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"We also leave, um ... go back to play games."

Said, Shen Xiao is already standing, go forward, followed by the body, the distance is getting closer.

Liu Shina has been hurriedly packed up, and he can only follow the sunny side, and the brow is gently wrinkled.

Xiao Xiao, you don't know if you already have a marriage? The more it is, the deeper, what should I do when Wu Jia?

Going to the door of the chapter of the Western Restaurant, take care of the Yuan and Shen Duo simultaneously press the car key, the car flashes.


After glaring, I looked at it later and found that Xiao Duo stood behind himself.

So just smiled nodded, I opened the door and sat up, launch the car, and sailed in front.


Shen Xiao Duo smashed his mouth, there were some words to say that he said that he was so fast that he went so quickly, and his heart could not be lost.


In Miki, a four-villa, Wu Qianhua is lowered to open a video conference. It is worth mentioning that the software used is still OO video chat, which is some ironic for him.

After an hour, the video conference was only completed, Wu Qianhua stretched out and lazy, picking up the coffee on the table.

Hassu ...

The sound of knocking on the door outside the door.

"Come in."

Put down the cup, Wu Qianhua said with a low head, and it took the newspaper on the table.

The house door was pushed away, the wooden door was awkward, a man with a duck hat came in, and the body was high.

It turns out that the man is in the former world, and the man who killed the gap.

"When will I start."

This rice boy talking about a horses.

"Let's wait, maybe for a month, I don't want anyone to doubt it."

Wu Qiaoxia continued to look at the newspaper, did not go to see the rice man.

"it is good!"

After the man is nodded, I retired from the room.


Shen Xiao Duo did not continue to the home of Liu Shina, but returned to Shen Jia. The phone of Shen Lao, who had just street, made her go back, and they dared to go home quickly.

In less than twenty minutes, the car entered the yard, and the hall's hall is still in the light.

It is already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Going to the living room, I found that Wu Hundreds of heel is here, and Shen Duo will not be frowned.

"Where did you go these two days?"

Shen Lao's leaves smashed down the crutches, and his anger looked at the Xiaodu.

"Just ... I went to my friends to play for two days."

Shen Xiao's light and thin language, did not dare to sit on the sofa, but standing next to Shen Lao.

"You a female doll home, what is the night like the night."

God's grandfather continued to say loudly, in Shen Jia, the family rules are very harsh, every day, no matter how late, you must go home, because you will drink more, or you will not stay in Liu Shina's home for one night. .

Xiaodo is low, nor does it say any more, tightly, and the appearance is cute.

It is very unhappy for the night without the night, and Wu Hundreds is very unhappy, and they have not been connected to her.

At this time, Wu Hundreds of Mea was locked away, and looked up at the small mouth in the mouth:

"Small, where did you go? Is it really friendly home? And I am very curious, your friend is a man or a woman, don't you pick up my phone? Is it a ghost?"

Wu Baiye said, the more excited, finally standing directly, his double boxing, stunned straight down.

There is no concern that Shen Lao is standing here, but it is still not able to get angry.

In the face of such a question, it also puts the heavy flow in an instant, and lifted his head and looked at Wu Hundred.

"Where do I have anything to tell you! I don't want to pick up your phone. Do you want me!"

Shen Duo, too much, and the black frame glasses on the nose also fall.

Just as the lens, a crisp sound is issued, and the lens broke into a lot of half.

It's like changing a good look, and the eyes of the young Duo blurred, it looks very charming.

In an instant, Wu Hundreds of heel is also a bit frustrated, but it is still an angry emotion to account for his heart.

"Sinking, what do you mean by this? What attitude! You are my unmarried wife, I should have the most normal thing."

Wu Baiye shouted loudly, and the green gluten rushed to the neck.

"Hundreds of leaves, you have not booked with Xiao Duo, now say these are not appropriate."

Shen Jia's father also couldn't stand his attitude. She frowned coldly, and her expression was serious.


Wu Baiye looked at Shen Lao's leaves. The big mouth gasped, and worked hard to calm her own emotions and squeezed a smile.

"Grandpa, sorry, I just was just too worrying, her girl, night is not home," more dangerous. "

"You are worried too much."

After Shen Xiaoyu said, after a sudden, he said: "Time is not early, the leaves, hurry back."

"Ah? Oh. That ... then I will return it first."

Shen Lao Ye released the pressure, Wu Baihui is also very afraid, bent down the waist, go outside the door.

Just got out of the house, Wu Hundreds of dark face became gloomy, muttered in his mouth: "What is old, there is still a sink, not a SAO."

In the living room, Shen Xiao is still there, Shen Lao leaf is sitting, locking with brows, like thinking about thinking.

After a moment, Shen Ye said: "Who taught you to come to guests, rushing to others, there is still a thing, the night is not home, can't be next, go to the wall station "

After saying, Shen Laozi stood up and turned to prepare to go upstairs to the building.

"Grandpa, wait!"

Suddenly, Xiao Duo shouted and called Shen Lao.

"Well, what else?" Shen Laozi turned his head to him.

"That Wu Hundreds ... I ... I ... I am not married."

Sinking low, or tells us this sentence.

The living room is quiet, and the wind blows in the window from the window is blowing in the sinking of the small Duo, and she felt a cold.


A crisp slap in the living room, Shen Laozi lifted his hand, and a slap in the face of the face.

From a small to big, this is the first time, Shen Duo, was hit by Grandpa, covering a bit red cheek, looking up at Shen Lao's mazi, teardow is in the eyes.

"Sinking, what are you saying, your brain is awake? Do you know this sentence, what kind of consequences will it bring?"

Shen Lao's emotions became unusually excited, and these words were almost shouted.

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