"What the fuck was her problem? Trying to help people out even though I didn't ask anything?!!"

"Woof!! Woof!"

"Right?!! Can't she just mind her fucking business?!!"


"Exactly!! The only thing that even keeps me here is those fucking things that won't break!!"

I went to K'nor's box to sleep. At least with him, I can be at ease all time. But seriously what was that? Do the heroes have an invisible power of some sort? If so, I should watch out for it and avoid them as much as possible.

"I haven't felt the beating of my heart for how long? And now, just a few words from her and it ran like crazy. I wonder what kind of power she used."


The next morning, The man Anriette went to and gave some money comes and wakes me up..

"Hey, this isn't a fucking hotel for humans. Get out of here before I call the guards."

"Tch. Sorry. But can't I sleep here?"

"No, fucking dammit!! You can't!"

"Even if I pay?"

"Oh!... Well, then…" Of course you would agree.

"How much?"

"Hm…Let me see. You know, if the guards know that I let a human sleep with beasts at night, I could be punished and there are the cleaners who need to be handled as well…"

"How much?"

"Well, let's say 1000 wellis per week could do."

"Good. I will give them to you today, then."

"It's my pleasure doing business with you. Stay as long as you like."

The fat man rubs his hands with a smile and leave, a creepy smile distorting his face.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot." I should ask him the way to the guild, I have to register K'nor today in order to avoid further problems.

"Yesss! What is it?" The guy now answers me politely, with his head slightly lowered, like he is in front of some sort of superior. Money has that much power?

"Where is the guild in this town?"

"Ah, the guild? It is near the entrance of the city. A big orange building with flags all over. You can't miss it."

"I see. I need to take this guy with me, then."

"You want to register him? You don't need to take him with you, then. And guards would be way too overreactive seeing him like this. Just take a bit of his fur, some droplets of blood, and print his paw on a paper with some ink. Wait, I will bring it to you."

He goes and comes back a few moments later with a large piece of paper, a brush, a knife, and a small bottle.

He handles everything himself and collects even the blood from K'nor in a matter of seconds. K'nor didn't even make a sound.

"I used to work at the guild before."

"I see."

"You are not going to ask me how I ended up like this?"


"Oh...You are a good guy, then." How am I a good guy for not asking?

"Most people try to act all sensitive and ask you how you became what you are. Even though, deep in their eyes, you can just see they were disgusted from seeing you the second before. But they try to act all compassionate as soon as you tell them your story."

"Is that so?"

"It is so. Most people see this job of pet's house manager as dirty. But when you tell them you were working a bit decently before, they all turn mellow. It is really hypocrite. Though, you can scratch some money from them because of that so…"

"I see." I don't really care about your story, just finish and hand over what I need.

"Oh, by the way. The name is Rock." The fat guy says as he stands up and gives everything.

"Thank you, Rock."


Outside the pet's house, I pass by the school and continue forward. I think the city entrance should be that way. There are two or three guards at the entrance of the school who look at me for a second then start a conversation. Surely gossiping about me.

After walking for about ten minutes, I find the orange building with flags. The city entrance is indeed not far from it.

"Mr. Dragonroad?" As I was about to enter the building, I hear Anriette's aunt's voice. Hm, wait, what was her name again?

"How are you?" Oh, fuck it.

"I am fine and you?"

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