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When you hear this, the employees are even more exciting. If you can't wait to invest in the development of the game, you will not be important.

Soon, only two of the conference rooms were left, and there were two people who were about the new plug-in, when Lu Feng came out from the conference room, it was already in the afternoon.

Today, today, I have to be with Su Rong. With Gao Pingping and Su Zhengguo, I wandered in the promotion city. In the morning, Su Rong came to the phone, and her parents' mood was not very good, so they did not let Gu Popping Yuan.

One person with his parents took a day in the promotion city.

Take a mobile phone and send a message to Su Rong:

"What is your side?"

SMS quickly replied, Su Rong is always able to reply to Guoyuan in the first time.

"Well, very good, with them, have visited a lot, you can rest assured."

"The money in the card, you will not be spend, the flowers are not finished."

"- know, then save!"

As for Gao Pingping's things, Gu Rong is not telling Su Rong, otherwise, it will definitely turn around with his parents, and I don't want Su Rong like Su Rong.

So, this is only true that it happened.


After I came out of the office, the call of Gu Poshi rang again, and did not expect it to be yellow in Beijing.

Donned me, or received a call.

Regarding the LING520 advertising, it has been handed over to Li Ping to be responsible. I want to be the first customer of Viago, I haven't contacted it for a long time.

I didn't expect how they suddenly contacted me.


The loudly of the gang dynasty sounded, walked back to his office, and didn't eat yet in the morning, I feel very hungry at this moment.

"Ms. Huang, how do you think of calling me."

I asked with a smile.

"Gu Dong, I didn't expect you to remember me, it is a pet. We don't personally manage these small customers. I will call you, and I have not buddy."

Huang Yellow voice is like an ear, smiles and fun.

"There is no thing, but now the division of labor is clear, I am responsible for technology, Li Ping is responsible for advertising."

Take a politeness of the gap, but Huang Yellow is a very distant distance.

"Oh, this way." Huang Yu smiled and paused a moment, or said: "I didn't expect it to be the OO, I also have, it is really no longer."

The things that are gangliuyuan, have been opened in the circle of the Internet, and the mysterious veil is slowly opened.

Huang Yong and Chen Guang know that the guidelines that cooperated with them were after the founder of Xiashi Company, it was more surprised to say no words, incredible.

These software that leads the Chinese Internet era, it is too difficult to believe it.

"Well ..." After the meditation diagnosis, he said: "Well, when developing, just think about playing, but just luck is good."

"Gu Dong, you are so modest, I also want to play, you have a good point."

At this time, Huang Yellow is already particularly respectful, with a dwarf feeling.

"Ms. Huang, I really have a prize." Gu Pope faintly said.

"Right, Gu Dong, I heard that your company has already launched the game industry, and there is still a month to go public?"

Huang asked again.

When I was in the reasons why it was Huang Yellow, it should be scared. For such an Internet giant, it is necessary to design some areas, the boat must be shipped.

"Well, but the probability will be listed in advance, or it is not used for a month."

Take a serious story, regarding this matter, it will not hide, nor related to the conspiracy and positive, this era, such a cross-time game, other similar games, it is really no resistance.

"Oh, this way, That Gu Dong, I will have a big sensation, I have a lot of science and technology, I have some want to play."

Huang Yu said, it is already frowning, knocking a few times on the table.


Gu Pop Yuan said that there is a saying, what is going on now, will cause the other party's discomfort, or say less than a better.

"Then I will not huddle you, goodbye."

"Well, look back."

Hanging up the phone, Huang sat up on the ground, and he preformed a breath.

Chen Guang lightly patted the back of yellow, and the eyes were full, and the soft voice said:

"It's not necessary to worry about it. You think that we have created Wan Wang, just holding a mentality of trying a trial, and doing it is very good now, all things are natural, now worry There is no, even if there is no guideline, the cake in the field, there will be some people to grab. "

"Also." Huang Yu smiled and sat up straight, Chen Guang's words, gave her great encouragement.

"As long as we do your own, it's not the promotion of ling520. We can't develop so fast, so we can't have any complaints. After all, what others do, but we are all awkward."

Chen Guang said again. For the guideline, he will taste it, so she can understand Huang Yellow.

"It is!"

Huang Yellow smiles, sitting up, straight waist, and started research and development of new roles.

Anyway, I still do Wan Wang, I am worried about the things of others, and it is the least error-related approach.


On the night, Su Rong was still with Gao Pingping and Su Zhengguo, and Gu Pingyuan came to the chapters, yesterday, it would be good for the next time.

When the car stopped on the roadside, I saw a red Porsche, which is a small car.

Shen Xiao Duo and Liu Shina together, playing a whole day, two Internet addiction girls.

It is also not eating all day, there is no takeaway at this time, otherwise it is estimated that these two people don't want to come out from the house.

So I came to the chapter, close to home, quickly finished, continue to go home.

After walking into the Western Restaurant, he walked on the second floor and relying on the window of the window in the second floor. He found the Shen Shiyao, sitting with Shen Xiao and Liu Shina, smiled and chatted.

Take a gap in the past.

"Time Yao."

Take a smile, not called the Shen Shi, but Time Yao, this looks nearly a bit.

"Gu". "

Yao Lima stood up, and some were laughed and laughed. I originally wanted to call Mr., but I heard the title of Gu Pope again, changed to a dump!

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