"Cissa, stop talking about this."

"I am just stating a fact."

Cissa won't stop talking about how I just behave with Anriette. It may be true that she didn't lie about loving me but even so, it is better if we don't interact too much.

"Because you feel guilty."

"No, it's because I…" I did what I had to. I do regret it but I did what I had to do. "This is the road I chose. I will see it to the end. And besides, you said yourself that the more we will become stronger, the more people will hate us, right? What would be the point, then?"

"I am saying that you should tell her the truth.. Only then will you feel free of this guilt."

"I will, one day. But not now."

I go back to the pets' house and feed K'nor. Then I sit on a corner and go to the inner soul.

"Cissa, do you think there is a way to break those chains?"

I would like to leave this place but there are currently two reasons as to why I can't. The first is that the heroes and the Saintess are the only ones who can remove those chains they put on me. I will never ask Rebecca's help so my only other option is to appeal to the heroes. The other reason is the deal with Frankher. If he truly has a way to weaken Demether and Veronica and then kill them, I am in, no matter what it takes.

"Not with our draconic power, at least. Those chains seem not to store energy after absorbing it but instead dissipates it, creating a distortion around your body. That's why your draconic power is less effective as well."

"Then what can I do? There must be a way."

"Why not refine your body first? I told you that the machine from before looks really interesting. Using it will certainly give you better control of your body and helps you."

"I know but…I don't like going there."

"You will face people's looks throughout your journey. They will always judge you, talk about you, mock you even if you are the strongest. Why bother thinking about what they will say?"

"Well, it's not that easy."

"I know but try your best."

"It's not like I have the choice anyway, right?"



The next day, I go to the canteen of the school in the morning.

"We really did a mess of her! Ahaha!"

"It should teach her a lesson. Giving food to that monster like he was a human."

"Shut up!! He is coming!"

On my way, I find three blue uniform students talking about something. I wonder what this was all about. One thing is for sure, I am involved in what they were saying. I wouldn't have caught that conversation if I wasn't using Angas with my ears.

Sadly, I can't read their minds because none of them has hollow white lines above their heads.

Inside the canteen, I find the other omega all eating together. I greet them and shift my gaze quickly before my eyes meet Farner's. My heart is beating at least ten times faster just from knowing she is here. I must find what she did to me. That's an absolute priority!

As I walk to the counter, I see the woman who served me before. But…

"This is why I don't want people to interact with me."

She is in a pitiful state. Her face is a mess, she has bandages on the left side of it. One of her arms is broken and bandaged as well. Her hair are rough and looks like they were pulled out forcefully.

"Don't they heal you here?"


The woman doesn't even answer me. Her only visible eye looks dead. Why would she come to work in such a state?

I read her mind and apparently, she is working for her two children who are at home. I don't know where her husband is since she didn't think about him but…

"Can't the priests here at the academy heal you?"

"…What do you want to eat?"

This woman…You are really courageous. But I can't accept this.

"You see, Cissa. This is why I didn't want people to get involved with me."


You got nothing to say now, huh?

"Do you need help?"

"What do you want to eat? If you are not eating then please leave. There are other students waiting."

"Just because you stay quiet doesn't chase the problem away."

I approach the counter and place my hands on it, facing the woman directly. She flees my gaze by lowering her head while her mind is screaming 'GO AWAY!!'

"Please, just le-"

"Is this really what you want?!" I shout unconsciously. "Do you think it will ever stop?!! It won't!!! Ever!! Because you stayed quiet about it!!"

"Please, leave!!!" She looks straight at me and starts crying. But I can't leave. I want to hear it from the bottom of your heart. I want to hear your real thoughts that you have hidden behind that fear.

"Fear will just rot you away until there is only an empty husk carried by the wind of despair! Because you didn't step up and said it! Because you thought you didn't have the strength to say what had to be said!"

"Please leave already!! You are just a monster!!!" She takes a ladle full of soup and throws it at me. The ladle hit my head while the soup pours on me. Yes, this is it, let it out. Let it all out until you muster the strength to say it.

"Yes, you are right. I am a monster. I am not a hero. I don't deserve respect; I don't deserve anything of the sort. But there is one thing that I won't ever let happen."

I take the ladle on the floor and give it back to her. But she doesn't take it.

"It is to see somebody who was kind enough to give me some food suffer because of me."

"And can you possibly do?!! What do you even know?!! You don't know anything?!! You fucking monster!!!"

"Tell me, then!!" I strike the ladle on the counter. "Tell me!! What you truly want!!"

"I don't want anything!! Just disappear!! You monster!!"

So, in the end, you are weak as well. You didn't have the resolve to break through your fear. But I must acknowledge that you at least bear true love for your children.

I turn around and go. I can see and hear students mocking me here and there as I walk. They keep whispering with devilish smiles on their face.


I hear the omegas talking as well. Even in this situation, Farner's voice rings out clearly in my ears. This is quite unsettling.

"W-wait." Amidst all the voices and noises. I hear it. The woman's voice. Almost like a whisper, but I heard it.

When I turn around, she is looking at me with tears, her face is the very expression of regret. But that's not what I want to see. That's not what I want to hear.

"Please, help me." Once again, she whispers. It was almost inaudible with all the students laughing and talking but it is enough.

"I will."

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