Both of them are gamma students but they are well above the rest of them. Even among the omega students, aside from us heroes, there only two people at most who could defeat them. When they see us, they stop and come to greet us.

"Hello, Roxcia."

"Lanuvel, you didn't come yesterday."

"Well, sorry, I had something to tqke care of."



Excia and Keltia have a bad relationship ever since Excia accidentally burnt a part of her hair. Keltia went berserk that day and almost destroyed the stage.

I don't really know all the details since i wasn't there but apparently Keltia had a date with Peter in that day or something. And she made an extra effort of cutting her hair as nicely as possible. Only problem is that Excia is a huge tease. Especially about things like that. 

While we are all chatting, Cordel is on his own, on the stage. He looks calm. Confidence is the base of victory, after all.


"Hey, it has been more than thirty minutes, already. Where the fuck is he?"

"Maybe he fled already? Ahahaha!!"

"That would be so hilarious!!"

"Yeah!! He was all talk anyway. He ran like a scared dog as soon as a real warrior confronted him."

I don't think he ran away. Somebody who didn't flee in front of me and even insulted me wouldn't run away like this. I think.

The headmaster comes in as well. So Roxcia managed to convince him after all. He enters with two of his guards. Kevin is following them. Were they together?

"Greetings, everyone."

"Greetings, headmaster."

"I am sorry for the delay but I thought it would be a good thing to make sure that all parties involved were aware of what is at stake."

As he says that, Kevin jumps on the stage.

"That guy…" Lanuvel looks at him with perplexed eyes.

"What is it, Lanuvel?"

"Nothing, Farner. It's just…He looks like somebody I met before. But I must be mistaken."

"Oh, are you talking about your secret prince who stole your heart?"

"Don't be silly, Keltia. It's not like that."

"Hm…I wonder about that. But it's true that he looks like somebody who I have seen once as well. But that can't be anyway so…"

"Why is that?"

"Cause he is dead, duh…"

"Ah, I see."

"Okay. Now, everyone. Although this duel is not official, I was asked to preside it as headmaster so that I could confirm and validate the stakes involved. Cordel Ditorria."


"You and all the students of the omega class have asked that Kevin Dragonroad resigns from the academy. Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir!!"

"Do all the students of the omega class recognize that as well?"

"Yes, we do."

"Miss Farner Saint Axelandria?"

"I…" Do we really do this? Does he really deserve it? I look at Kevin one last time but his eyes are filled with that rage and sadness. Why does he always look like he is in so much pain? What happened to him?

"Farner?" Excia, don't look at me like that. It is not easy to-

"Is it not easy?" Kevin looks at me and speaks with an ice-cold voice.

"W-what do you-"

"Are you trying to convince yourself that this might be wrong?"

"N-no, I just…"

"There is nothing for you guys to talk about. Headmaster, she agrees as well." Roxcia cuts in our conversation. This is not how I wanted this to be.

"I see. Then, Kevin Dragonroad. Do you also agree?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good. Now, your wish is that the chains restricting you are to be removed if you win. Is that correct?"

"It is."

"Do the heroes agree, since you will be the ones to do it, your opinion is more valuable in this case."

"No, we don't."

"Why would we do that? those chains were placed under the order of the Saintess."

"If you don't agree then this duel cannot be valid."

"No, in the first place, this guy was-"

"I agree."


"What are you doing?"

Yeah, they are right. What am I doing?

"Are you pitying me?"

This guy… Can't he take a single hint? "Why would I pity someone like you? I am just doing what I always do: the right thing."

"So, the final verdict? Will you guys agree or not?"

"Two of us disagree so you can consider that we don't."

"Well, in that case, either you two will fight without anything at stake or you find another alternative."

"Let them fight just like this then."

"Yeah. At least, that way, Cordel can still kick his ass."

"Well, Kevin, what do you say?"

"Cordel. Can I ask you something first?"

"What is it? As you saw, nobody can convince the heroes to do something they don't want to. So, sorry."

"How did you feel when I said your uncle died yesterday?"

"Well, I didn't know him that well and I barely remembered his face, but still, it made me feel a bit sad."

"I see. So, you are a liar after all."

"What? What do you-"

"Let's fight! I don't need anything as compensation and if he wins as he said, then you can expel me or whatever you want."

"Wait?! Why?!"

"Farner, what is wrong with you?!"

"Can't you see there is something wrong with all this?!"

"How can you say that after what he did?!! This guy is not somebody we must forgive!!"

No sisters, you are wrong. This guy is…He is…

"Then since both parties have agreed…You will fight with wooden weapons, though. It is an unofficial duel so I don't want people to get hurt unnecessarily. Let's say it is a light spar."

"Yes, sir!!"

Cordel, why are you so motivated? You who keep saying that everybody has a chance and should be given the appropriate role to shine. How can you be so ready to suppress somebody who actually needs help more than everyone else just like that?

"This is wrong…"

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