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"Come, Li Huzheng, you stand up."

After glaring in Feng Wei, he looked at Li Huzheng.

Li Hu is standing up, and his hands wrapped his stomach with his hands. This is a bit like a female costume.

I have seen it in the past, this dress is a bit familiar, it should be my own in the rented house of the street, this grandson should be wearing my suit.

"Li Huzheng, you say how many occupations have there?"

"14!" Li Hu Zhengli replied, the voice was loud, and the words were confident.

Although his speed is very slow, sometimes it does not keep up with thinking, but his understanding of the game is still unique.

"When you brush the moon, which set is very powerful? Gu Pop Yuan asked a deep problem."

However, the moon ghost will brush when the person is 30, and they have played a day, but also adjust the level, I believe that the progress is already playing.

"The Tiger Heigh is a must, it is best to come to a full power attribute, the female ghost is coming, with a man and god, this is okay, there is one casual, then match a full force of the tiger war If the words are perfect. "


Gu Pope Yuan couldn't help but Li Huang, and twisted his head and looked around Lu Feng.

"The land, Li Huzheng, he is also only a day, why do you understand this game?"

Lu Feng lowered his head. If a refuteed, he couldn't say that he didn't think that this Li Hu is so powerful, such a short time, there is such an understanding of the Westward Journey, it is very impossible.

After glaring, after Lu Feng, he returned to the position and continued to knock on the keyboard.

"Sit down."

Gu Puffan also said a sentence, the sound was eased, and the lady of the ponytail sat down at this time.

"Then I will talk about it." Gu Puffan said.

The next person is Mao peas. When she stood up, the forehead is already overflowing a sweat.

"I think this game, the shortcomings, that is the setting of the point card. You need to use money, then you will lose a lot of play, now a lot of games are free, so I think that, that The setting of point card is not very reasonable. "

After the peasate, the conference room quietly quietly, only the voice of the keyboard is hitting the keyboard.

I looked at the peas and whispered: "You can say it, sit down, next."

Next, a micro-fat boy stands up, your acne, standard otaku body.

"The novice of the game is not enough, I think it will be better to join a reminder."

I heard this, the eyes of the emphasized elements were on, stopped, and looked at the slough boys.

"You said it is very good, what is your name!"

"My name is Liu Yun." The micro-fat man immediately returned to the way, and the mood became unusually excited, and the face hangs a happy smile.

"Well, good, next."

"If this game is ..."

The next game player continued, soon, each person has given an opinion.

But it's all irrelevant questions, and I haven't asked their names in the gang dynasty, I don't want to be the same as Liu Yun.

After all said, the guidelines are still tapping the keyboard, which is quietly sitting in the conference room.

That has been over an hour, and the guidelines are loose, stopped.

Take care of the body, connect the computer on the projector, on the screen on the stage, showing the screen on the computer.

"Li Huzheng's opinion is about equipment exchange, such as getting a goddess, there is no other way to get some Huaxia coins? If you can sit, you can mention the enthusiasm of players."

Said, holding a computer with a grown, open a software called Treasure Court.

"According to this question, this is a simple game trading platform I have just programmed. You look at it, there is any opinion, you can mention it, the operation is like this, I will give you a general ..."

Looking at the operation of the guillo yuan, the staff of the game department is sitting straight, widened, the more, the shocked expression is even more difficult.

Lu Feng is even surprised. Is it, this person has completed these programs in the time of these hours. It is a man who created a summer company.

Introducing the Tree House, and the topless elements slowly raised their heads and looked at everyone.

"How do you think the design of the treasure hide?"

It turned out that the guortune is constantly tapping the keyboard, and now I am completely convincing, my chairman is really a enchanting.

"Well? Lu Feng, what do you think."

Seeing that everyone didn't talk, and the guidelines also looked at Lu Feng again.

"No ... no problem."

Lu Feng picked up a sentence, when he looked at the gap, it was full of worship.

The person in charge of this game department, in the chairman, all is a waste.

"Well, then let's carry out the next question."

Take a touch of guidelines, and low-end operations and focused.

"Really handsome."

Just awkward pony girls couldn't help but floodly, although it was very sad, the chairman is really too attractive.

Such a man, my girlfriend is also very good.

"Just Liu Yun said, the game will start more difficult, new students are difficult to get started, this question woke me up, so I took this plugin, and you look at it."

At the edge of the girlfriend, the computer was operated while opening the game, and a small cloud pattern appeared in the game.

"This can be called a new hand, you can help novice players to solve some problems at any time. Of course, you can also launch questions, just like this ..."

Take a serious introduction, the people under the bottom have not been sentenced to his worship, it is really difficult to confuse.


Lu Feng couldn't help but praise a sentence.

He is studying from Miki, even if it is the person in that place, if it is compared with the guidelines, it is a very general person. The man on the stage will be a cross era.

His mood is hot, can be with such people, this life will be very wonderful.

Everyone sitting is this idea!

"Do you have any questions?"

When I asked the Yuan, I asked, standing up, shutting down the computer, starting to pack the files on the table.

"No ... no."

Lu Feng said with a smile.

"Well, Feng You have leaving you, I will tell you the programming problem just that two software, I am sorry to bother your lunch time, I have worked hard for a while, waiting for the game, will give you a rich reward."

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