Anriette's aunt is wearing a red armor, which suits her perfectly, by the way. Her one hand sword attached to her waist and her hair pulled back and held tight by a strong really gives her a fierce look.

"I am seeing worse days. You are going somewhere?" Is she also working for the guild? Or an adventurer or something?

"Yes. I have to make sure the guys at the gate don't just sleep around in the morning. Especially at times like this, right before their replacement comes."

"I see." She is a captain of some sort? Well, that suits her as well. No, in fact, she looks even more fierce and scary now.

"And you, why are you not at school? I know you are an omega so some classes can be optional but still." Wait, so omega students have optional classes? They are really considered geniuses, then..

"Well, I wanted to register my companion. I didn't want to delay it."

"Your companion? AH, your pet, you mean. I see. When we saw him with Anriette the first time, we freaked out so much I almost launch my sword at him. That wolfider is so huge!"

Yeah, yeah, please, just leave. Don't you have other places to be?

"I mean, it's true that I have never seen an alpha wolfider before but to think that it would be so huge!"

"Captain! Where are the others?!"

While she is talking, three guys come from the gate, they must be the ones guarding it.

"They are coming, you maggots!!! Get back to your post!!" Anriette's aunt screams so loudly I am taken aback. She looked so gentle just a second ago.

"Eh?!! But we are hungry."

"Shut up, she is going to make us stand there for another hour."

"Mr.Dragonroad. Once you register your pet, please do find the time to come home. We will make a feast for you two. So, you guys want to get on my nerves, huh?!!"

She goes in a flash and reaches the guards, then starts smacking them one by one.

I enter the guild's building and walk to the counter. There is a lot of people inside, wearing different kinds of armor with flashy weapons. Most of them are sitting in groups, chatting, while some others are standing in corners or in front of a big board on the right side of the hall.

"Good morning, what can I do for you today? Do you want to register at the guild? Or do you-"

"I want to register my companion."

The girl at the counter is the exact same as Anriette. The only difference is the hair and eye color. How do they find them?

"Registration… I see, but then, he will have to come himself, along with his-"

"He is a wolfider."

"A wolfider? Ah, you meant you want to register your pet, then. Well, please, enter the door right there and you will be taken care of."

The girl shows me a door on my left.

"Take this as well. Do you have your card with you?"

"Yes, I do."

"Are you register to the guild?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good, then take this instead." She removes the first paper she placed in front of me and takes out another one, with the guild's insignia on it.

"Thank you."

"Ah, please, before you go, have you accomplished any tasks for the guild before?"

"Hm, not that I can remember."

"I see. Can I have your name, please? I would like to check, just in case." Just in case of what? Does she think I am lying about something?

"Kevin Dragonroad."

"Thank you."

She writes my name on a piece of paper goes somewhere. Another girl comes as soon as she left.

I go to the door and open it, only to find an old man with a long beard sitting on a couch. There are a table and chair in front of him.

"Good morning. You came to register your pet?"


"Then sit down, please."

I sit down on the chair, and the old man extends his hand.

"Please hand over your card, and well as the necessary documentation for your pet."

I bring out all the things Rock gave me from my bracelet and give it to the old man.

"Fill in the guild's paper while I check. If there is any part you don't understand or if you can't read and write, please tell me."

"I can read. And write."

"I see, good then."

I fill the paper with my name, K'nor's name, when I found him, where, etc… Then give it to the old man.

"Those were remarkably collected. Have you perhaps done this before?"

"No, somebody else did it for me."

"I see. Well, he is truly talented. He should come and work here. Real talent is more and more lacking nowadays. People just want to become named warriors or meisters and earn big money…"

The old man starts rumbling as he stands up and goes by another door behind him. I didn't ask for a story, though. He comes back five minutes later with my card. When I take it and look, there is now K'nor's name on it, with a small figure next to it. It's like the head of a wolfider but I am not sure, they made quite small.

"Thank you."

He also presents a big collar and some sort of bracelet to me.

"You are welcome. The fees are 1000 wellis. You can choose between the collar or the bracelet what you want to place on him. It will serve as proof that he is yours."

I take out the money and give it to him. I also take the bracelet. There are the characters 'K.D' engraved on it. K'nor wouldn't look good with a collar. And I already have something similar. There is no reason for both of us to wear collars.

"The guild is not responsible in case your pet attacks someone so always make sure to treat him well and feed him enough."

"Of course."

I should find a way to earn some money. Or Take back my bracelet from Farner.

"Ah…what to do?"

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