The book the teacher lent me is a treasure. He has written down the name of all Longinus as well as other details extremely useful.

"So those tentacles are the only ones without a name?"

I have read the whole thing but the first Longinus I encountered in Tatradum doesn't seem to have a name, they just call it a low-class vanguard. Since they are weak perhaps there is no need for them to be named. The three-leg beasts are called VISTA. They are vulnerable to most Angas attributes but resistant to physical Angas.


Abruptly, the door of the classroom opens, then students start entering.

"They are finally ba-"

I thought they were my classmates from this morning but those are different heads I see now. Looking at the window, I realize it's the afternoon already.. It's been a long time since I got so engrossed in a book.

I stand up and goes to the door but two gamma students block my way. Then behind them, Keltia and Lanuvel appear from the door.

"You don't pass when the queens are coming."

They stare with passion and conviction at me. Are they going out or something?

I push them aside and pass by right between the two girls.

"Good afternoon." Keltia greets me with a mellow and soothing voice.

"Good afternoon." I greet her back and continue another step only to be stopped by gnoll number two.

"And what about me?"

"Ah…Good afternoon, Lanuvel."

"Don't say my name like it's annoying!"

"Can you let me go?"

"Then greet me like you mean it."

She stands in front of me and places her hands on her waist, pushing her chest a bit forward. Ah…what a pain. Greeting you properly? What do you mean by properly? Hm, wait. Now that I think about it, during her birthday, I saw a guy kissing a girl's hand before greeting her. Is this what she means?

"Can't you just let it go?"

"No. Proper etiquette is the base of a gentleman. I will teach you those until they stay engrave in that thick skull of yours."

"Even though you have worse etiquette than me?"

"What did you say?!!!" This won't work. This girl is way too stubborn and violent. I better do what she wants and leave her be. It's not like I will have to do it every day.

"Good, good. I am waiting then."

She closes her eyes and smiles with her face facing upwards. Really, what a pain!

I kneel with one leg and takes her hand then kisses.

"Greetings, belle demoiselle." I think that's what the guy said that day. Who do I even remember such a useless thing?

I look up after that and Lanuvel is…red as the shiest maiden. Her mouth opens agape and her hand trembling a bit. I release it then stand up but she is looking at me like…I just did something unexpected.

"What? Aren't satisfied yet?"


"You are a true gentleman for sure. Kevin."

Keltia pats my shoulder then goes away. The two guys from before as well as other students outside are firing arrows at me with their eyes.

"See you then." I walk past Lanuvel who still hasn't said anything comprehensible then go outside the school's building. I guess my school day is over.

"I hope K'nor isn't too lonely."


"Of course."

When I arrive at the pet's house, Farner and Excia are here, petting K'nor. I should have known. I also notice two other surprising things. The first is that Roxcia is here as well. She isn't playing with K'nor like the other two but instead is reading a book, sitting a chair a bit far from them.

The second surprising thing I notice is that K'nor seems to have shrunk. No, he didn't shrink. Did they really…

"You shaved his fur?"

"Yeah. Doesn't he look way cooler like this?"

"Without cutting anything?" I wonder how much has bitten you.

"Hey, Roxcia did the cutting, we just brought it out."

"I see." Roxcia is a good shaver. That's for sure. K'nor does look cooler like this.

"Tell him you love it as well."

"Woof! Woof!" And they have really managed to pet him. Shit.

"Thank you for shaving him."

"It's nothing." Roxcia's reactions are somehow apathetic. She doesn't even seem to care. But I don't think that's the case or else she wouldn't have helped.

"Are you guys staying here, then?"

"Nah, we were starting to get hungry. Let's go in town and eat something."

"Is that so? Then perhaps I know a place."



"No way."

"Ah…Just follow me."

Though I am not sure I can bring them there, it shouldn't be a problem, I think.



So, it was a problem, after all.

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