Chapter 253 - CHAPTER 253: PARTY (1)

After Alphonse's victory, I am brought back to the restroom. This time, however, there are two priests inside, as well as the old bearded man from earlier and Frankher. Of course, they weren't going to leave it at that.

"It was a very good performance you showed us, Star of Mercuria. I am impressed and jealous that the eternal academy has such a talented individual."

This time, his voice sounds more normal, more human.

"And may I know your name?"

"Ahem." Frankher rapidly clears his throat. What is it? Why are you looking at me like that? Ah, yeah, I forgot the honorifics!


"But of course, I am," the old man advances to me and extends his hand, "the current head of the schools' council and headmaster of EIMER school here in Nivalnheilm: THOBIAS HILDEGARDE."

He takes my hand and shakes it, while the teacher next to Frankher is throwing arrows at me with his stare.

"I am Kevin Dragonroad, the star of Mercuria." I slightly bow my head then he releases my hand.

"Good. Now, mister Kevin. I can call you that, right?"

"I don't mind."

"Excellent. A lot of named warriors tend to attach a lot of pride to their names and don't want to be addressed with anything other than that."

"Is that so?"

"It is. Maybe in time, you will change as well. But this isn't the subject of my visit. I have come to inquire about something more crucial from you. Two things in fact."

"And of course, healing scripts are among them, right?"

"Yes, it is."

As he says that, the two priests advance to me and position themselves around me, on each side. None of them is the female priest who healed me earlier. Then they each touch my shoulders and start whispering something.

"Oh, Goddess of light and victory. You who bring light to the deepest shadow, give us the wisdom and sight…"

I don't know what they are doing but they should think of it instead of talking because it is annoying to hear them. And I don't want to stop using Angas.

"Mister Kevin, in case you don't know, people with special talent like yours are generally scouted during their childhood by the church, the eternal army, or the schools to nurture their power and make sure that they will-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, here comes the first contestant for the second semi-final: CORDEL DITORRIA!!"

"Oh, is that how you hear it from here? It must be pretty stressing."

"Sir, please focus." Is this old man really able to do his job? He looks like a really senile Excafol to me.

As he turns his head back to me, a glowing green light starts appearing around my body. Are those guys healing me again?

"I see. It is confirmed then. You can truly use healing scripts. And high-level ones at that."

"And how do you know that?" Aren't most people with light Angas able to use healing scripts?

"What the priests around you did just now is to force out a specific kind of aura out of your body. In this case, the healing side of the light Angas. Although some people possess it, it is rare for them to be able to use it naturally. Unless they receive a second blessing from the Saintess herself. The downside of that blessing is that it completely prevents them from using any other types of Angas."

"Sir, we believe he should be immediately brought to the Saintess for further-"

"I am not going." I look at that priest with the angriest look I can give. Fuck is he talking about? Who is going to meet that bitch?!


"Calm down. There won't be any forceful intervention here. Mister Kevin, we have confirmed that you can use healing scripts so I don't really need to know about the second thing."

"Okay. Thank you…Sir."

"Of course. Headmaster Frankher, I assume you will stay with your student until the end of the tournament."

"No, my other student is still fighting out there. I should be there just in case."

"I see. You had two of them going to the semi-final this year. Let's hope at least one will make it to the final."

"Let's hope so, indeed."

And just like that, everybody, almost, leaves the restroom. Only the teacher stays behind. After they close the door behind them, I sit then look at him. He still seems to be angry though. He wasn't on the stage earlier though. Why is he so angry?

"Is there anything else coming? Why do I have to wait?"

"The third place. You will fight with the loser of the second semi-final to determine who will have the third place at the tournament."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winner by default of the second semi-final: CORDEL DITORRIA!!"

"Winner by default?"

"It means the other participant t didn't show up." Thando didn't come? Why?


Some minutes later, the teacher stands up from where he decided to sit as well and goes to the door.

"Let's go. Your fight will be before the final."

"I see."

I go and enter the stage like usual. Like usual? How did they manage to rebuild it so fast? It must have been a script.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the first participant for the third-place award: the star of Mercuria!!"

"GO!! You can beat him!!"

"He is not going to show up! He is a coward!"

I stand on the stage and indeed, Thando doesn't show up. The referee looks a bit embarrassed and pissed off as he waits as well and even goes to the alley to check if he is coming.

We wait for a few minutes then he comes to me and raises my hand up in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The winner of the third-place award by default: THE STAR OF MERCURIA!!"

"Booo!! Boring!!"

"We want the final!! Leave us alone already!!"

Instead of screams of joy, we are hammered with annoyed shouts and express demands to leave the stage.

I obey the public and do what I am told then the teacher on the alley looks at me with disdain. You have a problem with me and I don't like the look in your eyes, man.

"You may go back now. the awards and gifts will be distributed during tonight's banquet at the king palace."

"There is a banquet tonight?" Nobody told me about it.

"Yes, of course. It is a custom to hold a banquet after this event."

"I see. And what if I want to look at the final?"

"I wouldn't advise you to. If you go and sit at the podium right now. There will be an uproar. The best would be for you to go back."

"Even if I go to the VIP seats?"

"Those aren't for students. And even if they were, all of them are taken now."

I know you are lying because I read your mind just now but I don't see the need to kick you in the face.

"Then I will just observe from here."

"As you wish. I will take my leave in any case."

"Okay, see you."

The guy turns around and leaves then a few meters ahead whispers something.

"Tch! Fucking cheater."

"I heard that." He shivers a bit as I tell him. Good, you should be more mindful of what you say in the future.


"Final! Final! Final!"

"Yo, what are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, Cordel's voice resounds behind me. I turn around only to find a shaking guy. What are you afraid of?

"You okay?"

"Y-yeah. Why would I not be? It's just a match."

"You are afraid of losing? Why?"

"I am not. As I said, it's just a match!"

"Right. Anyway, nobody will blame you for losing nor do you have to be scared. You just go and do your best out there." I don't even know why I am encouraging you.

"I know, I know. I just..."

"An uneasy heart will never strike true." Alphonse's voice resounds as well and this time, it is Cordel who turns around.

"My heart is not uneasy! Stop it!"

"You need not to be afraid. I will end it fast."

"Come on, Alphonse, give him a bit of credit." You are too cold with him.

"The hunter doesn't have feelings for his prey. He simply hunts it down."

"I am not a prey! And I will show you! That I can be a match for you as well!"

Cordel walks to the stage rapidly, leaving us behind.

"Hey, Esteressa is watching so better give her a good show!" I tease him a last time and he almost stumbles on the stairs leading to the stage.

"Grrr!!" He simply looks back with an embarrassed face then continues on.

"I guess this is it then. I will see you at the party tonight." Alphonse speaks to me almost like…like we are friends. Since when?


He walks with pride and determination and only from that, I can guess who is going to win already. Though, even without it, if I couldn't beat him, I doubt Cordel would be able to. Oh well, you never know.

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