Chapter 203 - CHAPTER 203: PUNCHING HARDER (2)

"Okay, let's do this."

I approach one of the guys patrolling the area and make as much noise as possible while approaching.

"Who goes there?!" He asks me while raising his torch. Ah, there is two people.

"Can't you guess?"

I move towards them and a sloppy slash, they both evade it and draw their swords while backing away.


Like a swarm, I can hear the immediate footsteps of other people coming. In less than a minute, I am surrounded by heartbeats.

"Hihihi! His armor looks valuable.. Make sure to not break it completely."

"I call dibs on the raizen!"

"Fuck you! I saw it first!"

Well, they are bandits indeed.

"Hey, shut up! The boss is here!" Suddenly, they all go quiet and slightly pale. A man the size of William, no, taller than him, appears. He is at least 2 meters tall and is holding a two-hand sword the same size as Farner's with only one hand.

"What is this? they sent another spy? Aren't they tired?"

There is a guy with a torch in front of him The dim light of the torch allows me to see some of the features of the man. He has a long brown beard, his neck has three cuts on the left side, and his purple eyes are shining in the dark while the rest of his face is hidden.

"Sorry but I am not a spy."

"Oh…And why the mask then?"

"Aren't you wearing one as well? Oh sorry, you are just ugly. I didn't notice."

"Hm…" A vein pops on the huge man's neck then he advances to me while cracking it. "That's why I don't like overnight work. It's always a pain."

He slowly walks to me and places his sword on his shoulders. He isn't wearing any armor. Just a shirt and a pair of leather trousers with black boots. As he reaches me, his eyes shine even more, he raises his hand nonchalantly and like the thunder, his sword comes down, splitting the ground apart.


"It split him in hal- Chief!!"

All the other bandits went from ecstasy to fear when they noticed I evade his strike. I didn't even need to use Disperse. I just move sideways and the smoke created by his blow on the ground did the rest.

Right as his eyes fall on me, y fist is already on his cheek. I can slightly discern the surprise and anger in them.

"Lightning fist."

The sound and flash of thunder resounds and illuminates the night as more dust is raised. When the dust cloud settles, I don't the guy's head anymore. Wait, he was that weak? I was planning on capturing him as well and brings him for interrogation.


"Fuck!!! Kill him!!"

The bandits start shooting arrows and bolts at me when they see the body of the guy falling on the ground, headless.

"Come on, guys. I didn't even touch him." I evade their arrows while provoking them even more. The more the fuss they make, the less Peter should have trouble on his side.

Two guys try to jump on me while the others are shooting arrows but they are hit by their friends' arrows in mid-air.


"Hey!! Aim properly, shithead!!"

"Fuck you!" For a moment, some are distracted. I take advantage of it and kill the two that got hit by the arrows. The first get his head to flies off while I break the second's one neck with a kick.


"Keep shooting!" There are about twenty people around me. There is no need to use Sphere for now but I should stay vigilant just in case.

"You guys are boring!!"

"Call the knights!! We can't handle this guy ourselves!!"


Suddenly, I hear one of them suggesting a bad idea. Peter still hasn't sent me a signal. Why does it take so much time?

"Do it!!"

One of them goes away but I use Disperse and stab through his ribs right as I appear behind him.

"Where did he go?!!"

"I don't – Shit!! He is behind you!!"


I slice off the head of the one behind me as well and kick it to another guy who was aiming at me. The bolt he shoots as I did hits his comrade's head instead. As it falls to the ground, I use Disperse and go back to my initial position. It is better to stay at the center of their circle.

"He is a ghost!! A freaking ghost!!"

"Somebody goes and calls the knights dammit!!"

They restart shooting with more anger and despair now. As they do, I finally see the signal. A fireball goes to the sky at a distance. I almost didn't see it since it is quite far from where I am currently. Did he have to go so far before telling me?

"Okay, guys. We played enough so I will leave now. Bye."



As they launched another volley of projectiles, I use Disperse and leave them to their nightmares.


"It wasn't too hard, I hope."

When I reach Peter's position. His arm is wounded. It seems the fight was more difficult than I thought.

"Not really, though I did mess up a bit." There are two guys bind and gagged on a tree near him. K'nor is licking the blood around his mouth and on his paws slowly.

"You killed them all?"

"Your pet killed one, yeah."

"Fufu, of course, he did. Who is a good boy, hm?"  I go to him and pat his head vigorously.

"Woof! Woof!" He licks my mask with blood still around his mouth.

"You are way too weird. Anyway, let's go."


We go back to the mansion and while Peter handles the hostages with a butler and a mysterious man on a carriage. I circle back to make sure we weren't followed. Thankfully, it isn't the case. When I come back, the carriage and the mysterious man are gone. Only the butler tending to Peter's wound is still here.

"There is a towel there, Sir. If you wish to clean yourself before going inside." I look at my clothes and they aren't that dirty. There are traces of blood here and there, though. The raizen looks bloody as well.

"Okay, thanks."

After undressing and cleaning everything. I put on normal clothes and goes back to my room. Only problem is that I find two people inside.


"Where were you?" Gnoll number 2, Lanuvel is the first to ask.

"We have been waiting for almost two hours now. You better explain yourself." Then Farner speaks with an angrier voice.  What are they doing here?

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