"And this is it, Ladies and gentlemen! In less than six minutes, the top of the world's young talents, the Lord of Swords, has disposed of all his opponents!"

Soon after the start of their match, Germinia's brother is declared the winner of his group. I won't say that I am surprised. But I must admit that it was way faster than I thought. To think he managed to Lanuvel, Peter, Samson, and the others so fast. That guy must be crazy strong.

"It was to be excepted. Now, all that's left is for us to drive you out." Keep dreaming guys, keep dreaming.

"And now, let us proceed to the second group's fight!"

The second group's fight starts as well but unlike the first one, they last for almost all the time allowed. Meantime, we are waiting silently. Nervousness is filling the room so much.. I see some people squirming around and scratching their necks or heads through their helmets in order to calm down. Finally, the winner is announced and the teacher stands up as well.

"And the winner is Cordel Ditorria! Ladies and gentlemen, what a fight that was!!! But don't you think this is over! Because there is still much to come."

"Alright, guys. You can go." While the presenter announces the next match, ours, the teacher opens the door and we all head to the light.

As we pass through the light and emerge to the stage. The screams and shouts of the people shake our bodies like pieces of paper. I am even obliged to stop injecting Angas into my ears so that they don't explode.

"Fight! Fight!!"

"Star of Mercuria!! I love you!!"

"Yris will win!! Go! Go!! Go!!!"

It is a festival of encouragements as we all place ourselves on the stage, each of us facing everybody else. The presenter who is at the center then moves out of the stage.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen! Let the third fight, BEGIN!!"

They didn't wait for the signal, before the presenter even told us to begin, everybody on the stage jumped on me. Only the two guys from Mohana stayed in place as I saw them from the corner of my eye.

"You are going down!!"

"Die, you fucking slave!"

"We don't need an eyesore like you!"

In a matter of seconds, fire, thunder, water…Four elements are displayed in front of me with the form of a storm. Not only that, in the middle of it, two guys are coming with their weapons as well, ready as a bowstring to strike.

"Fuuu…" Let's start with a punch then.

I use Disperse and land behind a guy who launched a firestorm. "Shadow punch". I destroy his ribs's side armor nad the guy disappears in a blue light.


A guy next to him reacts as he sees the light appearing out of nowhere. But that's my question! What just happened? We aren't wearing the bracelet so how come he disappeared like that?!

I jump back from that position as the guy has alerted the others and while backing away, I notice that the guy who just disappeared has reappeared outside of the stage, in front of me.

"I see." It seems the whole stage is able to teleport us now. That's cool.

"You fuck-"

Before the second guy can say anything else. I launch my raizen at him while holding the end and the chain deploys as it hits his helmet. The guy then disappears while my raizen falls to the ground. Right after that…


The students from Mohana who were aesthetic until now finally make their move, using their berserker mode. The atmosphere changes a little as they do and they both immediately pounce on me. Let's take care of the others first.

I use Disperse and kick one guy's face as I land.

"Ack!!" As he is on the ground, I plant my raizen and he disappears.

"Stop using dirty tricks already!" Two guys from Yris who are together aim at me but I use a crescent bullet and they disappear.

"AHH!" The two guys from Mohana reach me in the meantime and I block their attack.

They don't let me back away this time, though. It becomes a flurry of attacks aimed at all parts of my body that I managed to block or dodge for most of them. Their berserker mode is really powerful, my raizen and arms are shaking every time we clash.

"Ladies and gentlemen!! The battle is going fiercely and the Star of Mercuria has already brought down three of his opponents!! Will he able to win in the remaining fifteen minutes though?!!"

"Get them!! You can do it!"

"Mohana!! You cheaters!!"

I thought I wouldn't notice the encouragements of the crowd but it seems I do. You guys are really noisy.

I dodge another attack from the crazed students of Mohana but a thunder ball comes from the side. It seems someone is finally doing sneak attacks. At least, they are trying to make this interesting.

I send a crescent bullet while blocking a sword coming for my head. As it collides with the thunder ball and explodes, I use the smoke from it and head to the guy who fired the thunder ball, a student from Tetra. I hear something coming behind me but I know already who it is.

"Don't come near m-" The guy disappears as the tip of my raizen reaches his mouth then I use Disperse and reappear above one of the guys from Mohana who are chasing me.


Aiming for his neck, I fall with all my weight applied on my raizen together with physical and earth Angas. As it just touches him, the guy disappears and my raizen lands on the ground instead.

Those teleportations are annoying. I can't even take advantage of my move to do anything else. Even though I was going to use that guy's corpse as a platform to kick the other one next to him. Now, I am forced to evade his relentless strikes instead.

"Incredible, ladies and gentlemen! The star of Mercuria is showing us a demonstration of absolute self-control and strength right now but wha-"

All of sudden, the presenter stops speaking after using a surprised tone of voice. As I look, I see the guy from Mohana who I just eliminated getting back on the stage with his berserker mode still on. Before the teachers present on the stage can reach him, he pounces on me again and the two of them restart their dance of blades.

"I guess I don't need to hold back anymore."


The two of them strike at the same time and I block their attack with my raizen. The shock from the attack is so great the tiles I am standing on break. I release my raizen, breaking the guy's balance for a moment then right as I prepare my lightning fist to give them a small spicy meal, three teachers appear, one for each of us.

"That's enough." One appears behind me and grabs my shoulder while the other two are trying to immobilize the two students.


Unsurprisingly though, they don't manage to and my leg is stabbed by a sword since I didn't move away. This guy managed to pass through the multiple layers of the armor Frank and Sophia crafted for me just like that?! I know they have impressive strength but still.

"Secure them! What are you doing?!"

"We are trying dammit!"

"Stop, you two!"

The hammer hands's voice resounds from the entrance of the stage where we came from and as an immediate response, both of them stops and return to normal. Are they really dolls in the end?

"Sir hammer hands, you will have some explainings to do later on."

"There is nothing to explain. They don't have a good mastery of their power yet. I noticed you about it since the beginning." The teacher who was restraining me is the one talking. The other two are raising the students back up. They don't show any resistance at all and their eyes look dead through their helmets.

"It doesn't justify this."

The teacher near me leaves off with his colleagues transporting the guys from Mohana out of the stage. The audience is silent though. I thought they would be insulting them or something but there is close to no noise.

After they get off the stage, I remove the sword that is planted in my leg. With everything going on, those teachers didn't think about it.

"Are you okay?" Weird enough, the presenter has come to me and looks worried.

"Why would I not be?"

"Can you still fight?"

"Why would I not be able to? I didn't get teleported out of the stage."

"W-well. Okay."

He goes away then as he steps out of the stage, I look at the other students still present but they look like they still have the will to fight. This is way too boring. I should end all this quickly and plan for my fight against Thando.

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