Chapter 237 - CHAPTER 237: SECOND DAY

The next day, we all eat but this time, with the heroes. They don't need to leave like yesterday, I guess. There are no comments or conversations during the meal. Everybody is silently eating, like they are all threatened by something. This kind of atmosphere would be good if I knew what event we had today but it seems I will have to…

While I am looking for a way to ask Frankher what event we will have today, somebody knocks at our door then enters. A few seconds later, two knights and a priest from MEETIA's church appear before us. There is no need to think about what they are here for.

"Heroes, we have been waiting for you all morning. the great priest has asked us-"

"We told him there was no obligation for us to be there anymore. Have we not?"

"How can you say that? Your very presence is a sign of honor and a proof of our faith. You know how much the people of this kingdom have little faith.. Please let us be on our way."

The heroes all look at each other with reluctant eyes and annoyed faces. Even Roxcia seems annoyed. In the end, they stand up and go. Farner touches my shoulder while leaving. As I look at her, her face has a small hint of sadness. Should I say something?


Right as I am about to speak, Frankher looks at me and shakes his head. Should I really say nothing? They all leave and the mood returns, a silent one. 


"Why did you stop me?"

While the others are preparing for the protect the castle event, I go to Frankher in his room and talk to him. If they didn't want to go, shouldn't we have said something?

"Because the church is too powerful for you to face. Not now, not alone."

"I already said I wouldn't waver in front of them."

"And you can see the consequences." Frankher looks outside by the window. It seems he can feel the presence of the spies that are observing me.

"Even so, if they don't want to do something, they shouldn't have to."

"Then who will do it? You?"

"If necessary, I will."

"Ah…" Frankher lightly pats his forehead with his hands then comes in front of me with a menacing look. Is he trying to intimidate me?

I look back at him without unease but he raises his hands and as he reaches mine, he flicks my forehead.

"What is that for?"

"Perhaps the fact that you can't feel pain made you forget some things. You may like them more than you should but don't forget what they are. It may seem unfair but just like you, but they have a destiny, a duty, and people counting on them."

"Then I will change that."

"Fufufu. You are welcome to try." Frankher pats my head then returns to whatever he was doing.


For the event we will have this morning, we are brought to another part of the forest. There we find a castle. It's a three-story castle with two towers. We arrive at the same time as the other school we will face: TETRA academy from Wendhalm. As we get down from the carriage, I notice that there are only two boys participating. The rest of the seven people are girls. Moreover, four of them all have curly hair.

"Ah, headmaster Frankher. How are you?"

Finally, after the students, the headmaster of Tetra comes down and directly goes to Frankher.

"I am fine." Frankher answers him coldly and bluntly.

"Oh, are you sure? It looks to me like you have lost some hair though. And who is this I see? Keltia, you aren't going to greet this uncle?"


It seems there is a story between those three. I have rarely seen Frankher being so irritated by somebody. Nor have I ever seen Keltia showing such disrespect to somebody with a higher rank. The guy said uncle earlier. Could he be a Koersombre as well?

"How can you be so cold with me Keltia? Didn't we promise that you would-"

"Do I have to remind you that this is an official event?" Frankher turns to the guy and coldly looks at him. "Or would you prefer for the referee to do so?"

"Okay, okay. You really are a nut-cracker, you know that?"

This guy doesn't have the same charisma as Frankher or the hammer hands. He is not much different from a teenager, I would say.

Anyway, the referee arrives, just like yesterday, with three teachers. Once again, I am not participating. This time, Frankher decides to send forward the four guys from the beta class together with Esteressa, Lanuvel, and Keltia.

The referee advances while everyone is checking his gear and looks at all of us silently for a minute.

"Before we begin, there are news concerning the explosion that occurred the day before yesterday. It would seem a student was involved in it. Therefore, we once again would like to remind you that this is an official event organized for your sake first. The people watching are mostly nobles and this year especially, all the royal families have come. Your behavior during this tournament might greatly affect your future so I would advise you to-"

"Yeah, yeah, we know already. Get on with it." The headmaster of Tetra academy doesn't seem concerned though.

"Sir, just because you are a named-"

"No, I am a named under the FAIRSWORD royal family. Get it right."

Yup, this guy pisses me off.

"And so what if you are?"

"Oh…" As soon as I speak, the guy turns to me and walks like the ground itself belongs to him.

"Do you not know who I am, parasite?"

"Do I look like I care even a little?"

"Oh, you should. Because…" The guy raises his hand, "I will make you taste the greatest-" as he brings his hands down, Frankher holds it. He doesn't look angry though.

"You really think you can even try to hit my student in front of me?"

The guy looks at Frankher with a small almost hidden smile. "Hmph!" Then, he shakes his hands off and goes away, back to his students.

"Little worm, know that you have my, the WARLORD OF WENDAHLM, attention."

"Is that so." Warlord…I wonder what it means.


Our team is the attacking one. After the students from Tetra enter a castle that we can see from where we are, Lanuvel and the others move as well.

"Good luck."

"Thanks." Lanuvel answers me with thumbs up without looking back. I can fell the confidence oozing out of her from her back.

"Hmph! As if luck has to do with anything." The warlord of Wendahlm still manages to add an unnecessary as they enter the forest.

Frankher is calm but a bit tense. I guess that guy isn't all talk to put him in such a state.

Just like yesterday, the board they have placed shows us the position of everyone and every light is green.

"I wonder if the finals will be shown the same way."

"No, don't worry." The referee seems to have heard my question. "After the preliminaries, all the different matches will be shown live."

"Live?" What does he mean live?

"Pfff. A real country bumpkin. You don't even know such basic things."

And of course the warlord of whatever is listening as well. Thankfully, Smith turns to me and starts explaining what live means.

"Kevin, there is a new technology which allows them to show an image of-"

"Like a recorder?"

"It's an advanced version of that, yes. So, you heard of it, then."

"Yes, my mo…somebody told me about it." So even now, I still consider you as my mom, huh. Such a naïve boy I still am.

"Somebody?" Smith looks confused. Well, I guess he would be since I almost said mom. Let's clear the misunderstanding then.

"Yes, somebody."

"But you just said-"

"Somebody told me about it. Why do you-"

Abruptly, an explosion cuts off our conversation. It seems Lanuvel and her team have started attacking the other team.

"Now, let me show you mutts!!! What it means to have a real strategy mea-"

Right as he says that, another explosion resounds, louder this time, with a whitish lightning bolt flying to the sky.  It was only for a brief moment but still, I felt the power coming from that attack. And as far I know, this can only be the work of one person.

"What?!!!" The warlord of whatnot has his mouth open agape like it has no muscles anymore. His face is white with surprise.

"Yep. Esteressa got angry."

"The eternal academy has won the event."

In just a matter of seconds, Cordel's remarks as well as the multiples flashes of lights appearing before us confirm our victory.

I can't say that I am surprised but I thought the kingdom Judy is from would have been much stronger.

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