Chapter 148 - CHAPTER 149: NAMED WARRIOR


I am strong. I am strong. I won't waver in front of any enemy. My attack will strike true and my convictions will bring me victory. Because I fight for what is right.

"Today, I shall prevail and come victorious. No matter what."

"Oh, you will! Stop worrying!" Esteressa lightly pats my back while helping me put on my armor. Oh, sweet and untamed Esteressa. I wonder how I would be if I hadn't met you.

When I get in the hall, everybody is there, even Kevin.. I thought he would be gone already.

"Let's go, guys!"


"I will go to the bathroom first."

Why does he need to go now? this guy…



"Didn't you go earlier?"

"You need to stop monitoring me."

How does Farner know that he went to the bathroom before? Even I didn't see him this morning and we all use the same bathroom.

"Farner, how did you?..."

Excia asks the question that was burning my lips. Seriously, how did she know?

"I was watching him when he went. He goes early in the morning apparently."

"No, no, no. Why do you even…Actually, nevermind. Just do your thing."

Why are you giving up? Ask her already!!

"Not even flowers like persistent bees, you know."

Esteressa, that was unnecessary. You didn't have to say-

"What do you mean?" Farner seems troubled by Esteressa's words. Don't tell me…

"You will understand with time."

"Don't act all smart with me!"


In a rather joyful atmosphere, we enter the training grounds. The alphas are all here. And there is a guy on the stage, wearing a pretty good armor as well. This guy, I think I saw him before.


"Seriously?!!!" The mangradora's tongue. Why is a named warrior here?!! Where did they find him?!!

The man smiles viciously at me. he is clearly another monster like Kevin. I can feel my body trembling but this time, I won't lose. I swear on my honor.



After Teacher Aspen gives us the rules of the fight, Teacher Smith brings me my weapon: a normal scythe without any enchantments. I would have liked to use my own scythe but nothing I can do about it. He also gives a crossbow and a rapier to the man. So he is fighting both long and short-range, then? I am more of a middle-range myself so I should have the advantage.

The guy takes his weapon and then licks his rapier until it cuts his tongue. Weird enough, the blood that flows on the rapier is black, not red. What is this?

"Ah... Nothing like the fresh taste of blood before a fight. Hey, man, I can cut you and bleed you, right?!! I can make you scream, right?!!" The man's eyes go bloodshot inside his helmet and he jumps on me immediately.


Teacher Aspen gives the signal while the guy is midair. Well, don't blame me for being discourteous, then.

"Fireball!!" I send a fireball to the guy but he shoots a bolt with his crossbow and it actually breaks my fireball as soon as it got off my hand.

"Weak!!! Don't you know scripts are still weak when they just go released?!!"

Interesting, I didn't know that.

"Thank you for the lesson!!"

The guy lands right before me and thrusts his rapier. He is directly aiming for my eye. I block him and we engage in a close fight. But I don't have the advantage against an opponent who is using a nimble weapon like that one. Only problem is that…

"Where are you going? Let me bleed you!!"

The guy doesn't let create enough distance. I block and dodge his attacks as best as I can but without warning, without even a sign that could have indicated it, he fires a bolt that penetrates right between the plates of my shoulder's armor.


"Yes, bleed!! Bleed!!"

"Lightning Storm!"

I didn't want to use lightning because it consumes more Angas than fire on people.


The guy starts laughing while my lightning storm is striking him. Is he insane?!!

I jump back a few meters and removes the bolt. It didn't penetrate far enough but I still got hurt pretty fast.

"This isn't going to be easy."

"Hahaha!! More!! Struggle more!!"


"This isn't working, little shit!! Don't you understand?!!"

It has been more than thirty minutes since we started fighting. How can this guy have so much stamina even though he is wearing an armor. Thanks to Esteressa, my stamina has increased a lot but even so, I don't think I can last an hour fighting like this.

"Then what about this?!!"

I have managed to knock off his helmet but this guy isn't even fazed by the fact that his bald head is completely exposed. He became even crazier after that, in fact. Somehow, he looks like Kevin, fearless of death and pain. Is this really how all those who have seen too many deaths become?


I strike his rapier right before the hilt. He releases it while his hand starts trembling. Finally, I-

"Idiot! Windstorm!!"

A trap?

"Light wall!!" I use my wall just in time but I am pushed quite far.

A bolt comes as well and hits my wall.

"Tch!! It was still on?"

This guy…He acts insane but he sure is thinking ahead. I have to take this seriously.

"Come on, man, come on. I just want to see the color of the blood. Just a bit, come on."

Does he not even mind his shaking hand?

"Have you seen death as well before?"


"I am asking-"

"I heard you, bitch. I was surprised by the 'as well'."

"Ah... I have a friend who is pretty much like you."

"And you didn't send him instead. What do you want me to do with a shithead like you who doesn't know the joy of a fight to the death? I can't even fire up with some lass bitch like you!!"

"IS that so? Then I will let you taste as well. The real strength that somebody like you will never reach."

"Oh... Bring it on, then! Shithead!!"

Let's return to the basics. When someone is running at you, blind him first.

"Light Ray!"


While the guy dodges, I use another light ray without calling out the name. It's not like I can't use chanteless scripts, after all. The second ray hits him but this guy has insane reflexes, he still dodges it, getting only lightly grazed. Still, my objective is to wear him out while preventing him from reaching me for now. If only I could break his hand or something.

"You are a weakling!!"

He keeps evading and from time to time shoots her bolt. I block them with my scythe without losing sight of him. Even though I am pummeling with scripts, he still manages to aim at my head with precision. That's a real monster there.

What can I do? How can I win? At this rate, my Angas will be depleted before his stamina.


Like a storm, a voice resounds throughout the training grounds, making us stop.


Why is he covered in blood? And where is his uniform?

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