Chapter 220 - CHAPTER 220: LONE WARRIOR

"I will see you all tomorrow on the examination grounds, then."

In the end, it was decided to we will conduct a test tomorrow to determine who is better at what. Then, after the opening ceremony, we will be preparing for the tournament.

"Yes, Sir."

Frankher then touches the orb on his table and we all get teleported…Wait, I didn't get teleported as well? Nor was Peter.

"I believe we still have some unattended business."

"Ah…Yes, indeed." We go and sit in front of him. "Did you gather some intel from the knights we captured?"

"Master, what happened to your son?" His son? Ah, yeah, Cecexs.. My uncle. Something happened to him?

"Don't worry, Peter. My son is alright. He is already in Ragus. Nothing happened to his wife nor mine as well."

"Wait, something happened to them?" Peter looks coldly at me. Yeah, unlike you, I don't care about what happen to other people. So what?

"Like I said, nothing happened. They are safe. But they got attacked on their way to Ragus. I believe it was some of the Flolerl's assassins." Flolerl again.

"It seems you have officially gone to war against the Flolerl."

"Not officially. Or else it would be Floras against Syldavie. But yes, I need to discover what they are planning. More and more of their activities have been exposed and things don't look good at all. Especially the fact that she could be cooperating with Longinus. It freezes my blood just thinking about the consequences."

"I am just glad madam is safe." Peter, you are a sucker for compliments, you know that?

"Yes, I am as well." Frankher makes a truly happy face. This is a complete contrast to Frankher as a person, it doesn't suit him.

"But Master, I think it is time to launch a full assault on the Flolerl. If they really are the root of the problem, then we should eradicate it." Finally, Peter says something interesting. Let kill Veronica!!!

"No, that would be suicide. Even if they are the root of the problem. We don't know how deep those roots have gone. And there is their possible affiliation to the Longinus that cannot be neglected. It would be too dangerous to do that. For now, the best option is to find as many proofs as possible."

"I see. I agree as well." Of course, you would. You would bite on steel if he told you to, Peter.

"Sir, about what I asked yesterday…"

"Yes. Concerning the knights, they didn't tell anything really new. Though they did say they got attacked by some unknown powerful assassin. Does it ring any bell?" He looks at me with interrogative eyes.


"Sigh…Just don't overdo it, okay?"

"I said I didn't know anything."

"Right. Also, concerning Anriette Kolil. She was last sighted leaving Mercuria with two other people. Most likely from the guild. Her aunt and uncle also seem to have left town. But there are no records of abductions."

"I see." So they didn't get kidnapped. That's good. But still, that bad feeling won't leave me. "Thank you Sir."

"You are welcome. Now off you go. And be sure to come tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir!"

We leave Frankher's office and when we arrive at the secretary's office, Keltia is there. Everybody else has left.

"Are you finished?"

"Y-yes, I am."

"Good, I am hungry. Let's go to the town."

"As you wi-"

"I told you to stop that already."


"Don't make me hate you."


"See you, Kevin."

"See you." Keltia grabs Peter's hand and drags him off, under the silent look of the knights standing at the doors of the headmaster's office.

"I just hope he will say it someday." Peter doesn't seem ready to tell her anything. Though I would like to see my aunt getting with somebody. I don't know why, but I just want to see it.


The next morning, we are all at the examination grounds before the sun even rise. Only the heroes are missing.

"It is weird. It looks bigger than I took the entrance exams."

"Maybe because there was snow everywhere. I had the same impression." Lanuvel and Germinia are talking about the examination ground while walking around. It seems Germinia hasn't given up just yet.

As the sun rises, Frankher arrives together with Smith, Aspen, two other teachers, and the small girl who healed me at the infirmary once. What was her name again? AH, I forgot.

"Good morning, everyone. I see you all woke up early."

"Yes, Sir!" Once again they all answer in unison. That's getting annoying.

"Then let's not waste any time. Teacher Smith, Teacher Aspen, if you would."

"Of course, Sir." Smith walks to us and starts giving out weird metallic bracelets. They look like those you would use on a prisoner. Aspen follows right after him and gives us wooden weapons. He stops in front of every student and gives him the suitable. Once I take mine, I notice that it is heavier than normal. Did that guy do something to it?

"The bracelets we are giving you now reduce your Angas output by twenty percent. They are the same as the ones which you will receive during the tournament. In order for you to get used to it and adapt faster. You will all wear them during those two weeks."

"Do all kingdoms have those as well?"

"Yes, miss Highlander. Every kingdom has those bracelets as they are distributed by the church. The weapons you have received are heavier as well. That, however, is to my own discretion."

"I see."

"Now, all of you. Put them on then divide in random groups of three people."

In less than a minute, groups have formed around me and I am…

"You better not slow us down, okay?" Lanuvel comes and stands by my right.

"He will certainly do. He doesn't look quick-witted." And Judy to my left.

I guess I am not that alone anymore. Smith then stands in front of us and starts counting.

"Okay, so we have six groups. Good. Group one will be Cordel, Derkheil, and Samson. Group two: Peter, Keltia and Vasko. Group three: Esteressa, Mikhail, and Stephan. Group four: Lanuvel, Judy, and Kevin. Group five: Djibril, Velvet, and Germinia. Group six…"

"Why did you guys decide to stay like this?" Frankher brings our attention to one particular group. The beta students apparently decided to stick together, making it the only group of four. Though there was obviously going to be a group like that with the current number we have.

"Sir, we think…"

"I am not reprimanding you so don't worry. If you believe you are stronger when you are together, then it's better. But your assessment won't be more lenient. Remember that."

"Thank you, sir."

"Okay, now. you guys will a five-minute spar between each group. You will all fight the other groups and will fight without break. If you don't have a good strategy then it will only be harder as time goes by. We will conduct the test for two hours."

"Also," Frankher advances as well and reaches Smith's level, "you aren't allowed to speak to each other. Anyone who speaks to his teammates will have his team immediately lose."



Frankher places his finger in front of his mouth and everyone instantly shut up. Fighting without talking. That's great. I am more used to that after all.

"Before any of you complain, let me remind you that on a battlefield, establishing a strategy isn't something difficult. Hiding it from your enemies, however, is the hardest task. Moreover, in case things changes abruptly, you will have to take decisions rapidly. If you have to speak to your team every time you do, all your enemies will be informed as well."

"But sir, even so, not communicating to our teammates is…"

"No, Mister Ditorria. I didn't forbid you from communicating. I only said not to speak. Any other form of communications is allowed."

"I see."

"Headmaster, how much time do we give them to prepare?"

"Prepare? For what? You start right now."


"No way!!"

"Okay. Group one versus group two. Three and four, five and six. Now!!"

As Smith gives the signal, everyone jumps in all directions. Some people knocking into each other in the process. I didn't see the point of it so I just stayed in place. He said group three and four, right. So I finally get to fight Esteressa.

Judy and Lanuvel have also moved so I have a clear field of view all around me. Esteressa and her group are to the right. They are distracted by Lanuvel who is on their side but still distant.

"I guess it is our win, then." I create two bullets made of wind and fire Angas only then launch them.

"Oh shit!!" the bullets explode right before they touch any of them. What happe…As the dust dissipates, Esteressa trying to protect herself by placing her hands in front of her head with her head down appears, protected by a light wall.

"Tch!" Of course, you wouldn't just let it be.

"Group one is eliminated. Stand to the side and wait for five minutes."

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