"Ah, shit."

When I wake up, I am in that weird infirmary again. To find myself in the same place twice in a single week even though it is not my home is weird.

There is no one inside the infirmary right now. No guards, no hero, nobody. I am all alone, as I should always be, alone.

"They are pretty good at healing. There are no traces." Cordel's script was really powerful. I have to admit, I am surprised myself that I managed to win in the end. No, that's not the correct way of thinking.. I got careless and that's why I almost lost. If I didn't get emotional after he lied about his feeling, I wouldn't have been hit by that fireball and lost my sight.

"Selene, Excafol, I still have a long road ahead."

In any case, I believe they must have healed me good enough so I can go now, right? I remove the sheets and… I am naked. What the hell?!

Somebody finally opens the door and enters. No, it's two people. An old man and a young woman, too young, she looks younger than me. Both are wearing the priest's attire. That young girl became a priest being so young?

"Ah, you have woken up at last."

The old man approaches me and replaces the sheet on me. The young girl stayed at the door and closed her eyes.

"It would be improper to show such things to a young maiden, right?"

"If you say so. Anyway, are you the one who healed me?"

"Well, yes."

The young girl finally enters the infirmary, holding a set of white clothes.

"I see. Then, thank you very much." If there is one thing I learned in Floras, it was that you should show your gratitude to people who helped you, even if you don't mean it.

"Oh, don't worry about it, lad. I only did my job. Besides, you weren't hurt that bad."

"Third-degree burns on his arms and his neck. Second degree burns on his face, damaged eyes, internal bleeding. And you say he wasn't that hurt?"

I have lived that kind of scene before. Lanuvel Grandcross. This is the exact stereotype of that girl. The mean type, always stating facts and looking down on you.

"W-well, healing worked well and his body has a high regeneration ability so…"

"Yeah, but it still took a whole three hours to heal him. And two days for him to wake up."

Wait, I slept for two days? "Two days?"

"Yes, you have been sleeping for two days now."

"Did my companions arrived?" K'nor should have arrived two days ago. If he is here already…

"Your companions?"

"Ah… Miss Saint Axelandria was right. You really don't care about details. Your pet has arrived and is in the stables of the academy. It is located outside of the academy so a guard will bring you there later on. For now-"

"I want to go right now."

"No, first things first, you must-"

"No, I will go-"

"Shut up!" Wow! Suddenly, the little girl turns angry, manifesting her golden aura.

"I dislike people who don't listen when others are speaking."

"You mean you hate them, right?"

"I said silence!"

"Make me then."

"Okay, okay. Calm down, both of you." The old man places his hand on both of our heads and lowers them.

"Mesmira. You are too quick on getting angry, I told you to learn composure. You as well, you should listen to people without interrupting them. It will greatly help you in the future, trust me."

So, the little girl is called Mesmira, huh?

"I see. Well, I am sorry, Mesmira…"

"I don't need your apology. You don't even mean it to begin with." Tch. She saw through me.

"Anyway, you were saying?"

"Dress up and get out."

"Eh? That's all you wanted to say?" Why did you get so angry then?


"Tch. Fucking old man…" Did she just swear?

"Wait, did you just-"

"This is your new uniform. You have been transferred to the omega class by order of the headmaster. For all the details, you will have to go to the staff's building and report to the teacher in charge of that class."

"Wait, wait, wait."

"Just dress up and get out."

"Ah…This girl." The old man smacks her head. Do it again, old man! She deserved it.


After putting on the white uniform, I exit the infirmary and goes to the staff's building as asked. There, I find a guard standing at the entrance.

"I was asked to come here and report."

"Hm…Second floor, third door to the left."


I enter the building and go to the second floor. While walking the stairs, I find two students wearing blue uniforms. They shudder like worms and almost enter the wall in an attempt to evade me. What kind of stupid attitude is this?

"Third door to the left…Third door to the left. Okay." The door is well designed, it was made of a single piece of wood, it seems. And it is carved all over, but the general sculpture gives the image of a bird's wings, with a weird sign in the middle.

I knock on the door but nobody answers. There is nobody inside?

"W-who is it?" AH, there was somebody. Why does his voice sound so tired?

"I was asked to come and see you."

"See m-me? well, e-enter."

When I enter, I find a man, trying his best to look dignified in a room and chair that are a complete mess. The man looks young, he must be around his thirties. His brown hair are completely shuffled and unkept. Not that I can talk about it since my own are certainly no better.

His brown eyes are hidden behind a pair of thick and round glasses. He still has traces of drool on the corner of his mouth. His room…his room is like a library that got completely turned upside down. There are books everywhere. On his table, under the table, at every corner. In fact, only the path from the door to his desk isn't filled with books.

"Who are you? I don't remember ever seeing you with the others."

"I am Kevin Dragonroad."



"Hm!! Hah!! What?!!"

How much time has this guy spent without sleeping? "I was asked to come and see you. Do you know what this is about?"

"Eh? Huh, not really. I mean, I haven't been out for the past week so…"

"And, where were you?"

"Here. I had some researches to do on the impact of…of…"

And there he goes sleeping again. I should probably leave this guy alone. I don't know what I was supposed to say or what I should have heard, but I suppose it wasn't imperative.

I leave the building and go to the guard at the entrance again.

"Did you find it?"

"Yes, I did. Thank you."


"Also, where are pets keep here?"

"Pets? Ah, yes. Go outside the academy, then head towards the church. Right before the church, you will see a smithy. The building you are looking for is behind it."

"Alright, thanks."

K'nor, I just can't wait to see you!!!

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