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"I don't care, I don't marry anyway, who loves to marry!"

In the eyes of the eyes, there is a teardrop, whispered, and the Noba's living room is very moving. Some maids secretly open the room door.


Then, another slap is on the cheeks of Xiaodu, and the grandfather has been angry.

"You ... You are mad at me, do you know what you are talking about? Now everyone knows that Shen Jiahe Wu Jia wants to marriage, some business cooperation has been launched, you are going to be married now!"

"Yes, I am going to retreat!"

Shen Duo one word! The tone is determined, and the tears on the cheeks are very hard.

The eyes look directly at your grandfather, she never has this kind of brave.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Shen Laozi said three good sons, breathing rapidly, and supported the cane, and shaking slightly.

"It's really like the bastard. You know what consequences are Zhang Yushu now? Do you want to be like him?"

"I look at me, my cousin is now very good, at least he is happy every day, grandfather, I really don't like Wu ..."

"You don't call me grandfather! I don't have such a small granddaughter! I tell you, I am sinking, if you dare to marry Wujia, I will break the relationship with you, and dare to leave Shen Jia!"

The last sentence is that Shen Lao is almost roaring, and the Tongxing is even splashing to the cheeks of Xiaodu.

"Don't marry the relationship, anyway, I will not marry!"

Shen Duo attitude is still tough.

"Roll! You gave me!"

Shen Jia's father roared loudly, Shen Xiao looked up and seriously looked at Shen Lao's mazi, step down to the door.

"You roll, Shen Jia's things, don't take away anything!"

Shen Xiao Duo still on the ground, including the car key, only take his own ID card to go to the door.

After standing in Shenjia, I ran forward and walked to the coastal road. I only wore a skirt, I was blown up in my own body.

I have never been so free.

Since I shouted out that I didn't marry, the idea of ​​Xiaoyu is more firm, no matter what, I don't marry!

After a while, the cheeks were overflowed on a layer of sweat, and Xiao Du took out the mobile phone to see the next time, it was already a little faster, and the mobile phone power is only a little.

There is no road light on the road, only the weak moonlight is shining, thinking about it, Xiaoshi took out the mobile phone, dialed Mu Jiajia's phone, her school sister.

For these three months, Mu Jiajia's mood is very good, not only to graduate from the school, and I also got the summer and technology into the public, and I am busy every day.

"Suzu Bell ..."

The phone sounded, and Mu Jiajia explored the phone in the dark room. When the phone was fast, I got the phone. After seeing the caller of Xiaodu, I panicked.

"Hey, small, what happened?"

Mujia is sitting straight and awake.

"Jia Jia, nothing, I am fine, don't worry." Shen Xiaozhi held the phone and smiled shallow.

"I am now along the coastal road site, can you come to pick me up, let's talk."

"Well, then you are waiting for me, I will immediately."

Hanging up the phone, Mu Jiajia casually set a piece of clothes, urgently hurriedly ran downstairs.

In less than half an hour, Mu Jiajia opened a white BMW five-Series sedan to the site of the coastal road.


Mu Jiajia hurriedly came down from the car and shouted hard.

"Jia Jia, I am here."

Behind the platform, the sinking is ran out, rising the corner, with a smile, constantly swinging the little hand.

Moreover, she didn't take my eyes.

In the night, wearing a white dress, like a lost wizard, look beautiful.

"What happened? Worried about dead, your eyes? Hey? What is your face?"

"Let's take a look, freeze me."

Xiaoyu smiled and opened the door to sit on the pickled pants.


Mu Jia is shaking his head, and sitting in the car and sailing below the coastal road.

The car is not open, and the two girls are whispering.

"What! You dare to find Shenjia, don't marry Wu Hundreds of leaves?"

Mu Jiajia exclaimed, open his mouth, you can set down an apple.

"Well, in short, this is the case, you have to take care of me later."

Xiaoyu smiled shallowly, opened the window, put the hand outside the window, and the free sea breeze.

At this time, this feeling is that she has never been there. When I want to go, I will go, after I get off Shenjia, my mood has become fun.

So I completely pressed the window and explored half a body, shouting.

I called a half minutes, and Xiao Duo returned to the body and pressed the window.

"Hey, I am really serving you. How can I have no love? You and Wu Jia's marriage have passed, you suddenly not marry, is it a lot to your Shenjia?"

Mujia is frowned, and the heart is worried about Shen Xiao, this matter, I am afraid I can't make such a way.

"Whether, there is an impact, it will affect me."

Shen Xiao said that he didn't say a heart.

Mu Jia Jia gently shakes, and did not continue to talk, thinking about this matter of Xiao Duo, if she really did, the consequence of that is unimaginable.

I can't help but look at the small blossoms, I found that she was tied to the Erlang legs, and a leisurely slammed look, it seems that I really didn't put this in my heart.

It turned out that Xiao Xiao was in the impression of Mujiajia, a girl who was very sensible, and how did a general situation, how suddenly it seems to be a person.

Silence for a long time, Mu Jiajia asked again: "What is the little, what are you going to do?"

"What can I do, self-reliance?"

Shen Xiao, I thought about it, I said, "I also plan to go to Xia to internship, I have seen your company's recruitment website, and I should hire intern."

After that, the cheeks of the Xiaodu were climbed on a blush.

"Well, Xia is a very high treatment, and you know? It is expected that our company will go to the new company next year, and our chairman is directly to the most prosperous place, bought a building Building, it is a building! "

Mu Jia is excited to say that when you mention your company, there will always be a pride.

"How, our chairman is amazing?"


Xiaoyu smiled shallow, and the pear turning the mouth appeared very well.

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