Chapter 119 - CHAPTER 119: CORDEL DITORRIA (2)

While I turn around and go, I can hear the two other women whispering to the one who just gave me food about how I am a monster. But then…

"You really think somebody with those eyes is a monster?"

What do my eyes have to do with anything? Oh, well. I don't care. I notice a table which is almost empty with only two persons sitting on it. It is a ten-seat table so there shouldn't be any problem if I sit there.

But as soon as I do, the two guys stand up and go, even though they haven't finished eating. Well, I have all the table to myself then.


A few minutes after I start eating, seven people enter the canteen. All of them are wearing a white uniform. And the middle, the same guy: Cordel Ditorria.. Is he their leader or something? Even during the duel, he was the first to move.

"So, there is even a titanie among them." I didn't notice yesterday, but there is a girl with black skin among them, her skin is darker than mine, but her hair and eyes are red, a bloody red, an aggressive red.

They all go and take food as well, but then, move all to where I am and sit. Two of them sit on each of my sides, two men, trying to look as menacing as possible. Meanwhile Cordel and two others sit in front of me. The titanie's girl is also in front of me, on the left side of Cordel. A man with blue hair sits at his right.

So while he is the leader of the group, this other guy must be his assitant, sort of. But what about the titanie girl?

"Hello again. I don't remember seeing you at all today. Even during the morning group training."

I don't see any reason to answer him. Let's just eat and leave. This will be a boring discussion anyway.

"You know. There is one thing I wanted to say since yesterday. When you said the world was ruthless and unfair. I don't agree with it."

The two guys on each of my sides aren't eating and just stare at me silently. Well, this chicken is spicy and seasoned enough, so I don't really care.

"As far I am concerned, I think the world is a perfect fit for everybody. But you must find what you are good at first. Because in the end, you can't judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree."

"I don't care." You have been talking nonstop until now. It is getting annoying.

"Do you really not care or is it just that you won't admit it?"

"Whatever that pleases you." You talk a lot for a man. Even Selene said that a man shouldn't be talking too much. Speaking of Selene... "Do you know somebody called Excafol Ditorria?"

"Excafol? That would be my uncle. My father told me he went away after he got married to some girl or something and then never came back."

"I see." It is pretty much what he told me.

"Why? did you know him by any chance?"

"Did you ever tried to find him? Contact him?"

"No, father said he chose his path so he should follow it to the end."

"Is that so…" So, you gave up on him that easily, huh…

"It seems like you know him. Do you perhap-"

"Yeah, he is dead."

"…I see. Well, that's unfortunate."

"Yeah. It really is." But since you don't even care…

I stand up but one of the guys holds me by my shoulder.

"We aren't finished, you know."

"I have finished eating, though."

"Sit back and listen to us."

"Us or him? You guys are just dogs waiting for your master's order." The guy holding my shoulder frowns deeply. His face darkens but he doesn't do anything. He just holds my shoulder.

"You are just like an untamed wild beast." The titanie girl finally speaks. Her voice is quite sexy despite being filled with anger.

"Stop it Esteressa."

"No, there is no need to stop. This kind of guy doesn't know the meaning of intimidation or reason. He is just a beast who can only listen to the strongests. He must be either tamed or killed."

"And you will do that, then?" This girl is interesting. At least, she doesn't play the innocent type like this bastard whose family gave up on Excafol.

"I, ESTERESSA VONILD, will become your worst nightmare. I swear it on my name."

The girl stands up and looks straight into my eyes. Her fiery red eyes are burning with a strong flame. The flame of anger.

"Right. If you say so."

I remove the guy's hand on my shoulder and go.

"Tomorrow evening!! You hear me?!!"

"I have nothing to gain so I will pass."

"What?!!" I hear a loud noise behind me then the girl appears right above my head. Did she jump from her seat? Also, I just saw it: It was pink.

"It wasn't a question. It was an order!!"

"You have cute panties, you know?"

"You!!!" She tries to punch me using Angas but I evade it and walk past her.

Her punch was so powerful wind moved with it, raising the skirts and coats of people around us. She isn't as strong as Farner but she might be a good test subject to increase my strength. Or, wait…

"Hey, I have an idea." She tries to punch me again but I block it this time. A small shockwave resounds in the canteen as I do. Yeah, as I thought, she is strong enough.

"You fucking degenerate!! Pervert!!"

"A girl with a skirt shouldn't jump around like that in the first place. Anyway, if I win then you will do one of my biddings, whatever it is."

"AH?!! Why would I-"

"Yes. We will do that." Cordel answers while standing up. "But then, I will the one who you will fight."

"Hm…" I would have preferred the girl but… "Okay. See you tomorrow, then."

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