"Yeah, but you do know that most people don't even think about it, right?"

"That's because they forget the basics. It's just like walking."

Like last time, everyone has entered a conversation about something I don't care while we eat. I hate that. All those people smiling, laughing happily. I can't stand it. We were the same after all. Excafol, Selene, and I. We were also eating around a table like this and happily enjoying an illusion of something we thought to be happiness. And in the end, my weak self causes their death.

"Your soup is really good, Miss Claire.".

"Oh... Thank you but I didn't cook it. I am actually ashamed to say this but I don't even know how to fry an egg."

"Eh, really? But then who did this?"

"I-it's me."

"Miss Anriette? So you can cook. Can you teach us sometimes? The saintess keeps saying that we should learn some feminine skills but we don't really know where to start."

"Eh? With pleasure. Do you really think it's that good?"

"Yeah, it is."


"It's delightful." Farner, you are trying too hard.

"I-I see. Thank you." Anriette blushes like never before. Well, I can cook as well but there is no need to spoil the mood. Besides, I want to go back already. I am tired of all this happiness showering my face.

"But you know, Kevin can cook as well."


The three heroes shout so hard Frank almost jumped from his seat. Then they look at me at the same time, their eyes pressing for an answer.

"We weren't talking about me here." You made an unnecessary comment, Anriette.

I don't want to be part of your conversation. She has been glancing at me for the past while. SI she trying to make me talk as well. Sorry then, I don't want to participate in your little happy moment.

"That doesn't answer the question!"

"Yeah, tell us. Because I wouldn't believe it even if mother was the one to say it." Have you ever even talk to her before, Excia?!

"He is obviously a scam." And you…Nah, let's leave it for later.

"W-well, he did mostly cook roasted gragora or deer meat at the time. But there was a particular day where he cooked us a fantastic meal. It was spicy and sweet and warm. That night was a bit cold so it really helped me support it."

"Of course. In dire times, a warm meal is happiness."

"I agree."


"That's really deep."

Claire makes her comment and everyone nod his head, agreeing with it. A warm meal is happiness in dire times? BULLSHIT!! How could a warm meal get revenge for you?!!! This is stupid!

"Yeah. A warm meal really is happiness." Tears start stroking lightly Anriette's cheeks as she closes her eyes. Congrats guys, you made her remember her family I killed.


"Thank you very much for the meal."

"We are the ones who should thank you. Please, come by whenever you want. Our door will always be open for you."

Anriette's tears brought the meal to its end. The mood completely changed and so we went out. Frank looks at me with a curious face. I wonder what he has to say.

"Ah, yes. Kevin. The materials you brought to the smithy were all dismantled. You should go there tomorrow and discuss the details with Frank and Sophia."

"I see. Thank you."

"You are welcome."

"Materials?" The three heroes look at me.

"…" Should I say something? I don't why, though. I just turn around and go, followed by K'nor.

"Thank you again miss Claire and have a good night."

Roxcia thanks them a last time then they all storm me. Farner grabs me by the neck while the other two face me. We still continue walking, though.

"You and your habit of not answering questions!" Farner presses my neck a bit harder.

"Did you ask anything?"

"Those materials? What was she talking about?"

"It doesn't concern you."

"See! That's what we were talking about."

"Well, he is not wrong."


"I mean, everyone has things they want to keep to themselves, right? Even us."

So even you guys have secrets. Now I am curious.

"You guys have secrets as well?"

"It doesn't concern you." I see. The carrot and the stick, eh? You think I will tell you something if you tell me something as well? Too bad I am not that interested.

"That's true."

I remove Farner's hands on me and look at her for a second.



My heart keeps beating like crazy when I am around you. I should probably ask her now.

"I will tell you what materials it was but in exchange, answer one of my questions as well."

"Why should we? I don't see what we have to gain."

"Your choice."

"Okay, why not." I knew you would agree, Farner.

"Hey, don't agree without asking us."

"Yeah, you did the same thing when he fought Cordel as well."

"Oh come on, what's the harm?"


"Tch. Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Okay, tell us."

"Gnoll skins and bones, and rare gragora's skins."


"Wait, what?!"


"You said gnoll? You killed a gnoll? You?"



"I killed two gnolls. A female and an alpha male."


"Stop shouting." People keep looking at us. Or maybe it's because they are the heroes?

"A-anyway. How did you…No, first thing first..."

"You aren't normal!"

"Normal? He can't be human. Some kind of superhuman maybe!"

"What stupidities are you uttering?"

"No, no, no. Seriously, you can't be human. Even the commanders of the eternal army can't defeat one of those things alone."

"And what about you guys?"

"Of course, we can. We are heroes."


"Who do you take us for?"

"I was just asking. And if you can really do it then why the surprise?"

"Hey, I told you already. We are heroes. You are a simple man. Our limits aren't the same."

I forgot I would just be another helpless human without Cissa, without my dragon's soul. So I am just all talk and shit after-

"We are one and the same. Why would you believe you are weak?"

"Sorry, Cissa. I still have a hard time believing that I am strong."

"Get stronger then. Until you will no longer doubt it."

"Yeah, I know. You keep telling me to every morning."

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