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"have a drink?"

When I laughed and asked, I just took the shoulder of Shiyao.


Shen Tie Yao Lima nodded and agreed. At this moment, I still can't take care of such a master of Shen Jia, although I just had a happy chat with her.

"That is here, I am hungry, I am busy today."

Take a gap in the empty table in a corner, reach the finger.

"Do you want to sit there."

"Okay, walk."

Yao Yao smiled and laughed together, along with the girlfriend to the position of the corner, with the small distance from them.

And in the just, Xiaodu and Liu Shina have been smiling, I want to say hello to the guidelines, but he just faintly nodded, even if he said hello.

At the moment of seeing Gu Posing, Shen Xiao has become a heart god, always can't help but look to the corner, this sudden mood has never had.

When I saw the state of Shen Xiao, Liu Shina was more concluded, she must fall in love with the gap, I am afraid she is not aware of it.

Just ... I don't want to give up, why are you cheap? Liu Shina's eyes became firm.

"Time Yao, come, I respect you a cup, yesterday's troublesome."

Girlfriends lifted the wine glass and said with a smile.

"Well, come."

Shen Shi Yao hurriedly raised the wine glasses and touched the wine glass, and a whole cup immediately got the belly and looked extraordinary.

After that, the two were talking while talking, and there was a laughter from time to time. Gu Yao Yuan gave Shen Xiyao's distance has all disappeared. At this time, it is like a friend, just like He Chain.

Di Tie Yao helped the glasses from time to time, and he was very excited.

Finally, I also brought it, the more people also said, the more I said my own struggle, how to come to the large market from the small rural areas, and how to go to the store manager here, live away from a inspirational piece .

For this man, it is also appreciated.

"Lying! Shen Shiyao, you raise fish there!"

Gu Pop Yuan pointed to the half cup of wine in the Shenshi Yao wine glass, loudly.


Shen Shiyao's cheek is slightly red, it is already a little bit, I looked at the half glass of wine in the cup, and then shook it, and I looked up.

"now it's right."

After smiling and said, I gave two people to the two.

"Right, pour gallery, there is one thing, it is about Wu Qiaoxia."

When I said, I was in the lane, and I also designed to look at it.

So, the guidelines also looked at the sink. I looked at the next future Wu Jiayu.

In an instant, the heavy cheeks were quickly lowered, and the mouth was awkward: "Look at me, really ... I hate."

Such shy heavy doses have never been there.

"Well, you said."

"That Wu Qianhua, before Zhang Yushan has some grievances, that person, is not very good, I don't understand, like you are so smart, why do you have to sin it at night."

Yao Yao said seriously.

"Some things, I don't know how to explain, it is difficult to explain, I will definitely look at him uncomfortable."

Take a smile and laughed and picked up the glass.

"Hehehe ..."

After the application, Yao smiled, picking up the wine glass and touched the gap, and it was a cup of belly.

"But this is accompanied by your character, I always feel that your character is very special, but I believe that you must have your goal, I just asked."

Shen Shiyao said again.

This man is always like this, when talking, very an inset, should not ask, will always stop in time.

How to deal with Wu Qianhua, the guing is only to say to Ji Tianhao, it seems that only the man who looks very unreliable is really reliable.

He Chauling also did not believe it, it is too understanding to him, knowing what is character, the guing is not trustworthy.

In the absence of absolute benefits and power, He Chao will definitely be lost.

Zhang Yushu's words, mainly because of the small dos, some things, it seems irrelevant, and the effect of glutinous rice is also there.

On the side of the field, it is possible to another idea.

"Dope, I heard that your stock is very powerful."

Yao Yao said with the mouth, transferring the topic of just, and he notes the face of the gap, and frowned slightly.

"Stock, you don't say this, I almost forgot, today is telling you this thing today."

Touching the gang and touched the forehead and said with a smile.


When Yao, Yao sat down straight, and the wine was also awake, and the mood became excited.

Zhang Yushu earned 1 billion things in Xiaoxing Technology. He also known, how can you not envy?

"What is the stock?"

Yao Yao hurriedly asked, it appeared some indulgence.

"It's okay to see the market this afternoon." (Just sweeping with Huang Ying.)

"There is a stock adjustment in place, the change rate and the price-earning ratio are also suitable, you can do a short-term ultra-low, expected, the profit should be 30%."

Take a touch of guidelines, after the chip in the brain upgrade, for him, it is really a qualitative leap.

"Which ticket?"

After the application, Yao has a wide look, this is an urgent look, or it is the first time.

"Shunshui Technology, tomorrow morning can directly hang up the price to buy, but this is just investment, there is a certain risk, will not affect a penny investment in your life, I also talk to Zhang Yushu."

Gu Popping reminded.

"it is good."

Yao Yao is heavy, and the thing to buy a house has passed in his brain, and he woken up the words of the guidelines.

If you have no ability, you still obey it. This is the place where Shen Shi Yao is smarter, and this paper is in my heart.

"Shunshui Technology, I record, I am, thank you."

Shen Shi Yao collected a note, put it in the pocket of clothes.

"Nothing, there will be a chance to work together."

Take a smile and talk.

This has made Shen Shi Yao have become a very poor Peng, shake the teeth, and the place is heavy.

Road: "Good!"

I stayed again, I stood in the Yuanyuan, ready to leave, it was 12 o'clock in the evening, and the body felt some tired.

At this time, Xiao Duo and Liu Shina are still sitting there, they have to be preparing to leave more than an hour earlier than Gu Posing.

But after seeing the guidelines, I have been doing now. Liu Shina has been drinking wine, and there is no bitterness, during which she has been watching a book.

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