Chapter 189 - CHAPTER 189: HOLIDAYS (2)

One hour after I left everyone inside, Lanuvel comes to the stable with a plate of food.

"Cordel told me you decide to sleep here."



"Yeah, yes."

"No argumentation, no justification? You need to learn to explain things.."

"I don't think there is anything to justify."

"You…Anyway, here. Your food."

"Why didn't the maid bring it?"

"Because I wanted to. Take it or I will eat it."


I take the plate and start eating. It's a loaf of bread with some steak, a warm soup, and an apple.

"Not really different from the canteen at school."

"Yes, I think so as well. They don't have everything going for them it seems."

Lanuvel sits near me, on the straws then takes my loaf of bread and divides it in two.

"You haven't eaten yet?"

"What?! I can't eat with you?!"

"Do what you want." To think you hated my guts just a while back. Was finding your mother that important to you?

"You know…" Lanuvel looks at me a bit then blushes and shily covers her face. I don't know what you want but right now I am hungry. I continue eating without minding her and she continues speaking.

"I have been thinking about what you said. Being the tool for my revenge and all…I just…I don't really know if I want revenge."


"I mean, it's not like I don't want Romas to pay for divorcing me or his parents for abandoning me when I really needed somebody by my side. But…"


"Is there a point to vengeance? In the end, All they did was acting as nobles. When there wasn't any interest in staying with me, I got discarded. That's all. Can I really blame them for it? In the end, it is thanks to all that I found my mother and I m-met you as well…."


"So, I mean…Argh!!! I don't really know anymore. I must be tired."


Hey. Are you even listening?"

"…Not really. The steak was good. I left you some soup if you want though."

"You can be a real bastard when you want, you know that."

"What did you hope I would say? Just like you, I have things to do that sometimes make me doubt if they are worth it because of everything I have to do to accomplish them. Even so, I can only advance and do what I can as move forward. But one thing is sure: I must do what only I can do."

"Then what must I do? What is it that only I can do?"

"How would I know?"

"I wasn't asking you, idiot." Lanuvel stands up and after getting out of the straws, she cleans her butt sightly.

"Sleep well."

"You too, Kevin. And thank you."


Although the night was a bit cold, I sleep really well. K'nor tail is a great blanket. I thought something would happen during the night but nothing. Soon after I woke up, the knights come and pick up the horses. I guess we are leaving in the early morning.

I go to the carriage and wait for the others.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Keltia."

Keltia is the first to come out of the inn. She is already dressed and is more elegant than yesterday. She smells like fresh roses on a field.

"You slept well."

"Yes, I did."


After her, Peter appears as well. We simply greet each other with a slight head bow.

"Why are you guys so secretive? It was the same with that weird cover operation you did for my father."

"I am sorry. We were asked to do so."

"We are used to it." You seem a bit afraid of her, Peter. I wonder why.

The others arrive as well and we leave the place as soon as the horses are ready. As we pass through the village, I notice a child sitting in the dirt while eating a bread which origin is doubtful from how dirty it is. This place…There really is something wrong with it.

Today, the horses are going even faster. I don't know why they are making them pull so hard. In the late evening, we reach a town with impressive walls. I tell K'nor to slow down and wait for the carriages to arrive.

"Finally, we have arrived." Keltia looks at me through the window while saying that. I already see mischief in her eyes. This girl has something planned. I am sure of it.


Inside Ragus, there are shops and stalls everywhere, the city is clean, children are happily running around. It's a complete contrast to what we saw yesterday. We pass through what looks like a market, and people can't stop looking at me and K'nor. People avoid us like the plague and children often start trembling. Then as we take a turn to the left, I see it. On top of a small hill, a gigantic mansion with two side buildings.

"Woa!" I never thought the Koersombre had such a big house. Which reminds me that I never came here. Well, William wasn't a true blood of the family so I guess it is normal. They didn't even try to look for me after all.

The gate of the mansion opens right as we arrive, two guys are pulling them to each side. We all go up the hill and find maids and butlers all waiting for us at the main entrance. There are at least thirty of them here. They all bow elegantly and greet us like soldiers.

"Welcome back, Miss!! We welcome your guests as well!! Welcome to the KOERSOMBRE household!"

"Thank you." Keltia is the first to get off the carriage, followed by Esteressa then Lanuvel. The guys come down from the other carriage.

Some of the butlers go and carry their luggage while one comes to me and K'nor.

"I will take care of your pet, STAR OF MERCURIA."

"You know me?"

"We know all named warriors affiliated to the Koersombre household, yes."

"I see. Thanks."

"It's nothing."

He lightly pats K'nor's head then turns around and walks. K'nor looks at me a bit sad.

"Oh…you," I pat his head as well, stroking it gently, "don't worry. I will come and see you later."


"Yeah, I promise."

"Woof!! Woof!" He follows the guy while lightly jumping around. Such a sweet guy.

When I look at the others, I notice that they are looking at me as well. All of them seem somehow angry at me, especially Lanuvel.


"Hmph!" She simply looks away and follows the maids. Ah…What is it again?

Inside the mansion, we boys are following a butler while the girls are following a maid. They bring us to different sides of the building. After walking a bit, we reach a corridor at the ground floor with doors aligned on the left side.

"Here are your rooms, Sirs. Please, choose any that please you and make yourself at home. We will come in a bit to announce the meal."

"Thank you." Cordel answers for all of us then opens the first door. Those rooms are really spacious. They are bigger than those at school.

"I guess I am taking this one." Cordel enters it then we all take the others. Samson takes the second, Peter the third, and me the fourth. There are still two more left. Now, our vacations have really started.

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