Chapter 115 - CHAPTER 115: STRONG BUT WEAK (2)

"For breaking the rules of the eternal academy and heavily injuring students. KEVIN DRAGONROAD will be undergoing a trial to justify his behavior and apologize for his wrong doings. This will only end under my decision as a referee and the approval of the principal victim: WOLFIS TREVOR."

"Poor guy. he doesn't know what he got himself into." It's you guys who don't know how much I am going to enjoy this.

After that, the teacher turns around and walks to get off the stage.

"Hey, I can go from one stage to another?"

"If you can, why not?"


I am free to move as I please so this should be a lot more easier.. The distance between each stage is not great, three meters at most. I can cover it in one jump.

"You can start!"

As the teacher gives the signal. Each team starts moving. The guys holding shields stand in front while the ones holding staffs or bows go to the rear. From the three teams on the other stages, three arrows come at me. I catch two with my left hand and the last one with my right hand. Though, it lightly grazes my finger. It doesn't look poisoned so I should be fine.

"Wait!! He caught them!!"

"Stay focus! Don't try to make them too powerful, make them more accurate!!"

Those first arrows were not imbued in Angas. They were also trying to gauge my strength it seems.

The team on my right seems more difficult to handle. I will start with them. But there is a chance that those other guys are waiting for me to jump to unleash scripts at me. Well, no can do. Let's give them what they want.

I run to the team on the right corner, from where the most powerful arrow came and jump to cross the gap.

"Now!! Unleash the rage boiling in me and scorch my enemies to death!! FIREBALL!!"

"Scatter my enemies and bring them far away from me!! WIND BALL!!"

Why does it take so long for you guys to launch a script? By the time, they have finished speaking, I have almost landed on the other side. When their fire and wind ball come, I simply evade them by lightly kicking the floor and they both hit the shield guy of the other team instead.



"Wow!! Crazy!!"

The training grounds are filled with screams as I evade those scripts. What is there to wonder about? They are so much slower than Excafol's bullets. A snail would evade them with its eyes closed. Yeah, maybe not. But it would evade it nonetheless.

The shield guy got staggered by the scripts so I pounce on him, the one holding a spear tries to stab me but since he was a bit surprised as well, he isn't focused enough. I evade and snatch his spear away.

"You can't even properly hold it?" What kind of warrior is this?

I strike his head with the shaft of the spear, bending the helmet he is wearing inwards while the wooden shaft breaks. 

"Urgh!!" he falls backwards while blood is pouring out of his mouth.

"Fuck!!" The shield one bashes me with the lower part of his shield and as I step back, an arrow comes. I evade it but I can hear two others coming from the rear. I move to the side and let them hit the shield guy. Unfortunately, they hit his shield instead.

"Dammit!! He is fast!" 

"Hey, guys!!! Stop with the friendly fire already!!"

"Then move out of the fucking way!! Once again!! From the-"

I should take care of the guys using elemental Angas now since they are all disoriented. I turn around and throw the rest of the spear at them. Sadly the shield guy from that side blocks it at the last moment.


"Don't forget about-" How could I forget you when I need your shield? I evade the shield guy on my side who was attempting an attack and then elbow him from the side right in the face. Another arrow comes but I can't let it kill my momentum. I let hit me, piercing my arm as I strike the shield guy with all my strength. He goes flying outside the stage, blood flying out from his mouth. That's the second guy whose teeth I have ruined now.

"Dammit, you!!"

"What?" I use Disperse and cover the distance between me and the archer then I bash his teeth in with my knee. Sorry for you but you should have worn a helmet as well. When he falls to the ground, I kick his head, breaking his neck. Now I am sure you won't stand back up. That's the third. You guys will have to eat only soup for a good while.

"And now, we can start the real fun."


People scream even more in ecstasy after that. I say people but it seems it is only the students wearing the same uniform as mine. Those wearing blue and red uniforms are calm, too calm. Their faces are dark and menacing, like there is a funeral going on and somebody started laughing out of nowhere.

I remove the arrow that pierced my arm and grab the shield and mace from the guy I punched. Right after, another arrow comes but I block it.

"I have never used a shield before so you guys should go easy on me." A shield is heavier than I thought. The mace as well is truly heavy compared to its size. Those are clearly not weapons used for speed. I understand why those using that take the role of defenders for the others. They would be too slow to do anything else.


"No, don't use it now!!"

Wait you guys could use scripts like that and you didn't do so earlier? Was that a trump card or something? I dodge while lightly blocking the arrow covered in fire that came at a higher speed than all the other ones then jump on the other stage.

"Now, it is your turn."

"You lowly peasant!!"

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