"So, that's basically all we know for now."

In twenty minutes, Frankher has resumed the situation concerning Veronica and Demether. To summarize it, it would seem that they are cooperating with the Longinus somehow. Their assassins and spies have been abducting people here and there. Especially in Titanium, they have been running their operations like crazy there.

Now, the current plan Frankher has in mind is to hunt down their bases of operations and track down those who are affiliated with them.

"And where do we start?"

"Here in Syldavie. I suspect they have a base here but where is the problem. My spies are working day and night to find it so you will have to be ready."

"I have two last questions then.."

"What is it?"

"First, are you sure I will get to Veronica and Demether with your method? From what I can see, this is a roundabout way to will take forever to work. I won't let them have another good night of sleep anymore."

"It will. As we will find and destroy their bases as well as collect informations, they will be on their guard and sooner or later make a mistake. That's when I... we will catch them. Also, unlike you, I am a noble, I can't just waltz into them and fight openly like that."

"Then let me go and fight alone. I never planned on associating with anybody."

My revenge is mine alone, I don't see the need not the benefit of involving other people in it.

"Then you will die in less than a week." Sebastian, you are getting on my nerves more and more every time you open your mouth, you know that?

"I wonder about that."

"You will. Veronica is not only strong. She is cunning as well. She has built an army of more than five hundred assassins ready to die for her at any time over the years. Not only that, Demether is a prince and now the most probable candidate for the throne since his brother mysteriously died. His sister even fled the kingdom to come here at the eternal academy."

"His sister is here?!!" Sweet, if I torture her…

"We have already obtained her cooperation but she didn't know much."

"So Veronica had his brother murdered and left his sister alive…That sounds fishy."

"A girl taking the throne would be impossible."

"And if she gives birth?"

"That's the other thing. She got tortured before she fled. She can't give birth anymore."

"I see." So, it is not that he let her go, it's just that she wasn't a threat anymore.

"Your other question."

"Can you remove this thing?" Those chains are a fucking nuisance. 

"No. Sadly, only the Saintess, the heroes, and Longinus can damage or touch those without trouble."

"You shouldn't have fought a hero to begin with. If it was me, you would already be dead for that."

"I would like to see you try, old man."

"I am not old, you stupid kid!!"

"Sigh… Anyway, be ready and wait for my signal. I am sure we will find something soon."


Frankher brings out his orb and we are teleported back to the first room we saw.

"It was a pleasure as always, high commander."

"For me as well, headmaster."

Why are they using formalities now? We leave the building and outside, ten knights wearing armors which the church insignia are waiting.

"I will leave now. I have other things to do. I can only give you one piece of advice. Use this time wisely to prepare and become stronger. Because when everything will start. You will surely die if you not ready."

"How the hell I am supposed to do that with this thing on me?"

"Don't make excuses. As long as you can move, there is still hope."

"Can't you talk to Farner?"

"No, the heroes are handled by the church. The eternal army is their loyal servant. As for me, I am merely their teacher and nothing else. Also, call them by their full name and with respect. They are the hope of millions of people. Don't belittle that."

"Just go. You are useless."

"Hmph! You are the useless one here. Fake one."

Fake one? What does he mean? Sebastian turns around with a big stride and leave.

"It seems he thinks of you as the fake Dragonroad."

"You think so, Cissa?"

"Either because of something that happened to him or because of my brethren's soul he received. This human has become convinced that he is the Dragonroad. Even more so from the way he constantly uses draconic power."

"So what? He wants to save the world? That's good. I won't have to-"

"His strength is fake and will one day betray him. Unlike you, whose soul is fused with mine, making you stable and complete half-dragon, his dragon's soul is but a flicker. A mere torch that was given to a guide in order for him to bring the master back."

"So…" I don't really understand what Cissa is saying.

"My brethren must have shared a part of his soul with this human in order for him to find us. Surely because we won't be able to track down his presence naturally."

"I see. But why would we not be able to find him? We found Sceras naturally and you said you felt the presence of two dragons."

"I don't know. Maybe he got captured by Longinus. Or maybe he is bound by the same chains you have. They seem to block draconic power as well, though only partially."

"Well, fuck me."


Since I didn't know anything about this school nor do I care about it, I went under a tree in the park of the academy. It is located between the buildings and the entrance of the academy.

On the other side of that park, there is an enormous building that looks like a turtle. It must be the training grounds those guards talked about.

"Yawn…So sleepy." I didn't really sleep last night because I was trying to break the chains so I should rest now.


"Hey!! Filthy peasant. Get out of our place."

Can't somebody sleep in peace around here? Who is it now? In front of me, there are four guys standing up in a half-circle. Three of them are wearing a blue uniform similar to mine while the one at the center is wearing a red one.

"The fuck?"

"Sigh…Filthy peasant and their mouths. Beat him up."

After the red uniform guy spoke, the three others come to me and start kicking me here and there. What the hell is their problem? I hold the leg of one of them and break his ankle.


"What have you-" I punch the second one while standing up and then kick him in the stomach.

"Y-" An elbow right in the mouth for the third one does the trick. He falls to the ground, screaming like a pig. 


"You!! Do you know who I am?" The one wearing the red uniform doesn't seem threatened at all. He takes a knight-like posture, holding his waist with his hands. "If you think you can-"

"I don't care." I run to him, hold his head and smash it to the ground.

Who were they? Their uniform is different, and from what I saw yesterday, it seems like they stay in those blue and red buildings I saw. I wonder what is the difference between them.

Anyway, this place has become too noisy. I should go somewhere else.

"Urgh…" The one I kicked in the stomach earlier is trying to stand up again while I go away. I should have broken some ribs instead. I hate people who interrupt my sleep. No, in fact, why don't I do it now? They deserve it since they started the fight, right?

I go back to them and break their fingers one by one.


"Please help!! Argh!!!"

"Somebody helps us!! N-no, stop, please. Uagh !!! "

They keep calling for help like chicken. What kind of men are you? And why are you so weak? The one in red uniform still hasn't wake up when I finish breaking all their fingers.

"What is happening here?"

As I was about to wake up the red uniform guy, three people arrive. One is wearing a grey and silver robe while the other two are guards, wearing the same leather armor as the one from yesterday.

"W-What is this?!!! You!! Unhand him, now!" The man wearing the grey robe brings out a staff and points it at me.

It seems I am in trouble. "Oops…"

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