"It seems you still underestimate the eternal academy, Stephan."

Frankher makes a comment directed to the headmaster of Tetra. So, your real name is Stephan, huh.

"B-b-but how?" The guy almost drops to his knees but is grabbed by the teachers standing next to him.

"I had thought you had changed, if even a little." Like I thought, Frankher seems to have a deep relationship with this guy. Could he really be a Koersombre? If so, it would explain why there is a clear animosity between him and the other two.

The students who just appeared are as stupefied as their headmaster. One of them, who is still holding his helmet in his hand as thought the fight just begun, is still looking around like he doesn't understand what happened.

"Did the event got cancelled?" He is even the one to ask the referee what is going on..

The referee simply shakes his head while closing his eyes. And right as it clears out the situation, another student walks to us in two steps and reach Frankher. I step in and grab him by the neck before he can touch him and the guy start choking loudly.

"Urgh! Argh!"

"Enough. Sir, please release him." The referee immediately reacts while looking really mean.

I let the guy down but instead of backing off, he stands in front of me now, with fierce eyes full of anger.

"You…Huff…Huff…You guys are cheaters!! You cheated!!" He screams as loudly as he can, as if he wants the whole world to hear it.

"What?!" And sadly, for him, she heard it. As if it was all planified, Esteressa and the others come back right as he screams.

As he turns around and sees her, his whole body trembles like a leaf. It seems they saw her attack coming. It must have been frightening to take that lightning punch head-on. Especially if she was angry. I have never had the chance to see it up close but judging by the flash we saw. It is really powerful.

"No, what I meant is-" Before he can continue, Esteressa has already reached him and slaps him. I say slap but the guy's mouth distorts enough for his tooth to leave his mouth in a hurry. Sorry man, you got slapped by a gnoll.

"Because setting up a trap using one of your comrades isn't cheating?!! You guys think you are gods or something?!!"

Hm-mhm. Like I thought, I don't get as angry as before thinking about this. What those guys are doing is the same as what happened to me so I should rightfully be the angriest one here but thinking about what happened to Excafol and Selene, I feel like this is unrelevant.


Anyway, after that, the referee reprimanded Esteressa and prevented her from participating in the next event. Then everything went by normally. When we left, Stephan still had trouble walking I would had loved to tell him that this is what you get for confronting the Star of Mercuria but I guess it can wait.

The next day and those who followed, we had to participate to two events per day instead of one. In the end, after a week of competition, our school is first with full victory in both of the team-based events.

The big board at the entrance if the coliseum where the opening ceremony was hold is constantly the points per school. Our school has his name at the top with golden letter. Then it is Tetra academy from Wendhalm in the second place with only two losses against us. One during each event. Mohana is third, then Dulahan from Sacoxs is fourth.

Surprisingly, Nivalneihlm is fifth. I thought they would have been among the three first. Their team was pretty strong looking. Yris and Floras are respectively at the bottom. Demether and his father didn't bother sending a strong team or maybe they don't have one. I don't really care either way. They are disqualified in any case since they are the last.

From what Frankher told me, since we are the first school, we will get to send as many student as we want for the individual tournament whereas the other school will be limited by a certain number depending on their rank in the preliminaries. 

Today, we are all taking a break. Tomorrow the final phase of the team-based events will start and we will be fighting against Mohana, normally. Everybody has decided, without considering my opinion, to go to the local lake right outside the city and swim.

While we are in the carriage, Lanuvel can't stop humming a song I heard her mom singing once before. As for Farner, yes, the heroes are coming as well, she is smiling like she just received the best present ever. The other two heroes, because somehow I ended up in their carriage with Lanuvel, are as happy though one of them is obviously trying to hide it. Sadly for you, Roxcia, you have the same face as your sister so your expression is pretty easy to interpret.

"Lanuvel, you brought a new swimsuit?"

"Yep, my breasts grew again so the last one was uncomfortable to wear." Breasts? Swimsuits?

"You are lucky. The church gave us such a lame piece of cloth when we told them we wanted to swim. Those guys don't know anything about clothes."

"Still, they were trying to help us. We shouldn't complain too much, Farner."

"I know Roxcia. I know."

"Fufufu." Lanuvel smiles like a cat then her bracelet shines and clothes start appearing from it. Though, I can't really call them clothes. There are more like pieces of clothes stitched together. "Actually, we already knew that so we bought you guys some."

"EH?!! Really?!" To my surprise, Roxcia is the first to jump on those clothes. Realizing I am looking at her, she blushes but doesn't put the green piece of clothes back.

"The yellow one is a bit skimpy, no?" Excia picks up the yellow unique piece and as she raises it, I notice it copies the curves of a woman, though there is a hole at the center, in the area of the stomach.

"Well, Keltia said you would surely like it."

"I do. I was just asking."

"You are too naughty, Excia."

Farner picks up two red underwear-like clothes. The bra is slightly shining while the panties have four large strings.

"I am not as naughty as the guy who is eyeing us like crazy."

"All guys are the same. Filthy."

"I wasn't eyeing you Excia." I won't answer Roxcia's comment.

"You better not get any funny ideas. We are not showing you this for any particular reason."

"Hm-mhm." Anyway, it seems we have arrived. I can run away now.



The said lake is bigger than I thought. It is bigger than the one near that town I was given. On our side, there is sand, everywhere. White sand going almost to the middle of the lake and joining the water naturally with a slight slope.

"It's great, right?"

"Yes, Lanuvel, it is."

"I came here twice with my parents. I would have loved to bring mother here but this is not bad either."

"I see. Well, surely you will be able to do so soon, I hope."

"Let's pray for that." Praying won't help you.

There are numerous people near the lake. It seems we weren't the only ones waiting for a break. I recognize most students we have faced so far from the other schools as well as other people and even old ones. I am not surprised that Frankher came anymore.

"Hey, what are you waiting for? Let's go and change."

Lanuvel grabs my hands and we follow the group who is going to what looks like a restroom. There are two of them perfectly separated and in each of them, boys and girls have aligned like they are waiting for something.

"You will go with the boys. They should have your swimsuit."


"Hurry up! They are going in already!"

She pushes me forward and before I know what is happening, I find myself with all the guys from the eternal academy, undressing and wearing shorts.

"Here." Peter hands me a short pretty similar to his own, though mine is white.

"Huh…thanks. I guess."

Let's just go with the flow. It's not like there will be anything dangerous happening. I undress and put the short on like the others then we all exit the restroom as a group. But the girls aren't here.

"Let's go to that spot. They will easily find us when they come out."

Frankher guides us to a spot where there is a weird tree. As he sits under it, everybody else disperses. Cordel and Samson go their way, off to somewhere unknown. Peter sits near the tree like the faithful dog he is, Derkheil together with the alpha class boys leaves with a perverted smile on his face. The beta class boys directly go to the water. Well, let's see what is so special about this place.

I go to the water and enter it until it reaches my head. But as some droplets touches my tongue, I almost choke from the surprise.

"What?!" It is salty?! The fuck?! Who would spend so much salt in a lake?!! "What kind of joke is this?"

"Is there a problem?" One of the beta class comes to me. Maybe he thought I was in danger.

"No, don't worry. I am just surprised that the lake's water is salty."

"Lake? This is the sea."

"The sea?" Did I not heard of this name before? I am sure I did. But Lanuvel just said we were going to swim when I ask her.

"Yeah, you know. The sea, where you can fish, swim, relax…Doesn't ring a bell?"

"Not really. But thanks for explaining."

"You are welcome."

The sea…I wonder how big it is compared to a lake. I fly and go over to the other side of the sea only to find more water.

"Well, it is certainly bigger." Let's continue until I find it.

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