Chapter 157 - CHAPTER 158: FIRST QUEST

In the end, I didn't get to hear one of the heroes' secrets. They kept asking for details about how I killed the gnolls. They all left after K'nor finished eating the meat Farner bought for him. I hope they will tell me tomorrow.

Seeing K'nor sleeping with a bone in his mouth is the testimony of his happiness.

"Let's sleep as well."

The next day, I go to school first and train with Albert. This guy fights with so less movement than me even though we are using the same weapon I am utterly astonished. Most of his attacks are straightforward and combined with effective movements of the body.

"It's really hard to reproduce.".

"Don't try to reproduce my technique. Create your own."

"From scratch?"

"It would be better, yeah."


If I don't have to copy him then that's good. I don't think I could fight like that. He has great agility and uses the center of balance of the raizen with great efficiency but I don't think he uses too much strength.

I, however, like to pummel my opponent with brute strength until he is vanquished. Since I can use Disperse, being agile isn't my forte.

After the morning training session, the next class is still in the classroom number 2. I follow the students who were with me yesterday and they still go there. Before entering the classroom, I see Lanuvel passing in front of me with such speed you would think she is fleeing something. Now she is the one to flee from me?


The class we have is history. Just like yesterday, I am completely lost from the beginning. The teacher is an old man with a long and thick beard and glasses. How old is he?

"We cannot exclude the development of higher quality goods from that era because it was also the first-time stronger Longinus were sighted. So even there is no proof, we can still say that national treasure such as the SPERFALK or the LONSTROM were created using cores of higher Longinus."

Is it just me or… I turn around and as I thought, everyone is sleeping. Or almost, there are still one or two persons trying to stay awake by doing something else.

"Yup, this guy is boring."

The old man continues his class without a care for how many hours he had. Then, when he is finished, he just grabs his things and goes. Without saying anything or making any remarks. I suppose he knows his class is boring. Though, I might find it interesting if I knew at least what he was talking about.

After that, seeing that no other teacher enters, I leave and go to the smithy.

"Oh, hello." Sophia greets with a large smile.

"Good morning."

"How are you? The chief told you your materials were dismantled, right?"

"Yes, he did. I was supposed to come and discuss some details with you both today."

"Yeah, well, the chief isn't here at the moment but I know most of the details that you need so..."

"Tell me then."

I advance to her counter and take out the notebook from my bracelet.

"The fees for dismantling were on the house so they are not included. We have managed to fully remove the skin of both gnolls and their bones were mostly intact so they can be used to craft your weapon and armor. The meat and organs were sold for 250.000 wellis. I know you might find it a bit low but-"

"I don't really care. And I am sure you wouldn't try to rob me."

"Eh? O-oh well, that's…that's true."

"What is it?"

"Well, most people really care a lot about money so I had already prepared a solid argument to convince you and now…"

"Don't worry. If you ever want to lie to me, I will know." I can just read your mind.

"I see. Well, in that case, let's enter the core of the problem. To craft everything you asked, as I told you before we will archnies' silk. But ore as well. Adamantite to be more precise."

"And where can I find it?"

"Well, in Yris principally but there is a merchant who sells it. We can just buy it from him."

"And how much will it cost?"

"500.000 wellis just to craft one raizen."

"So a million for both."

"Yes. The rest of the materials will the bones and arachnies' silk."

"I see."

"For the silk, you will be happy to know that their natural habitat is not far from Mercuria. There are numerous caves where they hide west of here."

"Good. I can start from there, then."

"My advice would be to get a quest from the guild. That way, you can get the silk and some money as well."

"I see. I will go the guild first, then."

"Okay. In the meantime, I will contact the merchant. It takes him one month to deliver adamantite here so I must anticipate."

"Thank you. I will make sure to get the money by then."

"You better do or you will have a debt of a million wellis on your head. And I always charge extra." Sophia speaks while winking at me.

I store my notebook and get out of the smithy. Then I take K'nor and go to the guild. I think I am getting used to people looking at us and whispering. Though I would like it if they were doing the same.


At the guild, I find the girl who was there when I registered K'nor.

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

"Is Anriette here, by any chance?"


"Anriette Kolil."

"Ah, miss Kolil. Yes, she is. But meetings between members of the guild and employees are forbidden during work hours. Unless you have an appointment with her, of course."

"Yes, I do."

"I see. Give me a minute, then."

The girl turns around and looks at another girl behind her, near a door. I didn't hear anything but the girl just turns and enters the door as well. Then she comes back a minute later with Anriette.

"Hello, Kevin."

"Hello. How are you?"

"I am fine. And you?"

"I am fine as well. I came to-"

"Let's go to the room over there first." She indicates a door at my right. We go and enter it, leaving K'nor in the hall. Don't worry, boy, I will be back soon.

"So? I don't suppose you came here just because you missed me."

"I want to hunt some arachnies."

"The spider? AH, yes. It's for your armor, I remember now. Uncle was talking about it."


"Is there a way to obtain a quest for it?"

"Yes, there is but why did you request me specifically?"

"Well, I have never done a quest before. I thought you could explain the principles to me."

"Right. And why should I?"

Ah, not this again!!

"Why should you?..."

"Don't play dumb with me. You know how cold you have been towards me lately. You weren't very talkative when we were traveling so I thought you were just nervous but I have realized you were utterly insensitive. And you don't even care about other's feelings as well."

Why can't people just do what you asked? What is the need to always act so…Argh!

"Anriette, I-"

"You know what, I don't want to hear it. I won't help you. I am not some tissue you can use, throw away then find and wash when you need it again."

"…" This is getting annoying and fucking tiresome.

Anriette walks to the door and looks at me again then leaves, slamming the door behind her. I go out as well and see her entering the door from where she came before. Well, let's ask the receptionist then.

I walk to her but she looks at me with a bit of anger. I read her mind to know what's going on but then regret it immediately.

'Who does he think he is? Coming here and irritating our cute Anriette.'

She got angry without even knowing what's going on? Stupid.

"I would like to know if there are quests to hunt Arachnies."

"Yes, there are." That's all?

"Can I have them?"

"Yes, you can."

She brings out four pieces of paper from a drawer in her desk and places them before me.

On the first one, I read that somebody wants ten arachnies' antenna and will pay 50.000 wellis for each. The second is looking for arachnies' fangs and is willing to pay 15.000 wellis for each one well dismantled. The third one is talking about arachnies' poison gland, as much as possible and for 40.000 wellis each. The last one looks familiar.

"Arachnies' silk. 1.000 wellis for every meter." Was it from that guy?

"The guild will handle the dismantling and delivery to the client as usual. Extra parts are welcome as well and will be bought by the guild. So which one will you take?"

"Can I have all of them?"

"A-all of them?"


"Well, I…I don't see why not. You sure about it?"


"Okay. Just please, don't die. The guild isn't responsible for your death as it mentioned when you register. All the quests you have acquired are medium-class and require you to have a certain degree of experience to handle them. Nevertheless, we won't stop you if you truly want to handle them."

"Of course."

There we have it, my first quest.

"Let's go."


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