Chapter 205 - CHAPTER 205: FACING THE WORLD (2)

I don't know why they are so many people reunited here but this cannot be good. Everybody kneels as the pope, Rebecca and Dilt come down the stairs. William follows him, holding shackles the same color as those they put on me before. This looks bad.

"I guess you already know what is next."

"Huh…No?" The pope is the one who talks to me while the others are looking ferociously at my face.

"Then, let me tell you. We will conduct a new judgment." The pope then clears his throat and looks at the others. Everyone, except Roxcia, looks surprised and confused.

"Hm-mhm.. And this time, all the people present here right now will assist. So that one may ever repeat the same foolishness."

After that, William comes and puts the shackles around my neck, under the close watch of Dilt, who looks as ready as an eagle to slay me should I make a move.

I don't know what I did, but this…To be bind again.

"Please, endure it for now." Suddenly, I hear Farner's voice right into my ears. She moved to my side while I was distracted.

"What is happening?"

"I didn't know. I swear." Her eyes are red and teary. But she looks angrier than anything else.


Like mere cattle, I am dragged to the same room as before by a dog who seems to be particularly enjoying his work today. William's smile is almost tearing his face apart. You should watch out cause I will make you bite your tongue soon.

Once inside the big room, the scenario just repeats. I am bound on the table. William goes to his usual side with his knights. But, instead of the priests from before, it is just the pope, Dilt, and Rebecca that enter and sit. Cordel and the others are on the other side of the room, facing William and his group.

Farner, Excia, and Roxcia are in front of me. Roxcia has an almost serene but still stiff expression. Excia and Farner are angry, however. Especially Farner. She is clenching her fist so hard I am afraid blood will pour out of it.

"Kevin Dragonroad. Do you possibly have an idea of why you are here right now?" If I had, would I be so confused?

"No, I don't."

"Then, I will let the Saintess tell you, as she is the right person to truly discern the gravity of your actions."


"Mr. Dragonroad. Do you know what is a hero?"

"Huh? Yeah, I think I do."

"And what are they?"

"The saviors of this world, sent by the goddess."

"That's all?"

"That's what people say at least."

"Yes, indeed. But what do you see them as?"

"Normal girls with normal feelings and normal desires. A bit crazy though." I look at Farner while smiling. Excia and her both giggle a bit. Roxcia is completely frigid to it though.

"Normal girls…So you believe heroes are normal beings like you, a vulgar rat that's appeared out of nowhere?" Rat? Woah, she isn't watching her words anymore it seems.

"That's a bit rude, isn't it?"


As Rebecca shouts, the whole room, no I think the whole church vibrated. Her eyes are now shining white, there is no iris in them.

"Heroes are perfect beings, the very representation of our goddess.  The ultimate proof of her love and encouragement for us in the war against the Longinus. They are white sheets that could never be stained by the darkness of our world. And yet, you, you dare to consider them as normal girls, and corrupting their hearts!!!"

Once again, her shout makes the whole place vibrates. A window even cracks, breaking the silence that has fallen in this place.

"KEVIN DRAGONROAD. This tribunal has sieged in order to judge you for your sin. That sin is to have defiled a hero's body and heart through lies and schemes."

Rebecca then closes her eyes and the pressure that was oppressing us subsides.


"Through lies and schemes?" Defile her body and heart? Wait, because I kissed her? Seriously?

I look at Farner and her sisters but while Farner just blushes, Excia looks at Roxcia with disappointment. Roxcia stays as unfazed as a rock under the rain. I see, she is the one who did this. But why? And how did she know?

"Don't tell me you are surprised."

"I am." Roxcia looks at me and speaks in a clear and tone. She isn't trembling or anything. You must really hate me, huh…

"And why would you be? Have you not kiss her?" Finally, she reveals the truth to everybody.


"No way!"


The knights start making comments while Cordel's side is completely silent. So everyone already knew on my side.

"You are not denying it, at least." The pope takes the floor back and speaks with his powerful voice.

"Can you explain then why you did such a thing?"

"There is nothing to explain. I fell in love with her and she reciprocated my feelings. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Didn't you take advantage of the fact that you participated in a difficult battle to approach her?"

"There was no need to. I am handsome, you know?"

"It seems you think this is all a joke." The pope raises his hand and William advances to me. I hear him drawing his sword and the next moment, I can't hear anymore with my left ear.

"Kevin!" Farner almost jumped to me but Excia manages to hold her at the last moment. I don't feel pain so there is no need to panic.

"Farner, you are showing an attitude unbefitting of a hero." Rebecca speaks to her and she calms down somehow. Though her eyes are still fixated on William.

"So, mister handsome," the pope restarts, his eyes more menacing now, "as the Saintess informed you, the heroes are holy beings that cannot be touched by the likes of you. We humans, can only worship them and behold their perfection from afar. And yet you have gone and-"

"And who decided that?"

"You dare cut me while I am speaking?"

"I am tired of all this. You guys keep blabbering about heroes like we were talking clouds here. They are here, in front us. They are strong, yes, I will admit it. They kind, more than any of us could ever be, they are beautiful as well, and gentle as a breeze on your cheek in the early morning but by no-"

William kicks my ribs and I almost stop speaking for a moment. This guy, I swear. I don't know what is holding me from…Fuuu, let's finish this first.

"But, by no means are they perfect. They get scared like us, get happy like us, eat, oversleep, drink and laugh like us. So why would we isolate them as if they were trophies? If you want my opinion, I find this stupid."

Right when I finish my speech, the atmosphere of the tribunal changes. The air becomes heavier. The pope turns dark while Rebecca's hair raises above her head. Dilt is the only one smiling like a demon. I wonder what that torch is thinking.

"Stupid…You are calling our sacrifices, our faith stupid…"

Rebecca is on the verge of exploding. One more push from me and I am sure she will start fighting. That could be a great opportunity. I swore to let her and her dog live their fake lives but it's something else if they attack me. I won't hold back.

The pope looks straight into my eyes then raises his hand again.

"It seems this was futile. Do it."

I hear William raises his sword again but this time, as I hear the slash coming, I evade it and break the chain restraining my left foot. Before he can react, I kick him using as much power as I can gather. With the help of the dragon's heart, the effect of the shackles has diminished. I can still muster elemental Angas and manifest my aura.

William flies back a few meters before landing on his feet, thanks to his sword that he used as an anchor.

"And it seems you guys are underestimating me."

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