Chapter 116 - CHAPTER 116: STRONG BUT WEAK (3)

"How can this be?!!"

"What are you guys fucking doing?!! Get him already!!!"

Three minutes later, I have taken care of the second team as well. I didn't take any damage this time so it is good. Fighting without Angas like this is a very good training. I should do it more often.

Unlike the beginning, even the blue and red uniform students are screaming now. Though most of them are insulting me or those guys. Talking about honor and stuff. You should come down here first. I will see you talk about honor after I smash your head and break your teeth.

While I was busy taking down this team. The other team has joined the four other guys from the main group.. They are now all in one place. That's good, I won't need to jump around anymore.

I launch the other shield, the mace, and the spear I got from these guys and then jump on the stage. No arrow came this time. Did they learn their lesson? Or is it because I am holding another shield?

"Are you holding a meeting?"

After I land, they don't attack and are instead protecting the two guys holding staff while they are discussing something. If they are changing their strategy, perhaps it will become a bit harder. But first, I want to test something. Something Veronica taught me.

"You know, I really pity you."

"You pity me?"

"Not you, silly. The others. Did you know that while I was breaking your fingers like twigs and you were screaming for help, he was awake the whole time?"


"Oh, come on. At least be honest with them. You own them that. They are following you around like cute dogs every day."

"How dare you, peasant!!"

"You guys don't seem to believe me. Then ask yourself this. Why did take care of you and left him alone even though he was the last one I hit?"

"There is no way…"

"Wait. Did you really…"

"Don't listen, dammit!!! He is obviously-"

While they got distracted, I launch the spear at one of the guys holding shields, it pierces his shoulder from the front and completely passes through it, profusing blood on the others behind him.


"See what I told you!!!"

"Fucking dammit!!!"

"You lying bastard!!!"

"Yeah, yeah." 

Veronica was right. When an enemy is overpowering you with numbers, deceiving him will weaken him way more than any other type offense or tactic. After all, those who believe too much on something often gets deceived easily. I tasted it myself.

They unleash a barrage of arrows and scripts at me but the shields they brought are pretty good. They block all their attacks as I am holding both of them now.

While they are firing, the other guy with a shield and the one with a sword comes from each side. I block their attacks from at the same time but receive an arrow in my foot.

"That's it!! Pin him down now!!!"


Both guys use Titanic slash. They didn't get through the shields but they did do great damage, the two shields are bent inwards. Aren' those your comrades' shields? How can you do this to them? In any case, They won't last longer than that. I throw them away and grab the mace.

"Get away!! Now!!"


As the two guys run away, I see a sea of flames coming in front of me. That's one huge firestorm over there.

It engulfs me and my clothes start burning. The skin on my fingers and my arms get charred a bit as well.

Well, I can't feel pain anyway. I look at my skin which has started to burn for a moment then remove the arrow in my foot and jump forward.

"Now, finish him!!"

They come again with the same tactic.

"It's useless, you know." I use Disperse to evade the sword guy who was faster than the other one then I break both of his arms with the mace.


The other one was slower so I still have time. I use Disperse again to evade his titanic slash then, holding the mace with both hands, I strike and destroy his leg.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" He falls to the ground and starts squirming like a headless chicken while holding his bloody leg. Wearing armors actually had the opposite effect of what they initially hoped. They are too slow because of it and those helmets obstruct their vision way too much.

An arrow comes again but I evade it this time.

"Keep shooting, we need more ti-"

No, you don't have any more time. I throw the mace at the leader guy's face and it knocks him off, bending his helmet.


"Do you really have time to worry about him?"

Using the instant when they are too busy looking at him, I grab a sword on the ground while running to them. The bow guy shoots another arrow but I knock it off and reaching him, I slap him with the sword, breaking his teeth. Another one for the soup incoming. 


The last guy standing can't do anything as I kick his ribs and step on his head once he falls to the ground.

"Argh!!" Trevor painfully stands back up.

"And now let's play a game."


"How? How can you still be standing?!!"


"Don't play dumb with me!! My firestorm scorches you!! Look at your skin!! How can you still stay like you aren't affected!!"

"Well, I have had worse wounds than those little things before so that's not really something to worry about."

"What?!! What kind of-"

"Now, it is my time to enjoy myself. Let's play a game."

"Who would play with peasants?!! You are just gravel on the road born to be stepped on!!!"

"Sigh…of course, you need to be motivated first." I jump on him and knock him down.


"Okay. Now…" I cut off his right hand. It flies off in the sky with a trail of blood.

"Arg-" Before he can scream, I place my foot on his throat and press hard enough to block his breath from coming out.

"Hey!!! That's enough!! Stop the duel!!"

"Oh please, teacher. You haven't forgotten the rules, right?"

"I said stop!!!"

I slash Trevor's cheeks, disabling his mouth. Now that you can't talk. We can go on.

"Hey!! Didn't you hear me?!!! That's enough!!"

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