As the night comes, I attach a black piece of cloth to my head, leaving only eyes to be seen. I remove my uniform as well and put on a shirt I bought during the day. I don't have a raizen but I wouldn't have used it either way. I could give me away. Tatiana's dagger will be enough. I still remember those three guy's faces clearly. No, actually their faces became even clearer after what happened.

My objective is simple. I enter their dorm, capture them, bring them out, torture and kill them.

"I should let one alive to make sure he will tell any others who do the same what will happen."

I exit the pets' house in the middle of the night and jump on the roof. From roof to roof, I reach the academy and enter by jumping over the wall.. There are some guards patrolling the school premises. Each building also has three guards in front of the door. Well, I didn't plan on entering through the front door anyway. I pass by the park of the academy and reach the infirmary. There is a guard in front of it as well.

Even in the back, there are three guards in front of each main door.

"Let's see. Maybe I can-"

"I knew it."

Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. Why is she here? And how did she get behind without me noticing?! Before I can even speak, I can feel Farner pulling me by my shirt and throwing me over to the examination ground. The strength she used was so great my shirt ripped off.

"Why can't you just fucking leave me alone?!!"

Before I even land, she is already in front of me. I block her punch and kick her but she blocks it as well. She uses the momentum of my fall and adds strength to it, slamming me to the ground. Then she tries to punch me again but I evade and manage to kick her stomach.

"Argh!" She goes back a bit, leaving me enough space to stand back up.

"Why?!! Why won't you leave me alone?!! What is so hard about it?!!"

Why are you here, Farner? Why you of all people?!! Once again, my heartbeat accelerates, my whole body becomes unsteady, my stomach tingles. I won't be able to fight her like this.

"Because I knew you would do something like this. This is not the right path, and you know it."

"Stop, stop patronizing me! You know nothing."

It seems Farner chose to bring us here on purpose. There is no guard coming even though we are talking pretty loudly, the night is so dark today we can barely see each other. Well, I was trained for it so I have the advantage. Maybe I can escape her and then…

"Don't even think about it. You are going to the dorm with me."

"I don't think so!!" I use Disperse and reach her but it seems she is used to darkness as well. She effortlessly dodges and counters but I do the same. For a couple of seconds, we exchange fists without touching each other. Almost like some kind of weird dance. Then I finally break her wall, I graze her cheek and catch her hair.

"Hyaa!" She screams like a little girl as I pull on them and throw her head backward. Now is my chance.

"Why you!!" She uses her knee and blocks me again. Then she catches my hand while I was retrieving it and turning around, she swings me like a vulgar twig. That girl has way too much strength.

Thankfully, I use my feet to land right before I would hit my back on the ground. She is still holding my hand so I use the other one and grabs something, something soft.

"Kyaa!! You pervert!" She releases my hand and steps back a few meters, making me fall.

Now is my chance!! I stand up and use Disperse to run away from her.

"Where do you think!..." I hear her shouting. Then the increasingly whistling sound of something flying to me tickles my ears. I dodge by jumping and see a sword flying past me. Was she planning on killing me?

"...You are going!!" Farner's voice resounds like a roar above my head. I turn around just in time to block her punch but her body collides with mine and we both fall.


"Huff…Huff…You are one tough nut to crack."

"Just leave me alone, then."

Farner has pinned me down and is holding my hands. She is sitting on top of me as well, again.

"Why?! Why do keep interfering?!"

"I told you already! This is my duty as a hero!"

"There are other people who need help as well!! There are even some in front of you!! So why would you keep coming for me?!! What kind of duty is that?!!!"

"It is mine! And don't just go and assumed we aren't doing anything!"

"Then what have you done?! You watched her suffer!! In silence!! Enjoying your peaceful li-"

Farner releases one of my hands and punches me. I take advantage of it and hold her hand. I push her upwards and then slam her on the ground. Now I have the upper hand. Or not, she is still holding my hands.

Now that I am on top of her, I notice she is wearing a simple shirt without any skirt. The shirt is long enough but…

"Did you get out like this?"

"The others would have suspected something so I jump by the window."

"You are really something else."

"Come to the dorm with me. There are things you need to know and things I have to say."

"I won't. Those guys must pay."

"Don't you see that your solution doesn't save anyone! Let's say you really kill them! Then what?!! Another one will just come and take his place, with more hatred and resentment! That's just a vicious circle you are creating!"

"No, it won't be a circle! I will make sure that their fear prevents them from doing it again!"

"It won't work! You are not strong enough for that!"

"Then who is?!! You?!! Your high commander?!!! The strongs never do anything!!"

"No, none of us are. My strength… our strength is to protect. Not to destroy. Kevin, your path is wrong and we both know it."

Farner releases my hands and touches my face. More than ever, my heart is a horse running full speed now. I can't even feel any strength in my arms or legs right now. I feel like…like a cloud.

"So, please, let me show you a different path."

Why?!! Why do your words strike me so deep?!!

"No, I…"

"Then if you really believe your choices were the good ones, I won't ever interfere. No matter what you do."

"Even though you are a hero?"

"Yes. Even though I am a hero."

"Then start by removing those chains."

"Fufufu. You know I can't do that."

Her smile, the way she laughs. Everything about this girl is affecting me. I must find what kind of scripts she has used before it's too late.

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