After the Saintess and the heroes paid their respect to the deads, I thought we would start moving to Mercuria. But we went back to the fortress instead.

"Why are we not going?"

"Patience, Kevin. We ARE going."

"How are we going when we just stand there?"

We are all in a weird room now completely painted in white on the floor of the fortress. I hope we won't stay here too long. I must plan my escape as soon as we get out of here. I am not staying one more night with all those happy idiots.

Aside from the heroes, Rebecca and William, there are fifteen priests or so waiting with us together with five knights wearing almost the same armor as William. Only that theirs are not that decorated.. Are they some kind of personal guards?

After more than five minutes of silent wait, the room starts shining. Lines and circles start appearing everywhere in the room. Those…Those are Rebecca's scripts for teleportation. I would recognize those signs among thousands. But I think I saw them somewhere else as well. When was it?

The room is gradually filled with light and at some point, I can't see anything. Then as the light fades, we are still in the same room. But we have moved, I felt it, we definitively got teleported.

"I won't ever get used to that sensation."

"Me neither."

"It's like your whole body melts then reforms. Eugh…"

Apparently, the priests don't like to be teleported. I wonder if…

"Ah, finally back. Hey, let's go and grab something to eat."

"We ate this morning, you gnoll!"

"We have the afternoon class to prepare. Did you forget?"

"Argh. No!! I don't want to go!"

Well, of course, the heroes would be used to it. But somehow, this time, the teleportation was smoother. It was better than when…Wait. Where I go when I got teleported with Tatiana? How could I forget that?

"What's going on?" My vision starts to blurry and my ears are ringing. "What the f..."


"Ah, finally the little princess is up."

When I wake up, I am in another white room, in a white and simple bed. And why is it you who is here?

"Who are you calling a little princess?" Farner seems to have the natural talent of rubbing me on the wrong side at my awakening.

"You, of course. Who else since you fainted like a little girl after getting teleported? Was it your first time?" She is sitting near my bed with her leg crossed. That's…quite sexy I must say.

"Are you tempting me?" You must be with that posture.


She jumps straight from her seat. She must have realized her mistake. There are two guards at the door, wearing leather armors and holding spears. What is this place?

"You pervert! I should smack you again!"

"Where are we?"

"Hmph!! I am not telling you! I don't speak with perverts."

" I see." Farner peeks at me but I won't say anything. If you won't say anything, then I will try to read those guys' minds. I should gain some intel that way.

"You aren't going to beg?"

"Why should I?"

"Hm…I was right after all. You don't fear or over dignify us like other people."

"What is there to fear about you?" You in particular seem to be an idiot. Your sisters, however, especially Roxcia, looks a bit too dark and dangerous.

"Everything. We are not humans, we come from meteorites sent by our mother, a goddess. We are almost immortal…The list is quite long."

"You are immortal?"

"Almost. Only Longinus can kill us. Ah, and other half-gods as well so we sisters can kill each other but that's pretty much it."

"I see. What about Diz'kar, then?"

"Don't know. Never heard of a Diz'kar fighting a hero anyway."

So, people can't kill them. What about me, then? My soul is partially that of a dragon. Does that mean I can kill them? I will ask Cissa later.

"But you do age, right?"

"Nope. Not after we turn twenty."

"Is that so…" So they don't age, huh. Farner smacks my head out of nowhere.

"What the fuck?!! Why?!!" What kind of violent brutish woman is this?!!

"You were thinking about something lewd, right?"


"Then why did you stare at me like that?"

"I didn't!!"

"Don't lie!! I saw you!! You are just like all those nobles, picturing us in their bed doing t-t-t-t-things I can't even…Anyway, don't ever even dream about it, I would never marry you!"

"Who would marry a violent idiot like you?!!"

"What?!!!" This time, she punches me so hard I fly from my bed. Luckily, I blocked it in time or she would have broken my jaw.

"See. You are way too violent."

"Don't call me an idiot, then!!"

Now that I think about it, there are windows in this room. There is a window behind Farner and judging from my shadow on the ground, there is one behind me as well. Should I run then? But I don't know where I am. Running away now without any plan might be detrimental instead. And I don't think it can easily escape this girl.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, where are we?"

"I said I wouldn't tell you!"

"You are really an i-"

"Don't you dare!!"

"Then tell me where we are."



"Grrr…sigh, okay, you win. We are at the infirmary of the eternal academy. We brought you here after you fainted."

"Okay. Thanks."

"I don't need your thanks."

"I know."

"Anyway, those two will show you your room and affectation when you will dress up. I have to go to class. Because of you, I had to skip my afternoon class so you better be grateful."

"Thanks to me, you mean."


"Thanks to me, you skipped your afternoon class. You think I don't know you didn't want to go?"

"Hmph!" She shifts her head to the side and her chest sways a bit. Is she really four years younger than me?

Farner goes to the door and stops in front of the guards, she whispers something, and they both nod. What did she tell them?

"Ah, yes…" She stops right before getting out and turns to look at me. "I have your bracelet and I won't give it back until you can defeat me at least once. So, good luck…" And she finally leaves.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Nope, not at all." One of the guards answers me. So, you guys can talk?

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