Drugs? Who is taking them?

"The fuck is you-" Unconsciously, I try to grab the referee's neck and the teacher next to him grabs my hand with an angry expression on his face. Oops.

"Stop right now or even your school will be affected."

"I haven't taken any drug. Your decision is wrong." I retrieve my hand.

"Then why are you still here?"

"What?" The referee steps back a bit. Then another teacher appears behind him. This time, it is the guy who was the referee on the first day of the team events.

"As you may know, the emergency teleportation system is based on your body's reaction to pain. When one's body is about or is actually heavily injured, it releases a special kind of Angas waves. Those are detected by our system and then it acts in consequences."

The guy also looks at the old man on the special set with a beard and he nods once again.

"Therefore, it is inconceivable that somebody with wounds like yours would not be emitting such waves right now. Not only do you have a pierced shoulder, but the other wounds on your body are also more than enough. We aren't conducting death matches here after all."

"This is stupid." I don't understand what you guys are saying right now. No, maybe I do but it doesn't matter.

"Whether you think it is or not, you are st-"

While the guy is speaking, I heal myself. A shining green light appears all around me and the teacher in front of me opens his eyes like a owl then starts looking around him.

"Whoever is doing this, stop at once!! You are breaching the tournament's rules!!"

"Who are you talking to?" He looks back at me, angry as a gnoll.

"Whoever is cooperating with you. You better tell him to stop. Or we will have to more serious measures."

"It seems your eyes aren't functioning well. There is nobody helping me."

I stop the healing and check my shoulder is completely healed and closed. I move it around to verify that there is no problem then look back at the teacher who is on the verge of exploding.

"I believe there is a misunderstanding." Just like the hammer hands did earlier, Frankher appears from the alley used to enter the stage. Walking with assurance and pride, he gets the stage and walks until he is at the level of the referee then looks at the same direction as all the others before him.

"Ever since he has enrolled in my school, Kevin Dragonroad right here, has been thoroughly checked and it was discovered that he lost one of his senses. One which you can easily guess by now."


"Is that even possible?!"

"I don't know."

The people react to Frankher's speech and a somehow bewildered atmosphere fills the whole place.

"Even so, headmaster Frankher, the council was not informed and therefore, it is a breach of-"

"The council was not informed of the Mohana's students berserker mode being uncontrollable and yet, there was no punishment aside from their loss during the preliminaries. Besides, my student has committed no offense that would bring him such punishment, am I right?"

He looks at the bearded man again whose face is a bit dark now. The guy gently caresses his beard for a while then nods once again while raising a finger. Then a voice resounds in the coliseum like it is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

"Young lad, where you born this way?"

It seems that old man is the one who just spoke. How did he manage to make it sound throughout the coliseum like that?

Frankher and the teacher both look at me, clearly waiting for the answer. Though Frankher is trying not to show it. I guess he doesn't know as well.

"No, I wasn't." The teacher next to Frankher smiles as soon as I say that.

"Then, this clearly a breach of th-"

"I got poisoned by a mangradora when I was seven. I got healed and survived but there were irremediable side effects."


The teacher looks at me with even more surprise now, his eyes are really about to pop out of their sockets right now.

"You heard me."

"Which type of mangradora was it? Almond type or…No, wait, was it an adult or a-"

"Are you seriously asking me this now? I was seven. And it must have been an adult because the other person who got poisoned died in like one minute or something."

Though, Tatiana was tired as well so it must have been part of the cause.

"But, then how? You shouldn't be-"

"Alive? Am I not standing in front of you now? That's why I said this is stupid."

"What about the healing scripts? Only priests blessed by-"

"Sir, there has been instances of people being naturally blessed by the goddess being able to use healing by themselves." Frankher is the one to cut him off this time. Thanks, grand uncle. I didn't have anything to counter that one.

The teacher lowers his head, defeated then after smiling to me, Frankher leaves with him and disappears via the alley.


"S-so, ladies and gentlemans, let us resume our match."

On the other side of the stage, Germinia's brother has been sitting quietly the whole time, watching the whole thing with his legs crossed in a cool kind of way. He is a show-off, I am sure of it.

He stands back up and puts back one of his swords back into its sheath.

"You lost your excitement to fight as well?" I don't really feel like fighting anymore. Those guys have ruined the mood we were having. Though, he himself is the cause of it all.

"No, not at all. But for what I am about to do, two swords aren't needed."

He raises his swords above his head with two hands and immediately, the pressure changes. The whole coliseum goes silent as his murderous intent manifests. You are finally going to be serious, huh.

"By the way, I never heard your name. Germinia kept saying 'he' like she is afraid of just saying it."

"My sister…Is that so? My name is Alphonse. Alphonse Highlander."

His aura, his desire, everything that he is expressing through his body right now fills his sword. It starts shining with multiples colors: blue, green, fiery red, grey, and gold. Those colors all try to blend together as much as they can around his sword and even his arms start shaking because of it.

"It's time to finish this, I guess." I don't want people to say that I imitated him since it looks like we have the same script but no one can do since it is my most powerful one.

I raise my raizen just like him and the same phenomenon occurs. I can feel my power surging and blending, my raizen whistling to me like it just wants to bring out everything.

"Are you copying me? I would advise you not or your body won't hold."

"Don't worry about me."

"I will have warned you. The third sword: WRATH."

He brings down his sword and chaos follows. Everything in front of him is destroyed as a wave of Angas makes its way to me. It is a multicolor wave that arbor almost all types of Angas. I can only answer in kind, right?

"Sever," I bring my raizen down then an idea pops in my head, "THE SKY!!"

I unleashed a single vertical strike that flies while cutting the floor of the stage and confronts the wave of Alphonse. But this is not over, I will add another one, using Lumion's script with all my power.

"Here comes the second one!!"

I spin around then unleash my script a second time. Sadly, it is clear even to my eyes that the second one is less powerful than the first. It is only about half the size of the first one. I should train on that.

The coliseum vibrates from the clash of our scripts and like a knife trying to cut through a piece of cloth, my script is making its way into Alphonse's wave.

"Let's go!!!" As I scream, my script, forcing its way with its cross star shape, pushes through the wave but then gets engulfed by it.

Shit, I guess this was all there was to it. The wave comes and like yesterday, at the beach, I am swept over by it like a vulgar leaf by the wind.


When I open my eyes, I am outside the stage, which is completely destroyed. Only the side where Alphonse was staying is still intact. Speaking of Alphonse, where is he?

"You okay?"

I look to my right and the guy is standing there, with a hand extended to me. he is trying to help me? I don't think he means any harm though. I grab his hand and stand back up.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the first semi-final, The lord of swords!!!"



"You did your best!!"

Yup, I lost in the end, it seems. Too bad.

"It is a good fight. we both seem to be lacking training."

Surprisingly enough, the guy is shaking my hand with a gentle smile, which is surprising when I think about the stern face he has most of the time.

"Yeah, I still need to polish my script." It is the second time that I use Sever the sky and it is the second time that it is defeated. I should try to make it more powerful, that and Lumion as well.

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