Chapter 240 - CHAPTER 240: SHOW ME THEN (1)

We go back to our residence after that incident and since the others weren't there when it occurred, most of them are surprised by the mood we have, especially Frankher who seems to be thinking really hard about something.

Lanuvel and Farner are sitting, or more like sticking to me, to the point where I can barely breathe without them knowing it. I don't see the reason for them to do that. It's not like I was attacked. Anyway, after some time, Frankher comes back to us and starts explaining how we will handle the finals.

"As you guys know, we will start the quarter-finals tomorrow. Normally, we will fight against Mohana academy. Although they weren't the second school on the podium, I still think they are our most dangerous opponent."

"Sir, what about the individual tournament?" Germinia's concern is elsewhere as always, though she doesn't look peaceful as she asks.

"Miss Highlander, is it about your brother?"

"Yes sir.."

"He will compete in the individual tournament only, yes. However, as you may know, the individual tournament takes place in a single day so the LORD OF SWORDS will certainly have an advantage."

"Not this time, I will defeat him."

"I wish you luck then."

The Lord of swords? Her brother is a named as well? His name is cool for sure then.

"Moving on, Mister Dragonroad."


"Starting from the quarter-finals, you will integrate the team. It will also be the same team starting from the quarter-finals that will fight until we reach the finals. But Mister Dragonroad will only be part of the find the designated object event."

"But why, Sir?"

"You have high mobility but in terms of firepower, even if I take your special script into account, you aren't the best match for the fortress event." Smith immediately the reason for Frankher's choice.

My bullets aren't a good match for the fortress event? Seriously? I don't think there are many who can take them on here though.

"I don't agree with your reasoning." How can he say something like that?

"I know you don't. So I want you to answer something? Once somebody has discovered your special script, the crescent bullet, do they still fall to it easily?"

"No, that's why I am not using it from the get-go."

"Exactly, but for the fortress event, the faster you breakthrough, the better. That's why we cannot rely on you for that event."

"…I understand." I don't agree but at least, I understand.

"Now, I will give the name of those who will participate in the different events starting tomorrow. For the fortress event, we have…"

Frankher starts reading the name of the different participants and my mind wanders off somewhere. Thinking about it again, there is indeed a possibility that Thando or the Hammer hands knows about Cissa.

"Cissa, do you still feel your remaining brethren here, on Schamerin?"

"Yes, I do. But I have some worries." I knew it.

"What kind of worries?"

"His draconic power seems to be changing, it seems thwarted somehow. I do not feel it the same way I did when I woke up."

"Maybe he is dying?"

"I would like to think that's it but we do have very long lives." 

"Or maybe he ate something wrong?"

"Don't be silly."

"Oh, come on, can't you even take a joke?"

"Instead of joking, think about how to find him. You haven't talked with the guide yet. The time is running short and the Longinus are growing stronger and stronger. You must, we must become stronger and lead the way to vanquish them."

"I know, I know."


Just like Frankher, the board in front of the coliseum screens that we will face Mohana academy for the quarter-finals. After Mneme and Smith come back to confirm that information, we all start preparing. I put on the armor Frank crafted and indeed, it is a very good armor. I don't how he and Sophia did it but the armor is like it sticks to me. It is very easy to put it on.

When I get out of my room, I encounter Cordel who is also wearing a new armor, a white and blue one. A good-looking armor as well.

"I see somebody is ready to give it his all."

"Are you not?" You talk as if you aren't the most motivated of us all.

"I am but…anyway, do you think that guy will be there?"

"Thando?" We start walking down the stairs while talking.


"Yes, I do. Why?"

"I don't know. I can't put my finger on it but I think there is something wrong with that guy. I feel weird around him." It's not surprising since he has a crystal inside him for god-knows-why reasons.

"Well, just make sure to not get too involved with him."

Down the stairs, we meet all the girls who are all ready to go. Except for the heroes who are wearing normal clothes, or more like bags from the church, the rest of them are all in armors, I don't see the reason since only two of them are participating. Concerning the girls, Lanuvel and Keltia are participating in this event. Germinia and Esteressa will be taking care of the fortress event. Judy and Velvet are backups just in case anything goes wrong.

For us boys, I will participate in the find the designated object event together with Samson, Cordel, and Derkheil. Peter will be leading the fortress event and he will be assisted by two guys from the beta class, Shalim included, and one from the alpha class.

"I believe everyone is ready?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Good, let's go."

As we get out of our residence, we find people outside. A lot of people. They start screaming as we come out like a crazy flock of chickens.

"The heroes!! The heroes are here!! Look!!"

"Please bless us with your smile!!"

"Save us!! Please!!"

Farner and her sisters are really look up to. I wonder how it feels to-

"Not again." While I am thinking, Farner comes near me and grabs my hand. As I look at her, I can see her shivering a little. She is afraid? For real?

"Are you alright?"

"I…Yes, I am." She lets go of my hand but I catch it back.

"You don't have to act tough with me, you know."

"Thank you." Thankfully, the crowd can't see us grabbing hands or I am sure they would be screaming something different.

We enter our different carriages and I let Farner go to the church's one with her sisters. Then we all move to the coliseum and as we enter, the whole place is packed with people. Their screams are so disparate and loud that I can barely make out of what they are saying.

As we get on the stage, Thando, the hammer hands, and his students are already there, waiting. The heroes have taken their place up among the numerous special seats of the coliseum. Though, it seems the saintess and the pope are here as well, meaning that doggy is here somewhere.

"Ladies and gentlemen from all kingdoms! Today is the start of the finals of the schools' tournament! And what would be better to start such an event than to see the best of best fighting!! The eternal academy is here, as proud as its name, and they are ready to defend their title!!"

People scream even louder after the guy who is presenting us finishes speaking. Cordel also raises his hands in the sky like some kind of hero, enticing the people who scream even more. I am sure some of them will lose their voices at this rate.

"In order to make sure that you will be provided the best experience, we have now fully integrated the live system and therefore, you will all be able to see what is happening in real-time on the field while our dear students are fighting! Ain't that great?!!!"

This guy knows his job, he keeps exciting the people so much the whole coliseum is trembling from their united shouts.

While the guy keeps speaking, my eyes wander off until they fall upon Thando who is looking at me with the eyes of a hunter, no, a beast, ready to pounce. His lips start moving as our eyes collide and I almost hear something.

"Let us show you a taste of pain."

Of course, it was going to be something like this.

"And now, we will reveal the stage for the quarter-final!!"

As the presenter speaks, giant screens appear from nowhere before all of us, four of them. They display some kind of plain, with sand on one side and a forest on the other.


The screens then display a bracelet that has the same color as the sand and a hair ornament that looks just like a leaf.

"And finally, here are the designated object for each team: a bracelet in the middle of the scorching desert for the Mohana academy and a leaf ornament for the eternal academy. But this time, there is a single clue that each team will be given secretly before the start of the event."

Two teachers come to us and put the same bracelet as before on our arms. Then one of them goes to Cordel and whispers something to his ear. He simply nods after that and the teachers go back to where they came from.


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