Chapter 127 - CHAPTER 127: LANUVEL NIKITIS (1)

In the evening, I go back to the academy after spending a good time with K'nor. It seems he got fatter indeed, his belly was softer than before. I should make sure that he gets enough exercise.

"Should I drop by the smithy?" I did agree to eat with Anriette but she didn't even tell me where their house is. Oh well, it doesn't matter, I didn't want to go anyway so at least, I have an excuse now.

When I arrive at the academy, there are students coming out of the training grounds. All of them are wearing red uniforms. Were they training? All of them are sweating profusely.

"Look. It's the psychotic slaughterer."

"Don't look at him in the eyes, he will cut your hands.."

And they start whispering as I pass by them. While I walk, I recognize a face I also saw yesterday: Lanuvel Grandcross. The daughter of that betrayer.

"So it was really her." She is talking happily with another girl. Even that girl, I feel like I have seen her before. But where was it?

How could that girl be so happy when her father is a fucking betrayer?! She should be hanged and burnt alive. I should kill her. Yeah, kill her as painfully as possible. I must-

"Hey, got a problem?"

A student comes to me and crosses his arms.

"Whatcha staring at her for, huh?"

Oops, it seems I was staring too hard at her. "Sorry." Let's just go, since I know she is here. I can find an opportunity to kill her.

"Hey, wait a damn m-"

"Stop it, Scott." Lanuvel actually stops the guy who was about to grab my shoulder. She just saved you, big guy.


"I said, stop."

"O-okay." It seems she is strong enough to give orders to her classmates. I wonder how strong she is, though.

I can see the guy from before, trying to hide among some other students. I can completely see him but it looks like his hands are attached to his body like normal.

"So, they can heal even that, huh? That's pretty impressive."

I turn around and go, leaving them to their whisperings.


I go to the canteen and take some rice as usual. But I notice that the woman who gave me food last time is injured, her left arm is bandaged and she has some bruises on her face as well.

"Have a good meal."

"What happened?"


"What happened to you?"

"Oh, nothing importing. Don't worry. Just eat."

It's a good thing she only has physical Angas, I can read her mind easily.

'There is no need to worry him about it. He is an omega student now so they surely won't beat me up again for serving him food.'

Of course, it was something like that. Human nature is just so…

"... Selfish."

"I would have said dirty but, well, you are wrong, Cissa."

"No, this is selfishness. Whoever did this is only trying to isolate you out of his hatred."

"Oh, don't worry. I have a slight idea of who it might be."

"That won't solve the problem."

"Eh? Why?"

"Torturing or killing the culprit won't solve the problem. You will just create a greater one and there will be others who will do the same or even worse afterward. The problem ultimately lies with you."

"Then, what? I stop eating here? The food is free, you know. And I ain't got money to spend and eat elsewhere."

"Were you not propose to eat somewhere just this morning?"

"I won't go there."

"You are just stubborn."

"No, I am honest. How can I eat with somebody when I have destroyed her life and killed those she loved?!!"

"Then tell her the truth. If she doesn't change her attitude, then you can consider she has forgiven you and start anew."

"There is no need to tell anything. I did what I had to and now, I must face the consequences, alone."

"You will never know how others feel if you don't tell her how you do first."

"Cissa, no normal would listen and I don't want to talk about it. I am Dragonroad, you said it yourself. So, I must walk my path, ALONE."

"I never said you should do that but…Whatever you choose, make sure to never have regrets. Because they will destroy you. Slowly, but surely."

"I know."


After my meal, I go outside of the canteen but meet the teacher from this morning in the hall.

"Ah, just the one I was looking for."

"You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, let's go."


"Just follow me."

This guy looks like a crazy man no matter where you look. His hair looks like nobody ever even brushed them, his clothes are wrinkled all over. Seriously, who is he?

"What are you waiting for?!!"

He is already at the front door of the building when he notices I wasn't following him. I don't know where he is going but I suppose it won't hurt to go. Worst case, I can just kill him.

We walk to the white building and enter like arrows. Inside, there is a hall as well. Though it is more decorated, clean, and shining than the one of the brown building. All the other students are present. The heroes, the liar, the girl with the pink panties… Is this some kind of reunion?

"What is this?"

"First of all, allow me to apologize. This morning, I treated you rudely. My name is SMITH DELIL. I am the teacher in charge of the omega class and the head of the research department of the eternal academy."

"I didn't mind."

"Okay, that's good. Now, as a new student of the omega class-"

"Wait a minute. You keep saying omega class. What is it?"

Smith looks at me like I am some kind of mysterious animal. Did I said something weird? The others look surprised as well.

"Huh…Ahem. The omega class is the elite class of the eternal academy. It regroups the best talent you can find in the world."

"Seriously?" Those are the best in the world? I somehow doubt it.

"This punk! What are you looking at?" Pink panties girl stands up and yells at me. She has a hot temper for sure.

"Nothing, pink girl."

"What did you just called me?!!"

"Calm down already. Smith is talking."

"It is teacher Smith, Miss Excia."

"Sorry, Smith."

"Sigh…Anyway. That was the purpose of the omega in the beginning. Now, well, there might certainly be other strong people out there but still, I think my students are all excellent warriors."

"And, so. Why did you call me here?"

"The headmaster informed me that you have been transferred to the omega class. Though I was unaware of it until this afternoon, I still have to properly introduce you to your other classmates, right?"

"I think that was done already." That liar has shown me what kind of classmates I have.

"Even so, I didn't do it. So, guys, let me introduce to you: Kevin Dra…gonroad. Well, you have an unusual name."

Smith has a paper which he is reading. So, he didn't even remember my name when I gave it to him.

"Some people do say that."

"Is it from Yris? We rarely see people from there since it is on the other side of Ioll."

"No, it is not."

"I see. AH, yes, it is written there. You are from Titanium. So, Kevin, I can all you Kevin, right?"

"Whatever you want."

"Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Can I leave this place?"


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