After the finals, everybody starts leaving the coliseum.

"There won't be a reward for the winner?"

"No, all the trophies will be given on the last day."

"I see."

We leave as well and go back to the dorm. The others come back one hour later and a heated discussion starts in the hall. Lanuvel and Keltia came as well, after all.

"Don't pretend to not know! I would have beaten you if your teammate didn't come!!"

"In your dreams, my dear. You won't ever beat me in a million years."

"Yeah, keep talking. You were pissing your pants earlier!"


They all laugh and talk happily like they didn't fight earlier. There is no hate between them, no harsh feelings, only the desire to become strong together. I am sitting alone on a couch at a corner of the hall, observing them.

"It's surprising." I didn't think they would all be so relaxed after such a fight.

"What are you doing there all alone?!" As always, there is somebody to try and bring me inside their happy mood. Only, this time, the person who does it is the biggest surprise.

"What do you want?"

"Argh! You and your stupid questions. Come and talk with us. Why do you stay on your little corner like a child who got punished?"

"I thought you hated me."

"It's not like I really hate you or anything. Your attitude just reminds me of somebody and it pisses me off."

"I see." Though, I am pretty sure that person is still the same you are facing right now.

"In any case, come and chat with us. I will be busting your ass the day after tomorrow anyway!"

Did she really just scream that?


The next day, it's the preliminaries of the individual tournament. When I reach the coliseum, the man at the entrance gives me a number.

"You are in group number four."


"Yes. The preliminaries are group fights. Everyone in the same group fight until only one remain."

"I see."

That's why the preliminaries take only a day. I go to room number four and enter. Inside, I find eight people, with two girls. Everyone is in full armor and sitting calmly. Am I the only one who didn't think about bringing one? They all stare at me then return to their thoughts.

I sit in an empty corner and close my eyes. Then, five minutes later, another person enters.

"Damn my shitty luck!"

As soon as he enters, he screams for no reason. That voice, though. I recognize it, Vega. So, he is participating as well? Let's not bother with him. I keep my eyes closed and try to empty my mind.

Out of everyone in the omega and gamma classes, I think Peter is the most dangerous for me. Especially since I can't use Sphere right now. The best way to counter him would be to go through his scripts but then I would suffer great damage and I am not sure I can deal a decisive blow. I should rapidly find a solution for that.

While I am thinking, the screaming of the crowd alerts us that the first fight has started. So this is how they all felt while they were waiting. It is somehow thrilling.


An hour later, it is our turn. Somebody comes to our door and knocks on it. Then we all stand up and go to the stage. As we enter, the shouts and screams become louder and louder. So loud I can barely hear the referee while he is talking to us. Is everyone having the same problems or is it just me? Perhaps I should stop reinforcing my ears with Angas... Or not.

The referee gets off the stage and then I hear 'FIGHT!' while he rapidly lowers his hand. As soon as he said so, all the nine people on the stage turn in my direction. The first to pounce on me is Vega who is wearing an armor without a helmet.

"You are mine this time!!"

They didn't even give me the time to bring my raizen out. Do I really need it though?

I use Disperse and kicks Vega's face hard enough to break his neck. He disappears with a blue light as I do. That's one down. The others stay a bit stoic then turn towards each other instead.

"No, no. You can all come to me. There is no problem." It's actually faster that way.

They start acting like they will fight among themselves but I jump on another guy and grabs his head.

"H-hey, leave me alone! I don't want to fight you!!"

I break his jaw and then he disappears. That's two. As the others see that, they all back away a bit then regroups.

"You fucking lowlife!"

"You are the shame of the omega class!"

"Leave us alone!"

They are like a school of fishes that gathered together to look more imposing. Sadly…

"Just come and get your asses kicked."

"You bastard!!"


They all start using scripts, firing some fireballs and other things at me. I dodge them and the group. Since they don't want to come...

"Lightning fist."

I strike one with a punch fully charged with physical Angas and he disappears. Him and the one who was behind as well.

"This is going to be boring."



I won in less than three minutes. I don't know about the other group fights went but mine was boring. The crowd is still shouting though. It's like they are satisfied as long as there is a fight.

I go back to room number four and there, I find a man with a paper at the door.

"Here, this is your ticket for tomorrow's fight. The name of your opponent is marked on it as well."

I take the paper which has a seal just like the one Smith gave me and unfold it.

"She really knew what she was talking about, huh…"

On the paper, Lanuvel's name is mentioned in black. LANUVEL NIKITIS. How did she manage to ensure that I would fight her no matter what?

"There is no use thinking about it, I guess." We have a mission tonight. I should focus on it.

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