Chapter 239 - CHAPTER 239: I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE

I have been flying for at least ten minutes now but I still can't see the end of this lake or sea or whatever it is called. 

"What kind of lake is this?" I should go back and ask the others. Maybe they will know why there is no end to it.

I fly back to the place where I left everyone but midway, I see something coming. Two dots seem to be coming my way. There are other people who can fly as well? I never would have imagined. I wonder who it is.

After a few seconds, the two people who reached me are angelic like creatures. Coming straight from a fairy tale, I am sure.


I knew that Farner was beautiful, I knew that. I also knew that Excia was her sister and that they look alike. But right now, aside from the surprising fact that they are flying, they are like goddesses standing in front of me.

"Look who we found. A lost boy who didn't know a lake was different from the sea."

"I guess Lanuvel told the truth when she said he didn't know what it was."

Swimsuits, was it? I don't know who created that but thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this marvelous sight.

"So you guys can fly, huh. I am surprised."

"Hmph! There is nothing you can do that I can't. Don't forget who I am."

"Though it was a bit hard to figure out how you were doing it. Thankfully, we found some records of a man who claimed it was possible. Who would have thought areal acceleration could be used that way."

Excia seems to be particularly happy. I don't think I have ever seen such a sincere smile on her face.

"Roxcia isn't with you?" Well, that's a stupid question. She would never come.

"Nope, you will be surprised to know that she still hasn't managed to fly." Excia closes her eyes for a moment while talking about her sister. The way she also shakes her head indicates a bit how disappointed she seems to be.

"The smartest of you all can't fly? I don't believe it."

"What?!! You mean we are stupid?!" As always, Farner immediately reacts to anything that looks like she has been called stupid.

"So what? You are going to beat me up ?"

"You!" She flies to me and tries to catch me but I dodge and pass under her.

"Too slow." Right as I say that, I hear another heartbeat coming and dodge again. Only to see Excia's hands grabbing Farner's left breast instead.

"Kyaa!" She screams a little while going away from her.

"Oops. Sorry."

"Well, you guys are still too slow to catch me."

"We will see about that!!" Without waiting for another word or her sister who is still protecting her chest with her hands, Excia launches herself at me and we start playing in the air like birds. Free of all, shackled by none.


"Sigh…And here I thought at least you would be different, Excia."

When we come back to the others, the sun was already up in the sky. We must have spent at least one hour playing. Most of the others are busy with their own things when we come back. The only ones waiting for us as we land are Lanuvel, Roxcia and Frankher. Though, in Frankher's case, it is more like he was just seating there, resting.

"Sorry, but it was really fun." Excia scratches her head while answering. Farner is hiding behind her, trying to escape the wrath of Roxcia's eyes which then obviously turn to the cause of all this: me.

"And of course-"

"You weren't even there to see my swimsuit." Lanuvel cuts Roxcia off and redirects the conversation somewhere else.

The swimsuit she is wearing is the same model as Farner, though hers is blue. Would they look like fake twins if they were put together? Probably not since her chest is smaller.


"Your swimsuit looks cute."

"Hmph! You will need more than that."

"You look cute in it."

"I said you will need more than that." I don't think so seeing as how red your face has turned.

"Would you look at that? The very murderer himself walking with the saviors of the world as if he deserves it."

A voice abruptly and noisily resounds to our side. I don't even need to turn to know who it is: Thando Taladas. This guy has the same finesse as a pot you would hit to wake people up.

The guy walks to us, followed by two others students from his school. All of them are wearing their uniforms like they don't care about the mood of the place with people all wearing skimpy clothes.

"What do you want?" Can't you see I am busy?

"I just wanted to see the face you make when you are happy. That way, it will be funnier to see you squirm and beg as you-"

"Are those threats related to the tournament? Because if they aren't, I won't let it go."

Farner steps in front of me and faces him and his classmates.

"So, he really managed to fool the saviors. The only ones who are revered and respected more than our own lives, and you corrupt them just like he said."

"Like I said-"

"It seems he was right. This shouldn't go on. Though I am not sure if I can have the patience to wait."

As he says that, his classmates both release their aura and try to jump on me but without much effort, Farner knocks down both of them with one punch each. Or so I thought, the guys stand back up as if they didn't even feel those punches and restart walking.

"Listen, this is your last warning. The tournament will restart tomorrow. If you insist on doing this. I won't hold back."

"Neither will we." Excia and Roxcia both advance as well. They are now all standing in front of me like a wall, ready to take on anything to protect me. This is absurd. Like I need somebody to protect me.


"What is going on here?" It seems the commotion woke up Frankher who is now behind me. "Did you perhaps had something to say, young man?"

"Hmph! If only you knew, who he is, what he is. How funny it would be to see your faces then."

"And do you know perhaps?" Lanuvel enters the fray as well while holding my hand.

"Oh, I know exactly what he is."

Seeing the number of people ready to defend me, Thando's animosity as well as his classmate's aura stop. I sense it as well:  those guys also have crystals in them. They turn around and leave but then, Thando turns around a few meters ahead and looks at me with the most devilish smile.

"You better cherish this moment when everybody is ready to protect and accept you. Because once I will shatter that, the despair you will feel…" He shows his teeth with a smile so wicked it could tear his face off.

Despair? If only you knew. You have no idea of the despair I have seen nor could you imagine the pain I went through. But it is no use thinking about that. No matter what you will bring my way, I will overcome it and kill you.


"Fuuu…I almost lost it there."

"That guy, who is he?"

After Thando and his group are gone, the heroes turn to me and Frankher to ask for answers.

"Thando Taladas. He is a first-year student at Mohana, Titanium's academy."

"He is a sophomore?! And he is already that insolent?!"

"Calm down, Lanuvel. It seems to me like it isn't arrogance but hatred that drives his actions."

I didn't really mind what that guy said but I must admit that it is intriguing. What does he mean when he says he knows what I am? Is he talking about the fact that I am the Dragonroad?

"Cissa, aside from Dilt, is there anybody else who could know about you? Could the Longinus know about us?"

"It is a possibility but if that was really the case, they would have tried to kill us already. We dragons are their most serious threat so far."

I see. Then, he must have been talking about something else. But what then?


"Hm…Oh yes, did you say something?"

"Are you alright? You looked awfully worried just now." Farner brings her face close to mine and stares right at my eyes, as if to know if I am lying.

"Don't worry, I was just thinking."

"You don't have to bear it alone. You can talk about it if you want to." And Lanuvel enters the stage as well. The two of them creates an atmosphere that forces the others to leave, though Roxcia doesn't forget to give me a hard and serious stare before.

"I told you. I am okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Besides, I said it before. As long as it is for those I love, I will do anything. I swore it."

As I say that, two  tomatoes rippen right in front of me. They become as red as it can be and lower their eyes shyly. I guess you guys are as easy to please as Selene was.

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