Chapter 219 - CHAPTER 219: SCHOOLS’ TOURNAMENT (2)

"The schools' tournament requires each school to provide sixteen students minimum. There are three types of battles during the tournament: team battles, defense-attack, and individual battles."

Frankher explains how the School's tournament works then activates his bracelet and from it, a paper comes out. It is sealed.

"This is the official document sent by Nivalneihlm. They will be the ones to organize the tournament this time. As per accustomed, we always open this document and read it in front of the students who will participate. So before that, is there anyone here who has another question?"

"Yes, sir." One of the beta students advances and places himself in front of Esteressa. What was she doing there anyway?

"And what is it?" I think I have never seen this student before.

"Sir, would you allow me to speak frankly, first?"

"Sigh…I can guess what you are going to say already but go ahead. I have already been lenient towards the others so…" He rapidly glances at Germinia while saying that. Yeah, you were pretty lenient with her. 

"Thank you, Sir. What I want to say is simply that there is no point in us beta students participating in this tournament. Our conditions in this school aren't good. We don't have the necessary infrastructures to become stronger, the teachers don't listen to us. I could go for a day about our misery. Asking us to-"

"Last year, on the third of the last month of school, two beta students tried to steal the belongings of an unconscious alpha student."


"The same month, another one sold drugs to five gamma students. Before that, five of them attempted to buy off a teacher to be able to conduct deals inside the school."

"Sir, I am not sure I-" Frankher stands up and goes t the students.

"If you are complaining to a farmer on how he handles his seeds, you should take a better look at the quality of those seeds in the first place." He speaks with such a cold voice that I can see some people trembling. He is not even talking to you.

The guy, however, doesn't seem to be influenced. Ah! No, he is, he is trembling as well. But he still doesn't lower his head. That's good.

"Are you saying we are just shit to you, Sir?" Frankher extends his hand right as he says that and the guy closes his eyes rapidly, trembling even more. But Frankher just places his hand on the guy's head and starts stroking it.

"I never said that nor would I ever. Like I say every time at the entrance ceremony, you guys are apple's seeds. You will all grow stronger even if the environment you are in isn't good, sometimes even better. However, I cannot intervene if I don't know there is a problem, nor can I see everything. So work with me on this, okay. Weren't you guys given a new dorm inside the school when I became headmaster."

"We were, sir."

"Then is it not proof that even if slowly, things are changing?"

"It-it is, Sir."

"Good." He stops stroking his head and goes back to his seat. "Let's not talk about it anymore that way, shall we?"

"YES, SIR!" The guy shouts his answer like Frankher is ten kilometers away. Well, it seems he is good at motivating people, or manipulating them. I can't really tell which one is more accurate.


"Sir." The heroes advance and stand before all of us. With a simple and yet somehow divine posture. The natural aura they emit is really different from us.

I wonder, is this just the result of shouldering the task of defeating the Longinus that makes them look so dazzling once they get serious? Or is it just their divine origin? If it is the later, then how do i look when I use my draconic power. I must be especially cool, I am sure.

"As you may know, you can't participate in the tournament. Still, I believe having you there with the students will be a great motivation. Do you wish to come as well?"

"Why not? I don't think-"

"We will accompany them, Sir. If the church gives us the permission." Roxcia cuts Farner's off and answers with nobility pouring out of her words.

"I see. Then, let us discover together, the different events that they have in store for us this year."


"Protect the fort, eh? When was the last time they chose that event?"

"I think it was ten years ago, in Sacoxs. But the event at that time was more about taking a flag. It will be a lot harder this time because you have to protect it for a period of time or capture it during that same time."

After Frankher read the content of the papers, all the students present, with Cordel as the center of attention, started discussing the different events listed.

There are three events: protect the fort, search the jewel, and the individual battles. Protect the fort and search the jewel are team-based battles. For the first one, you have to either capture or defend a place for an hour. And for the second, you must look for a certain object with your team all the while defending on a designated person of your group who is the only one to touch the object once reached.

"Protecting a fort won't be too hard, I think. But for the other one…"

Cordel and Keltia and Lanuvel are the ones thinking the most. Everybody, except Roxcia, as always, has moved around them to hear what they think and propose something as well. I am surprised to see that even Germinia did so.

Speaking of Roxcia, I wonder how it went after the trial. From what I can see, Farner and Excia don't seem to be mad at her but she acts more isolated now. Does she really hate me to the point of even isolating herself from her sisters? Well, I don't care. Maybe it's just the hatred effect caused by my draconic soul that is affecting her.

"The problem with finding the designated object is that only the one who has been designated can touch it. So once he is eliminated, we lose."

"That means it can't be a weakling, right?" Germinia voices her opinion after Keltia's explanation. Her voice sounds really heated. She must be really interested in that event.

"Yeah, but putting somebody too strong to be the catcher would also reduce the defense around him. No matter how strong you are, you can't just go all alone, after all." Lanuvel looks at me through the crowd. When they all gathered together, I went to a nearby wall and leaned on it. "Or maybe not."

I hope you aren't thinking what you are thinking."

"As far as the team battles are concerned, I think we can truly decide once we judge everyone's capacities to work in teams. Whether somebody is strong or not, if he can't act with others and accomplish precise tasks, he will be useless."

"Puff…" Farner…No, not just Farner, even Frankher and Peter laugh hearing that. Cordel even stops because of it, looking at them a bit dumbfounded.

"Is there a problem, Peter?"

"No, no, I am sorry. There is no problem."

"Hm-mhm. Okay, so as I said, we should take a day to assess everyone's ability. Both in personal combat and in a group fight. Headmaster, could we ask for your help on this?"

"Of course. The tournament will be held in two weeks. So, after the opening ceremony of the school in two days, you guys will get special permission to train. As for the place. Just use the examination grounds."

"Thank you, headmaster."

Evaluate people's abilities, eh… If I have to make a quick comparison, I think only the heroes could defeat me here. Cordel is strong but he tends to think a lot, I never really fought with Keltia but she must be around the same level as Lanuvel. Germinia is a closed case, the others don't look too strong either. I don't want to sound arrogant but I really think I am the strongest here, humanly speaking. Though there is still Frankher.

I have been wondering since the day he released his aura in the classroom how strong he is. I vaguely remember him using a lightning ball against the Longinus prince but I can't remember if it was effective or not. Still, just based on his aura, we must have the same level. Or maybe he is a bit stronger if I count his experience. I will certainly defeat him if I use my draconic power. And the dragon heart also helps me regulate my power in a much better way. No, I think I can win against him as well.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Dragonroad?" While I am thinking, Frankher calls me.

"Hm! Oh, no, sir. I was thinking."

"While staring at me?"

"I am sorry. It's a habit."


Shit, Now, everyone is looking at me. Well done, Frankher!

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