Chapter 114 - CHAPTER 114: STRONG BUT WEAK (1)

"Broken fingers, ribs, and a wrist. Numerous bruises as well. This a very serious offense."

The man who stopped me earlier was actually a teacher. He brought to the same building as before but instead of heading to the top, we actually went down, to the underground of the building. Apparently, this building is used by the teachers and members of the staff of the academy. It must mean that the other one is used for classes and stuff since the others are dormitories.

"Do you even know the rules of the academy?"


The teacher brought me to a sort of cell and made me sit on an old chair that creaks with my every breath. Is this some kind of intimidation method? It won't worj with me so I am sorry in advance.

"You don't? How? Didn't you hear about them after the entrance ceremony by your-"

"I entered the academy just yesterday night."

"A special recruit? And you are just a third rate?" Third rate? What does he mean third rate? "I didn't hear about any new recruits arriving. You must be lying."

"Check for yourself then. It shouldn't be difficult."

The teacher lightly waves his hands and one of the guards behind him gets out and goes upstairs.

"In the meantime. I will make sure to repeat the rules of the school before announcing your punishment."

He brings out an old looking piece of paper from his bracelet and open it.

"Sigh...really?" YOu are going to read something so long to me now?

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing. Carry on."

"Ahem... Concerning the interactions between students. There are four rules you must absolutely follow as long as you are on the school's grounds. First, no fights are allowed outside of the training grounds without the authorization of the headmaster. Angas is prohibited outside training areas as well."

"Of course."

"Second, no mortal wounds can be delivered anywhere on the school's grounds or the perpetrator will be executed himself. Third, duels between students are to be approved by at least one teacher who will then be the referee and witness of the duel, ensuring the safety of both parties. Duels are only allowed in the training grounds or the examination grounds."

"This is so long already."

"And fourth, any student breaking the rules is to be punished as severely as possible and as see fit by the teacher in charge."

"That's…a bit troublesome, I guess?"

"You guessed right."

"But then, if I was the one to be beaten up?"

"Then they would be the ones sitting here right now."

"Really?" From the way they were about to beat me for taking their space, I am not sure they were afraid of those rules. It must be related to that third rate he mentioned.

The guard from earlier comes back. His face is glistering. He whispers to the teacher's ear who then looks at me with doubtful eyes.

"What?" I try to read his mind but the lines I see are blue. I try to read them but I can't. Those fucking chains!!

"I see. But even so. You must be punished like anybody else. And I have decided on your punishment. You will fight those you injured today, without weapons and while not using elemental Angas. If you break even one of those conditions. You will be expelled and imprisoned."

"Okay." They didn't seem that strong anyway.


The next day, the teacher escorts me to the training grounds in the afternoon. He had me stayed in that cell for the night and the morning. I wonder why? When we enter the training grounds, there are four stages in front of me. All of them made of white tiles. There are four poles with crystals at each corner of them. What are they for?

"Look, it's him."

"He is so dead. This is more of an execution than a punishment."

"Hey, I heard he arrived yesterday."

"That's can't be. A new recruit in the middle of the year would never be a third rate."

All around the stages and even on both sides of the entrance are podiums with chairs. Three lines of them. They are placed on a platform and each line is higher than the one before. Right now, most of them are taken by students. There must be at least a hundred people in here right now. And all of them are whispering about me.

As I advance with the teacher and get on a stage at the left corner with him, I see them. The heroes, wearing white uniforms. They are sitting right in front of me with another bunch of people. All of those who are around them are also wearing a completely white uniform. They must be the highest class of the high classes.

Soon after us, other people entered the training grounds, wearing well-crafted armors and well-designed weapons. Who are th…Ah, okay, I get it. I see where this is going.

"And of course, you didn't say they were going to be fully armed."

"I didn't want to spoil the surprise." This teacher is on their side. I am sure of it now. Oh well, it doesn't matter.

Four people get on the stage as us while three teams of three people each get on the other stages as well.

"Wait, I injured thirteen people?"

"You didn't know?"

"I didn't count..." Fucking trash!! You want to play this kind of game with me, huh? 

"You are dead!! You hear me?!!! Dead!!"

That voice... it is the red uniform guy from yesterday. Then the other three must be the blue ones. They all got healed so fast? That's pretty cool.

Of the four guys in front of me, one has a shield and a mace while two hold staffs, including the red uniform guy. The last one has a two-handed slim sword. For the other teams, it is the same configuration for every one of them: one has a shield, one a spear, and the last a bow.

Their strategy is classic but it seems really effective.

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