"Stop! Stop, K'nor!"

As soon as I let K'nor out of the pet's house and told him to run to the south, he went crazy. I know that he hasn't had much exercise lately but to actually jump over houses and the wall of the city might not be well seen by other people. And I don't want them to complain about him.

When K'nor stops, we are already far away from the city walls. He went too far again.

"Good grief, you are quite the handful, you know?"

I lightly pat his head while watching my surroundings. The south is still right in front of me.

"Okay, let's go." I climb on K'nor's back and he starts running again.. Using Wind Angas gives him a real boost of speed. If only I could use it as well.

After a few minutes, we reach a big house in the middle of nowhere. It's really wasn't that far.

I don't have a good weapon and entering directly might make them kill the children.

"K'nor, you go and rampage first, okay?"


K'nor roars and then jumps over the small wall that is protecting the house.

"Shit!!! A beast!!"

"Don't come near me!! Gya!!"

Well, that's some havoc he is bringing there. I jump over the wall as well and immediately find a guard without his leg missing. It got mowed by K'nor. The guy is still breathing, with difficulty though.

"Where are the children?"

"W-what? Who are y-"

I kick his wounded leg and step on it.


"Where are the children?"

"Who sent you?"

Ah…moron. I slice his throat and look for another guy.


"Finally." After losing almost five minutes of questioning people, I finally find one who knew where was the children.

I go to the first floor of the house and find them bind to a chair, sleeping. I cut the ropes binding them. I had removed my coat and shirt before entering the house in case my uniform might be recognized so I bring them out and cover the two children with it.

It's pretty vexing that I got dirty with blood on my trousers and my body as well but no can do. I whistle to call K'nor back and leave. There is no need to waste more time here. Maybe the fight has already ended at the academy as well.

I put the children on K'nor then jump on his back as well. He has blood on his mouth, on his legs, and his tail but he doesn't seem to be wounded. That's good. Your beautiful fur shouldn't arbor any wounds, ever.

"Let's go K'nor!"



We reach the city swiftly and K'nor jumps over the wall of the city again. I did my best to hold on to the children so that they wouldn't fall.

"This way, K'nor."

We pass by some houses and then enter the forest of the examination grounds. Why do they leave a forest next to houses? I don't really care but I find it weird nevertheless.

As we pass by some guards, they tried to stop me but I don't care. K'nor reaches the training grounds but I let him stay outside with the children. Let's see who won the fight first.

I enter the training grounds but the liar still hasn't finished yet. And why in hell…



"Where was he?"

"Why does he look like that?"

"He is trying to intimidate us. That's surely some chicken blood."

People start whispering in the training grounds as soon as they saw me. Even Cordel and his opponent have stopped fighting.

"Ahahaha!! Hey!! Is he the guy you talked about?!!"

His opponent actually leaves the stage and comes to me.

"Hey, man. How many did you kill just today? Sniff, sniff." The guy smells me like some kind of food. The hell?

Everyone is astonished and silent. Wait, what's happening? Why are they all looking at him like that?


"What? Can't you see I am busy?"

Aspen comes to him with his whole body trembling.

"But sir, you went out the stage. You have-"

"AH?!! What do I care about your stupid duel?!!"


"You fucking scammer!!!" Finally, green hair Sulivan gets up from his seat. His shout was so loud that I think it made the whole place tremble.

Sulivan walks in big strides and jumps over the podium, lending on a stage. He walks like a madman and reaches us so quickly he almost fell.

"You!! You bastard!! You tricked me!!!"

"Ah, just shut your trap already."

"You fucking bastard!! Incompetent!! You can't even defeat a mere student and you pretend to be a named warrior!! I want my money back!!"

"Or what?"

"Or my family will-"

Like the bite of a snake, the guy who was smelling me catches Sulivan's throat with his hand.


"S-stop!! What are you doing?!!"

Aspen tries to hold his hand but the guy releases his murderous intent and as it instantly freezes up the teacher.

"Gaa! Gaa…" Sulivan's mouth starts foaming as his eyes become red.

"I would advise you to release my student."

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