the young Duo, asked in an eager, has built a team, and wait for a small person.

"Oh, login immediately."

Close the Daxie, Xiaodu Tonghua opened Wan Wang.

When I entered the account, I asked Xiao Duo: "Shi Na, do you know this game of the Westward Journey?"

As for the words of Liu Shina last night, she was completely unable to impress, complete short film.

"Well? What game? I don't know?"

Liu Shina replied, in fact, she knows, and he listens to Shen Xiao, and it is a game to be newly developed.


In the high-level meeting room of the company.

"Summer, what is the construction of the new building?"

Gu Puffuan stands directly above the meeting room, and smashed his brow and asked.

"At least a year of time."

"At least? Specifically accurate time?"

"One year!"

Sun Yue replied.

"Okay, then let's talk about the game of the Westward Journey, Lu Feng, you."

Take a greenery man, a person who is a micro-fat man is the person in charge of the game of the Westward Journey.

"The settings of the characters have been completed, including some system NPC settings, are already completed."

"What about equipment?" Asked the gang and asked again, the tone was calm.

"The fall of the blame, and the equipment attributes of each role have been established, including the baby's baby setting, and all get it."

"It's no problem with other other things?"

"These are no problems." Lu Feng nodded and replied, being asked by the chairman, and a bit slightly tight in his heart.

About this game of the Westward Journey, I know that the people in the school know that it is a person who is in a person who is a person. At that time, the game creative talents such as Lu Feng were given opinion, but they were Give a denial of the dumplings.

When he said, Lu Feng still remembered clear.

"I don't want to listen to your opinions, but I want you to perform programming according to what I mean."

Through this time, Lu Feng has arrived at the point of admire from the beginning of the gang dynasty.

He has never seen such a person, when you create a game, you can describe it in detail, including, each NPC work, the properties that have been equipped, can be skilled out. .

It's as if he played this game, such a person is really terrible, it is no wonder that he can lead the Internet in Huaxia.

Let Lu Feng don't know, the front of the front of the world, the man is all-service, that is not a trouble.

"Right, Lu Feng, the experience report played by the game?"

"At this."

Lu Feng hurriedly stood up and took a file and went up, and his hands handed a guilement.


After passing the folder, the gang dynasty was faintly, sitting there and looked there.

These have played most of them say the advantages of this game, the choice of various characters, let the player's game experience is very good, or a game with a more team, a variety of occupations, do playing Very comfortable.

On a page, the speed of the guidelines is very fast, turned to the puree, and stopped for a second, and I have turned it quickly.

The content is basically the same as others, there is no need to see more.

At the last page, the writing is very scribbled, some words are even the wrong words, but according to the homophonic or can barely mean it, it is Li Hu's written.

Gentle the elements and frowned and looked carefully.


After understanding the words, the guelloy is not surprised.

"The game is not bad, it is the deal of equipment. Some of the soldiers have been very difficult. Can you change the real money? Just say, other players don't have this equipment, buy this equipment with real Huaxia coins, or just game coins Buy, except for buying a card, there is no use, why is it to sell? "

A slap.

Gu Posheng Yuan suddenly realized, showing a smooth smile.

I always feel that this game is missing. It turned out to have forgotten the treasure house.

Li Hu is this fat man.

The pavilion raised this paper and looked at Lu Feng.

Lu Feng smashed the eyes and saw it. From the model model, in the style of the personality, I still recognized the paper really wrote that a tattooed buddy.

"What happened to this ...?"

Lu Feng whispered, I thought this person is your chairman personally recruited, now I am sending me what fire.

"This suggestion is very well written, and immediately inform the gaming department, hold a meeting, and call together along with the game players, others have a break."

Other people who finished, Zhang Zhi, Sun Wei, etc. are already standing up to pack up, ready to leave here.

Lu Feng still has a bit no reaction, it is very uncomfortable, "Ah?"

"Well?" The crowded crowded and looked at Lu Feng again.

"How? Lu, what else?"

When I heard this, other people who were prepared to leave were also stopped, and they looked at him with brushing.

"No ... no."

Lu Feng hurriedly put his hand and hurriedly stood up.

"I will go to notice."

Also said a sentence, Lu Feng quickly walked out of the meeting room.

Let him not think about it, the big brother with tattoo, it seems to be a loyal game fan.

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