Chapter 190 - CHAPTER 190: HOLIDAYS (3)

"First thing first, let's have a toast to this year. It wasn't the best but still, it was a good year!"


Three hours after we arrive, we were all brought to a balcony. Frankher and Keltia were already there, wearing normal clothes, not too fancy. The butler gave us all a glass of juice and we drank after a light toast. Now, it is the most tiring time for boring and unneeded conversations.

They all start talking happily about things I don't possibly care about, even Lanuvel is smiling. I guess her mother being here is reassuring for her. Frankher approaches me and places his hand on my shoulder while I am observing them.

"You aren't the most talkative fellow, I see."

"I don't really see the point of it, Sir.. Though, I appreciate the atmosphere it creates." I should talk to him with respect since I am an affiliate of the Koersombre.

"Well, people have the need to stay together and create bonds to feel like they are safe and strong. You will eventually do the same. You just need time."

"Was there something in particular you wanted to tell me, Sir?"

"Yes. Your territory which the king gifted you. We will go for a visit when the heroes will be back from their mission. Is that okay with you?"

"I don't see any problem with it. But I would like to know what I am supposed to do about that territory."

Will I have to stay there to manage it? Then, I won't be going to school anymore. And I won't be seeing Farner anymore…No, this isn't just about Farner. I should think about Lanuvel as well. Romas could come back for her and tell her things that could lead to me. I must prevent that. I don't want this happiness I feel to disappear again.

"Oh, nothing much, don't worry. You won't be able to manage it until you graduate a school. The king has forbidden nobles without any proper education to do so after all."

"I see. But then, who is managing it?"

"There has been somebody doing it before you, you know? It's not like all nobles actually take care of their territories. If you went through Finlan then you should have seen it."

So, that village is supposed to be managed by a noble, huh…I guess he isn't that interested.

"But does the king knows about that? What about the church?" Even if it is a territory managed by some scumbag, those children were eating in the dirt, you know!!

Frankher's face darkens and he looks at me with cold and serious eyes.

"There are three rules that you will always have to follow to survive as a noble. First: always analyze the situation and identify who is your real enemy. Second: act with honor at all times. And third," he grabs my other shoulder and faces me, "never abandon your own."

"…Okay." Never abandon your own? Then why did William leave me behind like horse's shit? Was I not his son?

"You seem perplexed."

"No, not really, Sir."

"Good. Never those and you will certainly become somebody I, we can all count on when times will arise. Also, the church doesn't involve with nobles and vice versa. They are mostly in charge of the Longinus' problems. Although it might not look like it here in Syldavie because it was here that the first hero fell."

"I understand. But there is one thing…"

"What is it?"

"About the honor you spoke of. I think I have lost it already."

"Oh?..." Frankher's face turns into death itself. Even the air changes a little. "And why is that?"

"I slept in a stable when we were coming here."


"Wait, let me explain. There weren't enough rooms and I didn't really care about-"

"PUFFF…Puahahaha!" He bursts laughing and slaps my shoulders multiple times. The others all look at us, wondering what is happening.

"I am serious. It wasn't completely my fault."

"Yeah! Yeah! I heard you!! Don't worry!! Ahahahaha!"

I guess it wasn't something that can be considered then.


After the meal, we went back to our room to sleep. There are bathrooms in each room so there is no need for all of us to bathe in the same place, unlike the dorm.

The next morning, I go to the stables of the mansion to find K'nor. It is so clean and pleasant I can't believe it is really a stable.

"Woof! Woof!" K'nor smells me and jumps over the fence of his box.

"Good morning!"


We go outside and while I train, he runs around in the field of the mansion. When the first ray of sunlight touches us, a butler comes with a jar of water.

"I believe you will need some refreshment."

"No, it's okay. Thank you."

"Allow me to leave it here just in case, then."


"You are welcome, Sir."

He leaves the jar of water on a tray with an empty glass then goes back to wherever he was. I stop my training when the birds start singing. K'nor is lying on the grass, peacefully looking at the horizon. Ah, this is bliss. If only we could be like this eve…No, I cannot. I cannot allow myself to forget what I must do.

"Sir. Master is calling for you."

The same butler's voice suddenly rings into my ears. This guy isn't just a butler, I am sure of it. If I didn't hear his heartbeat, I would have never known he was behind me.

"I am coming."

"Here is a change of clothes and a towel."

"Thank you."


After I change, I follow the butler to a library inside the mansion. We find Frankher inside, sitting at the center of the library, reading a book while standing. He turns around when we reach him and the butler silently leaves after bowing his head.

"Did you sleep well? They told me you were training very early in the morning."

"Yes, I did. I train out of habit, nothing else."

"It is a good habit."

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. We haven't had the time to talk about your mission properly since you and Peter came back."

"But we submitted our reports to you."

"Yes, I know. But I want to hear what happened from your mouth, not your hands."

"Before that, can I ask something as well?"

"Of course."

"Why was I granted all those privileges while Peter didn't get anything."

"Peter has been rewarded as well. You just didn't get to hear about it. He has become a knight of honor of the royal family."

"Really? That's great."

"Of course. It was the least we could do. But that's not the point. I want to hear as many details as possible on the people you found there and the Longinus you fought against. How it felt to fight him and such."

"Okay, sir."

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