"Ahahaha!!! This is how you do it!! Attaboy!"

After the light celebration at the coliseum, we all went to our residence to have a light toast. We couldn't fully celebrate there since there was still the fortress event waiting. Only problem is that Farner and Excia have come back with us, leaving Roxcia alone at the coliseum. I know there are tensions between them sisters but still…

"Did you see that?!! My guy obliterates that gnoll like a piece of paper!"

"He is not your guy, Keltia."

"He is a named warrior under my family so HE is my guy. You got something to say, Esteressa?"

"Ugh! Shut up already!"

"Ahaha! You are just jealous!"

Keltia's flushed cheeks indicate how drunk she is. And the sun hasn't even settled yet. Does Frankher really allow that? I look at the guy but he is in his corner with Smith, smiling with the same flushed cheeks.. Yup, a family of drunkards.

"It was a fantastic win though. Congrats." Farner comes near me with her sister and extends another glass of juice to me. The one I have is not empty though.

"Thank you." Still, I take the one she offers and put the old ones on a table behind me.

"So, you weren't lying. You can really kill a gnoll by yourself."

"You surprised, Excia?"

"Not really. Like we said before. You are one of the few who can compete with us. I wouldn't be surprising for you to accomplish such a feat. Though it shouldn't get to your head."

"Yeah, it's not like you could beat us once we have our divine gear activated."

"Divine gear?" I never heard of that before. And why do you look so smug when talking about it, Farner?

"Don't worry. You will see someday."


"Let's party guys! Tomorrow is another day! Today, we get drunk!"

"Please Keltia, stop."

Seeing Peter trying to bring down Keltia from the table is a sign that this is going really far now. Everyone is laughing though so it's okay, I guess.


"Fuu…I can't eat anymore."

Three hours later, they are all exhausted and sitting everywhere in weird positions. Except maybe Keltia who is sleeping on Peter's back. Frankher and the teachers have all gone upstairs so we are by ourselves. Aside from me, only Excia is still up. Farner is sleeping on her laps while Roxcia didn't bother to come.

"She is thinking about food even in her sleep. I swear, this girl is way too carefree."

"And yet, that's why you love her, right?" I can see from your smile when you look at her, Excia. Your sister is very precious to you.

"Do you not?"

"We aren't talking about me here."

"Of course. Well, I love them both as they are."

"Oh? Even Roxcia then?"

"Of course, she is the shyest and cutest of us all."

"I have a hard time believing that one."

"You should. It's just that she thinks she has to shoulder all of our problems by herself because we are, from what she says, too carefree to understand."

"Which is not wrong." We both look at the sleeping maiden who is making a cat face while sleeping on her sister's lap. Just what kind of mischief is she doing in her dream, I wonder.

"Still, that's the reason she is acting coldly with you. From her point of view, you are an unknown entity trying to steal us from her."

"I am not interested in you though."

"We all have the same face. How can I know you won't go for me or her next?"

"It's not your face to drew me to Farner."

"Then what is it?"

"Her heart. Her convictions. Her words. They had the strength to pierce through my suffering. It's not something that could have been done by anybody else, I think."

"I see. Is that why you hate the Saintess, then? You hoped she could save you but she-"

"Stop." Why did you have to bring that woman into this? "That woman cannot save anyone. Me, even more so."

"As long as you will think that way, you and Roxcia won't be going anywhere near being friends."

"And I don't care." Let's go to sleep. Excia has broken my mood. I stand up and go to the door of the living room. "Goodnight."



The next morning, the place is so clean you wouldn't believe we made a mess of it the day before. Not only that, everybody is sober and ready to go, armor on and everything. I keep looking at Keltia hoping she will show me the same scene as yesterday but right now, it's like everything from yesterday was a dream.

"I hope all of you slept well."

"Yes, Headmaster."

"Good. As you all know, the individual tournament will be held today. I won't tell you that I except you to win but still, give it your best."

"Why are you so pessimist, sir?" I never saw Frankher gives up before something has started before. Why now?

"Mister Dragonroad…Well, just do your best. That's all."

"We will, Sir!"

What 'Gives your best'?! What is wrong with all of them?!

We go to our carriage and Lanuvel leans over as she is sitting in front of me.

"What will you do once we go back to the academy?"

"Why are you guys acting as if we lost already?" I could probably understand for the others, but even you? you who has the greatest resilience in terms of not giving up?!

"Because the Lord of swords is here, obviously."

"And? He is human, like us. It's not like-"

"No. That guy is not like us." Now, even Keltia entered the fray and joins her friend's side. "That guy is said to be second only to Master Dilt. The high commander of the eternal army. In fact, I heard he was a disciple for a while."

"His talent for the sword is something divine. Even Farner has recognized she cannot beat him without using her divine gear."

Somebody strong enough for Farner to admit defeat?

"Why are you smiling?"

"Oh, nothing. Anyway, Lanuvel, your eyes are still a bit red. You sure you slept well?"

"If I didn't, what will you do?"

"Huh? I was just asking."

"Tch. Don't ask if you aren't gonna nurse me." She whispers something while looking elsewhere. Still, it was loud enough for me to hear though.

"I will take care of you once we go back then. For now, let's focus."

"Y-yeah, it will be fast anyway." Why are you blushing when you are the one who asks for this?

"Don't say that."

As we arrive at the coliseum and enter. I feel an abnormal pressure emanating from it. I didn't feel that pressure before. Plus, it seems to be emanated by somebody.

We get on the stage as the different schools are present, I notice who this pressure is coming from.

"I see. That's why they gave up already."

That guy, Germinia's brother, is releasing his aura like nothing and it is intense enough for the whole coliseum to feel it.

"Hm-mhm. Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the last day of the schools' tournament. For this event, the students will be divided into four groups and only one winner will be allowed by groups. Therefore, we will only have the semi-finals and finals coming up in the afternoon."

As the presenter says that, four teachers get on the stage and separate us. With simple gestures, they create lines among us then we all assemble in circles.

"Are they for real?"

How come there is nobody from the eternal academy in my group even though we are outnumbering the others. Instead, I got two people from Mohana with me, two from Tetra as well and four from Yris. I got all four people from Yris in my group? Oh, well.

Apparently, Sacoxs only sent the lord of swords forward, I don't see anybody else from his school among us. Most of the eternal academy's students are in his group though. Lanuvel, Peter, Derkheil…They are all looking at him with eyes of defeat.

Cordel and Keltia are in the same group, Thando is alone in his group as well, together with another student from Mohana. I really don't understand how they divide us.

"Now, all students will follow the teachers in front of them and come back the same way."

We all follow our teachers and enter a waiting room designed the same way as those in Mercuria. Everyone in my group is silent. You almost cannot hear breathing if you don't pay enough attention. It would be perfect if they weren't all looking at me, especially the guys from Mohana. They are piercing me with their stares so hard I can't focus.

"You guys are the third group. Each group is allowed twenty minutes to fight. In case there more than one person remaining at the end. The public itself will decide the winner."

"What?! That's unfair, Sir!" one of Yris's students stands up straight as a sword being unsheathed.

"How so?"

"There are people who will obviously be chosen because they are named warriors. We don't stand a chance if it is like this."

"Cause you think you will still be there by then?" You guys don't stand a chance against me anyway.

"What did you say?!" The others students stand up as well and come to me.

"Calm down, all of you." The teacher tries to calm us down but I don't think those guys will want to hear it.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The first group's fight is about to start! Let us watch as the Lord of swords shows us his incredible talent!"

Somehow, we hear the beginning of the first group's fight, which is the group where most of us from the eternal academy are. I don't know why, but hearing the presenter has calmed everybody down. They all sit and close their eyes. Yeah, let's just focus and prepare for the fight to come.

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