After the little commotion that happened, it was decided that Roxcia and Farner would be the ones to watch over me. I don't know how they came to such a conclusion. Those two are the most unstable ones from what I see. But that one, Excia or something… She seems even more dangerous. She has been staring at me the whole time. What is her problem?

"Let's go now."


"To our carriage, of course. You are traveling with us to Tatradum."


"Don't swear.." Roxcia smacks my head with a chop of her hand.

"Leave me alone."

What is this girl's problem? Aren't you guys heroes? How can you be so violent? 


I don't think I have ever been more uncomfortable in my whole life. We are the hero's carriage. I don't know why, but not only am I with the heroes, but Anriette and K'nor are with us as well. The carriage is so cramped with him we can barely move. I think even the horses outside are having a bit of trouble pulling it. I can hear the coacher's whip working on them harder than it should. Though i don't really know how frequently he should use it. Exczfol was not even using it after all. 

"You are really an idiot!"

"What? You wanted to leave him outside, all alone?! Look how fluffy he is!!"

"What does that have to do with anything?"


It seems Farner took a liking to K'nor. Well, don't think it will last. K'nor won't like busy body people like you, right, boy ? 

They have put those Gedrid chains around my neck and one of my ankles. I don't know how those things are blocking my Angas but it is really annoying. And they aren't even heavy or anything. 


"I told you not to swear!" And i receive another hit. This is harassment, I am telling you. 

I am sitting between Farner and Roxcia while Excia and Anriette are facing us.

"I don't care."

"I do."

"Your problem. K'nor, did you eat already?"


"You didn't? Well, I think –" Wait where is my bracelet? 

"We confiscated it." Farner looks at my hand while she speaks.


"Yup. And your weapon broke so we left it there."

"You fucking-"

"No swearing!" Roxcia smacks my head once again.


"What are you laughing at?!!"

Excia is mocking them. How the fuck did I end up with such a stupid bunch?


During the night, those fucking girls won't let me go out and even decided to sleep with me in the carriage. What kind of guards are they trying to be? Don't they have anythong better to do? 

"That's a bit too much, don't you think?"

"If you behaved, we wouldn't have to do this."

"And we are wearing our armors anyway, so there is nothing to worry about."

"With that skirt?"

"If you dare to even think about it. I will break it."

"Break what?"

Farner blushes like a tomato. What was she talking about?

"A-anyway, you better stay put."

You are the one who should stay put. Now that I think about it, the only time when I slept with girls was with Tatiana…


"Hm…Kevin, your eye."

"Hm…Yeah, I know."

There is one thing I can say for sure now: Farner is a complete muscle brain!

"I told you to stay put." Why are you blushing?!!

"You are the one who crawled up to me, though."

She woke up sticking to me like some kind of pillow. Going as far as revezling her smooth thigh barely covered by her skirt as she placed it on mine. I didn't say anything since I was told to zip it by Roxcia and so I ended up being punched first thing in the morning. 

"W-what?! I would never!!" And there she goes, grabbing me by the collar.

"Of course, of course." Just release me, I am tired of you.

"Grrr…Hmph!" She throws her head away and it actually knocks on the wall of the carriage. Is she so stupid she forgot this place was crammed? Well, at least I got my revenge.


"I didn't do anything this t-" I get punched again for no reason. Seriously, how did I end up with such a rowdy and stupid bunch?!!


"The heroes are back!!!"

"What is that thing inside their carriage?"

"Quick, call the protector!!"

When we arrive at Tatradum, it is a desert. There is nothing there anymore. A devastated land, my birth place isn't recognizable at all now. 

"After the Longinus's attack that happened here, everything died. And since it was left for too long without removing the Longinus that filled this place, it cannot be recovered normally anymore."

"I didn't ask you."

I already knew that anyway. I was here, you know? I heard them feasting upon the bastards that killed all the villagers. Not that I want to tell you that though. It would be too troublesome and might reveal who I am... Who I was. 

"I am telling you because you didn't ask."

"You are one hell of a busybody, you know that, Farner?"

"So what?"

"Nothing." You are too stubborn as well.

When we get off the carriage, we are inside a huge fortress. Wait, no way…They built this fortress on our home. Our mansion was right here, I am sure of it! In front of me, there is the other gate of the fortress which is open with the drawbridge lowered. Beyond it, I can see it, pointy stones everywhere on a hill; there is a larger and much taller one at the top: the famous hill of the dead.

"So you really built graves for people you didn't know or see."

"Just because we didn't know them doesn't mean we don't care."

Roxcia answers as she pulls me forward.

"Let's go and meet the Saintess. I want you to be judged fast."

Yeah, let's go, and meet your fucking saintess. I might find a way to remove those then. 


"Ahahaha!!! Oh, damn!! This so funny!!!"

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