Chapter 160 - CHAPTER 161: STEP BY STEP

"A total of 66 arachnies killed with 57 bodies in good condition. The dismantling fees will be 250 wellis per bodies."

"I don't have money."

"We will deduce it from the extracted materials then."

The dude from earlier counted all the arachnies' bodies that I brought out like everything that just happened was a dream. The others as well, don't look like there has been any problem here. They have started carrying the arachnies' corpses to different tables.

"Anything else?"

"Yes. Part of the monster's materials must go to the guild for those quests.".

I show him the different quests I took during the day and he only glances at them.

"You should come back tomorrow and see the receptionist for that. we will only dismantle everything and establish a receipt of what we managed to extract from those.

"I see. Thank you."

"You are welcome."

I leave the place then take K'nor at the guild and bring him back to the pet's house.

"I won't be sleeping with you today. So be a good boy, okay?"

K'nor whines and rubs his nose on my hand.

"I will bring you a gigantic piece of meat just for you if you are."

"Woof!!" Yeah, I knew it.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."


I leave K'nor and then give some wellis to Rock, specifying him that K'nor has to be washed.

At the school, there almost no students outside. The rare ones you can have their heads in books.

When I enter the dorm, I witness the most surprising thing I could have imagined. Farner is reading a book.

"Is snow going to fall?"


"Nothing. What are you doing?"

"Reading. And you, why are your clothes all torn and dirty. Who did you fight this time?"

"Nobody human at least. I did a quest at the guild."

"A quest. You are an adventurer? Or an explorer?"


"I see. Well, nice work then."

"Where are the others?"

"Everyone is in his room, studying. The exams are coming."

"Eh? One of the teachers told me that-"

"We third years don't have the same exam period as you guys."

"I see. I won't disturb you, then."

"No, you weren't. I study here because I always get sleepy when I am in my room. So, you coming here and talking actually woke me up a bit."

"You don't like to learn, apparently?" That is, to say it the gentle way.

"Not things that aren't interesting. Especially those war tactics or something. I don't understand complicated stuff like that."

"Yeah, you are more of a straightforward bull."

"What was that?!!"

Farner stands up and only now do I notice that she is in her long shirt from before. Without any skirts or trousers.

"Aren't you afraid of people seeing you like this?"

"Aside from you, nobody would enter without knocking. So I would have time to run away."

"But there are guys here as well."

"Nah, Cordel and Peter have their own girlfriends already. And Samson is married. TO begin with, I am a hero, why would they look at me like that?"

"Because you are pretty, why else."


Farner goes from her light golden skin to a shy red one. She is weak to compliments, huh…

"Anyway, I am going to change."

"Y-yeah, you do that and leave me alone already."

"I thought you wanted to talk."

"Not anymore!! Just go!"

Women are really…


The next day, we had a no class after the morning general training so I went to the guild directly. When I arrive, the guy from yesterday is here with another one, shorter, older.

"What bring you here, lad?"

"Master, he is the guy from yesterday, the one who brought 66 arachnies' corpses."

"Hm…" The man looks at me, from toe to head then head to toe. He scratches his beardless chin a bit then advances and takes my hands.

"Some of the corpses had weird wounds, like they were cut not by a blade but by pure Angas or something close to it. Do you perhaps use Lightning Angas?"

He speaks while touching my hands all around, looking at the calluses on them.

"You could say that." That was Cissa's doing anyway.

"I see." He releases me and turns around. "We have obtained fifty bags of silk only. My men were a bit careless and I apologize for that."

"There is no need to. But how many meters of silk does it make?"

"Around two hundred. The poison glands and fangs are about a hundred each. The antennas are really delicate but we have managed to extract thirty of them. All in all, the dismantling will cost you 15.000 wellis."

"Shouldn't it be 16.500?" It was 250 wellis per body after all.

"I am in a good mood today."

"Hm... Okay, thanks."

"Here." He gives me a rolled piece of paper with a stamp on it. "It's your receipt. Give it to the receptionist."


I go inside the guild but sadly, the one who is here today is someone who doesn't want to see me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Anriette. Here, it's my receipt from-"

"I heard you returned yesterday with a lot of arachnies' corpses. Congratulations."

"Thanks. This is th-"

"And you even had to mock me, coming and saying that you didn't know how things were working around here."

"Anriette, we both know that you are the ones who registered me at the guild. Stop this nonsense."

"Nonsense, huh…" Anriette's complexion changes. She becomes somewhat grey.

"Here." She takes my receipt and the quest's papers then brings out a big book and starts writing inside.

After that, she calls another girl and gives her the receipt.

"Wait, I need to take a part of-"

"I will take it to the smithy. Don't worry."

"I see. Thank you then."

"Is there anything else?"

"No, That's all."

"Good day, then." Her good day almost sounded like see you never. Maybe I should really ask what's going on with her…or not.


After seeing K'nor at the pet's house, I also visit the smithy to inform them that the silk is ready. I also give Sophia most of the money I received from the quests and the materials I sold through the guild.

It wasn't enough to completely cover all the expenses but the rest isn't so much. I just wonder, if it is so easy to make money, why does it look like people are struggling so much to live?

I also leave the raizen I found so that they can maintain it then go back to the school.

As soon as I arrive, a guard waiting at the door of our dorm comes to me.

"The headmaster is calling for you. Please follow me."

Frankher is? I see, it is time. He must have found something on Veronica. Slowly but surely, the time is coming. I must be ready and become stronger to make sure I won't waver or die without accomplishing my revenge.

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