Chapter 140 - CHAPTER 140: DINNER (2)

Claire goes and starts undressing right as she walks the stairs. By the time she disappeared from my sight, she had already removed her gauntlets and her chest plate. Soon after her, the maid comes and picks them up while moving upstairs as well.

"That's Selene without a doubt." She often left her clothes everywhere and Excafol and I would pick them up.


Frank is the first to come down. He is wearing a simple white shirt with a pair of black trousers. He points at the table as soon as he arrives and then sits on a chair. I suppose he wants me to come as well. I sit on the chair right next to him. I really like it, that silence where nobody asks questions. If only everybody was like him.. I can feel his gaze on me, though.

After him, it's the maid who comes down and goes to the kitchen. She comes out three or four minutes later, holding a big pot which she placed at the center of the table. Then she goes and comes back with plates and forks…It takes her like two minutes to bring everything. There is a salad, bread, fruits as well. Is this really just lunch? In Karnados, I didn't get to eat any lunch since we were training at this time but if that's how lunch usually is, I missed something great.

Frank lightly taps my shoulders and when I turn, a paper is right in my face. Where did he find one? It didn't have it with him when I came earlier.

"Have ever eaten mangradora's liver before?" Is what is written.

"No, I haven't."

"Good. You will be surprised. The whole body of a mangradora is normally poisonous except for its liver. If cooked well, it can almost bring you to heaven when you eat it."

"Is that so? I look forward to it, then."

Finally, I hear footsteps on the stairs. Anriette and Claire come down. Claire comes first, wearing a pair of…short pants? Those look like trousers but the whole leg parts are missing. The shirt she is wearing is really short as well, showing her belly button.

"Sorry for the wait."

She comes and sits next to Frank as well.

"Kevin, you should sit over there." She points at the sit in front of me.

"Huh…" From the look in your eyes, this looks more like an order.

I stand up and goes around them but then, I directly meet Anriette on the way.

She looks cute, wearing a dress with frills, her face is glowing a bit as well. She changed her hair's style as well: they were completely straight before but now, they are a bit wavy. Yeah, you definitively look good, girl.

I pass by her without saying anything and sit where I was asked. Anriette then comes and sits next to me as well. We are now facing Claire and her husband.

"Okay, now, let's eat. Himera, you won't join us?"

"No, madam, I…" She seems to be afraid of something.

"Ah, the wolfider?"

"Y-yes, madam."

"Oh don't worry. Kevin will feed him later."


"Don't worry, he doesn't attack people that easily. Or else they wouldn't have let him in as a pet." Anriette reassures her as well.

The maid then goes around and takes the seat right before K'nor. Ah, I see why she was afraid. He is right behind her so in case he is hungry. Well, I never fed him human meat so I don't think there is anything to worry about.

Everybody crosses their hands and close their eyes. What are they doing?

"Oh, merciful and bountiful Goddess. Thank you for the gift of life you grant to us every day. For the food we are lucky enough to eat. And the presence of those who hold dear. May your light never fade and always keep us on the right path."

"May MEETIA preserves us."

A prayer to MEETIA, huh? It was boring and there are too many parts I don't agree with but everybody has his own belief I suppose.

"So today, what did you cook?"

"Well, today is a specialty!" Anriette stands up and passes by me, she goes to the pot and opens it with a swift movement.

"I had the incredible of finding some mangradoras' liver today so I cooked you guys a POT-AU-FEU!!!"



Everyone claps while Anriette looks at me awkwardly. I start clapping as well, trying to force a smile.

"T-thank you."

"And now, let us eat." Claire takes her husband's plate and passes it to Anriette. Then she gives her own, my plate, Anriette and Himera, the maid. That mangradora soup looks good, the smell is good, the color as well.

"Let's dig in!!"

Claire and her husband pick a piece of meat with great passion and eat it. They really look good together.

"Let's eat."

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