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"I also want to go to summer for technology, I don't know if there is any opportunity."

The car is driving to the wooden unique community, stopping down and preparing to get off the bus, Xiao Du suddenly said such a sentence.


Mu Jiajia is slightly frowned, and some doubts look at the small blossom.

Is the high-end working environment, can this Miss Miss? Moreover, where to go, often to be reprimanded by the supervisors, can she really?

"Small, in fact, summer is some of the cases of technology, you have nothing to know."

Mu Jia is pulling the hands of the small Duo, and he said.

"Go there, no one will be used to you, in the summer, it is the grade, and it is really very busy every day, not what you think so."

"It doesn't matter, these I can accept it!"

When Mu Jiajia said, Xiao Duo shook his head and said, looked at Mu Jiajia, and he can't say toughness in his eyes.


Next day.

Sun Yue, just opened the meeting, received the call of Shen Duo, when the cruise banquet, the two were in contact with each other.

"Sun Yue, hello, I am Xiaoyu."

Shen Xiao is tightly smashed with a cup, some is slightly nervous.

"Well, small, I know is you, what happened?"

Sun Yue's tone temperature and the lady of this Shenjia, still respectable.

"It's ... I have to trouble you. Do you have a few days for your summer? Can I ask for some interns? Can I go try it?"

"Well, of course, as long as this year's graduates can come over."

Sun Yue said with a smile, but there is something in the words, she knows that Xiao Du is a big three, this year, this year, I just raised four, I can't graduate.

After a few seconds on the phone, the sound of Xiao Duo came.

"Well, Sun Yue, I have to graduate next year, but the third has already finished the basic courses, you ... don't you give me a chance, let me try it?"

Sun Yue smiled slightly, she was waiting for this sentence to Xiao Duo.

"This, that ... okay, I will do it here, when I apply, you can come over."

Sun Yue deliberately said it is difficult.

"That's too much, Sun Yue,"

Xiao Duo smiled and shouted, and after hanging up the phone, he was in the bed and sent a snorkey voice.

For Sun Yue, this is almost nothing to do.


After the few days, Gao Pingping and Su Zhengguo have never met with the guidelines, and there is nothing to talk.

Mainly the attitude of Su Rong is too tough. After meeting, it will only quarrelly, wait until Gao Pingping and Suzheng State return, and even have not allowed to send them to them.

On the train, Su Zhengguo placed a good heart, sat around Gao Ping, seeing her or tight face.

"Okay, don't think too much, the prostitute is still a long, step by step."

Su Zhengguo said a smile.

"From the long discouraged fart! This is the person of your old Sujia, just no face, a good college student, giving a high school graduated from the people."

Gao Ping Ping immediately smeared, and the fire of a piece was unfortunately, this grandson suddenly came over.

"You said this, forget it, I don't talk to you."

Su Zhengguo shouted his mouth and turned his body to the side of the window.

"No, I have to think about it."

Gao Ping said that he said in his words, but Su Zhengguo did not take her.

"I want to give me a few objects!"

Gao Pingping said another sentence.

"It's almost, don't have any moth, you let the bids come back with you, I have a big opinion, can she listen to you?"

Su Zhengguo took a sentence.

"What should you say?"

Gao Pingping also shouted again, and the Turuman star has encountered the neck of Su Zhengguo.

After the Su Zhengguo, he went to the window, and his heart swearing, he didn't talk about her daughter.

Moreover, the empowerment element does not seem to be as bad as you think?


After a few days, I got the summer, I went to the interns. On this day, I made a bed early morning. After changing the OL installed in a very professional, I went to Xia Jiajiao.

Both people with black frames, a slap in the case.

This is still the first time I wore such clothes for the first time, I came to the bottom of the Regal Building, looking at the tall building, could not help but nervous.

I have made my mouth, I'm holding a double punch, and my hand has spilled a slight sweat.

"Small, let's go."

Mujia said with a smile.


Xiaoyu is heavy, holding the arm, holding Mu Jiajia's arm, walking towards the Regal Building.

Xia Yi Technology's morning is late, it is only time to go to work, so it is just right to wait for other company's work point, and don't have to wait for a long time.

So in this period of time, most people who take the elevator are the employees of Xia Xiao Technology.

Go to the door of the elevator, Mu Jiajia and Shen Xiao Duo are the same as other employees, waiting for the elevator.

Jia Jia, early. "

"Early, Yun Ge."

Jia Jia! "

"Well, the military commander is early!"

"Zhang Director is early."

Jiajia early "

Jia Jia is very friendly with others to greet, so that Shen Xiao is very comfortable, so when I greeted, she will laugh very politely.


At this time, Mao peas and Li Huzheng also came in. After seeing Shen Du, showing a surprised look.

Especially the peasate, this Qian Miss is here to do anything.

"Hello." Shen Xiao smiled and greeted and somewhat awkward.

Mao bean beans laughed and smiled. It was a greeting with Shen Duo.

The elevator slowly drove down, when the arrival of the first floor, the crowd became riot.

"Chairman is coming!"

"Ah? The chairman is coming."

"Really? I haven't seen the chairman yet?"

"Come here, really come!"

The employees have made a road, natively let the chairman who will take the elevator.

Gu Puffan, Zhang Zhi, Sun Yue, Sun Wei, Lu Feng and other high-rise towards this elevator here.

Sun Yue took a thick file, and the boilestment was placed in front of his eyes and said.

"Chairman is good!"

"Board of directors!"

"Good morning, chairman!"

The employees have lowned and greeted them to the guidelines.

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